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Presentation on theme: "2018 AP EXAM REGISTRATION INFORMATION"— Presentation transcript:


Possible college credit(s), save $$ and graduate from college sooner. Receive AP weight towards GPA and Rank. Please note if you do not take AP exam, you will receive honors weight. Makes your transcript stronger and you build college skills. Please note, you are allowed to take any AP exam we offer, even if you did not take class.

REPORTING AP SCORES TO COLLEGES College board allows you to send one free report to colleges. Additional reports are $15.00 each. View the following link for more information:

HOW DO I FIND OUT IF THE COLLEGE I AM ATTENDING ACCEPTS MY AP SCORES FOR CREDIT? acement/search-credit-policies Put in college name or 4 digit code and you will see each college’s policy.

5 Testing accommodations?
If you qualify for any testing accommodations please see: Ms. DeLuca SSD Coordinator Guidance Department

6 WHAT? AP Exam Sign-up Dates

7 WHEN? Tuesday: February 13, 2018 Wednesday: February 14, 2018
Thursday: February 15, 2018

8 WHERE? In the Cafeteria During Advisory 8:40 – 9:00

9 HOW MUCH? $94.00 PER EXAM $15.00 Per Exam (Free/Reduced Lunch only)

10 Total Cost # of AP TESTS Cost 1 $94 2 $188 3 $282 4 $376 5 $470 6 $564

11 (exact change only) Check made out to:
Please pay with cash (exact change only) OR Check made out to: NK High School

Helps to speed up the registration process on the day of the exam. Passes will be issued with your scheduled day to pre-register.


WEEK 1 SCHEDULE Week 1 Morning 8 a.m. Afternoon 12 noon Monday, May 7, 2018 * Chemistry *Spanish Literature and Culture * Psychology Tuesday, May 8, 2018 Seminar * Spanish Language and Culture Art History * Physics 1: Algebra-Based Wednesday, May 9, 2018 *English Literature and Composition Japanese Language and Culture Physics 2: Algebra-Based Thursday, May 10, 2018 *United States Government and Politics Chinese Language and *Environmental Science Friday, May 11, 2018 German Language and Culture *United States History *Computer Science Principles *Studio Art — last day for coordinators to submit digital portfolios (by 8 p.m. EDT) and to gather 2-D Design and Drawing students for physical portfolio assembly. Teachers should have forwarded students’ completed digital portfolios to Coordinators before this date. *AP COURSE OFFERED AT NKHS

WEEK 2 SCHEDULE Week 2 Morning 8 a.m. Afternoon 12 noon Afternoon 2 p.m. Monday, May 14, 2018 *Biology Music Theory Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Tuesday, May 15, 2018 *Calculus AB *Calculus BC French Language and Culture Computer Science A Wednesday, May 16, 2018 English Language and Composition Italian Language and Culture Macroeconomics Thursday, May 17, 2018 **Comparative Government and Politics World History *Statistics Friday, May 18, 2018 Human Geography Microeconomics *European History Latin *AP COURSE OFFERED AT NKHS

2018 AP EXAM LOCATION NK COMMUNITY CENTER*** Located at Town Beach *** students will be notified of alternate location if applicable

17 ARRIVAL TIME Morning Exam 7:30 Afternoon Exam 11:30
You are NOT expected to be in school on test day! AP attendance will be forwarded to NKHS.

18 Approximate Dismissal TIME
Morning Exam 11:30 Afternoon Exam 3:30 Students must stay until the exam is complete. You may NOT leave early. Please plan accordingly. Testing time varies with each test.

19 What to bring to the exam
Several sharpened No. 2 pencils (with erasers) for completing multiple-choice answer sheets. Pens, with black or dark blue ink only, for completing areas on the exam booklet covers and for free-response questions in most exams. A watch (in case the exam room does not have a clock that can be easily seen) that does NOT have internet access, an alarm or sound. Up to two calculators with the necessary capabilities if you are taking an AP Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, or Statistics Exam. Visit and click on the link for your course for the specific calculator policy. A ruler or straightedge if you are taking an AP Physics Exam. (Protractors are not allowed.) Your College Board SSD Accommodations Letter if you are taking an exam with approved testing accommodations. Food/drink – Water bottles and or small snack for the break.

20 What NOT to bring to the exam
Electronic equipment (cell phone, smartphone, smartwatch or other wearable technology, laptop, tablet computer, etc.), portable listening or recording devices (MP3 player, iPod, etc.), cameras or other photographic equipment, devices that can access the internet, or any other electronic or communication devices. Books, compasses, mechanical pencils, protractors, correction fluid, dictionaries, highlighters, notes, or colored pencils. Rulers, straightedges, and protractors (except as previously noted). Scratch paper (notes can be made on portions of the exam booklets or, for Chinese Language and Culture, and Japanese Language and Culture, on scratch paper provided by the proctor). Reference guides, keyboard maps or other typing instructions. Computers* or calculators (except as previously noted). Reference guides, keyboard maps, or other typing instructions. Watches that beep or have an alarm or smartwatches. Clothing or shoes with subject-related information. Ear plugs. Clipboards.

21 Calculator Policy A graphing calculator is required if students are taking the AP Calculus AB or Calculus BC Exam. A graphing calculator with statistical capabilities is expected if they are taking the AP Statistics Exam. A four-function, scientific, or graphing calculator is permitted for both Section I and Section II of the Physics 1, Physics 2, and both Physics C Exams. A four-function, scientific, or graphing calculator is permitted for Section II only of the AP Chemistry Exam. A simple four-function (with square root) calculator is allowed for the AP Biology Exam. Students may bring up to two calculators to these exams, but they may not share calculators. For Calculus, Chemistry, Physics, or Statistics exams, if a student has a graphing calculator, it must be on the approved calculator list. See the individual subject restrictions on the next few pages for more information on which calculators are allowed. Calculators are not allowed for any other AP Exams, including Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, and Environmental Science.

22 Courses and Calculator Use
Type of calculator allowed Exam Section I Exam Section II Biology Four-function, scientific, graphic Allowed Calculus AB Graphing calculator Required for Part B Required for Part A Calculus BC Chemistry A scientific or graphing calculator is recommended; a four-function calculator is allowed but not recommended. Not Allowed Physics 1 Four-function, scientific or graphing calculator Statistics Graphing calculator with statistics capabilities. Non-graphing calculators are permitted if they have the required statistics computational capabilities described in the AP Statistics Course Description. Expected

23 Handout will be provided to each AP Teacher in advance of the
ACCEPTABLE CALCULATOR Casio Casio cont. Radio Shack Texas Instruments FX-6000 Series FX 1.0 Series* EC-4033 TI-73 FX-6200 Series Algebra FX 2.0 Series* EC-4034 TI-80 FX-6300 Series FX-CG-10 (PRIZM)* EC-4037 TI-81 FX-6500 Series FX-CG-20 Series* TI-82* FX-7000 Series Graph35 Series* Sharp TI-83* FX-7300 Series Graph75 Series* EL-5200 TI-83 Plus* FX-7400 Series Graph95 Series* EL-9200 Series* TI-83 Plus Silver* FX-7500 Series Graph100 Series* EL-9300 Series* TI-84 Plus* FX-7700 Series FX-CG500*† EL-9600 Series*† TI-84 Plus CE* FX-7800 Series EL-9900 Series* TI-84 Plus Silver* FX-8000 Series Hewlett-Packard TI-84 Plus C Silver* FX-8500 Series HP-9G Other TI-85* FX-8700 Series HP-28 Series* Datexx DS-883 TI-86* FX-8800 Series HP-38G* Micronta TI-89* Graph25 Series HP-39 Series* Smart2 TI-89 Titanium* FX-9700 Series* HP-40 Series* TI-Nspire* FX-9750 Series* HP-48 Series* TI-Nspire CX* FX-9860 Series* HP-49 Series* TI-Nspire CAS* CFX-9800 Series* HP-50 Series* TI-Nspire CX CAS* CFX-9850 Series* HP Prime* TI-Nspire CM-C* CFX-9950 Series* TI-Nspire CM-C CAS* CFX-9970 Series* TI-Nspire CX-C CAS* Handout will be provided to each AP Teacher in advance of the AP testing period.



26 Cell phone policy (electronics)
Electronic equipment (cell phone, smartphone, smartwatch, laptop, tablet computer, etc.), portable listening or recording devices (MP3 player, iPod® , etc.), cameras or other photographic equipment, devices that can access the internet, and any other electronic or communication devices are prohibited in the exam room.

27 Cell phone policy (electronics)
School-owned handheld digital recording devices are allowed only for the AP French, German, Italian, and Spanish Language and Culture Exams and the AP Music Theory Exam. School-owned and controlled iPad tablets are allowed only if a school decides to use the new Digital Audio Capture (DAC) app for AP Music Theory sight singing.

28 Cell phone policy (electronics)
If a student is observed with any of these devices during testing or during breaks, the student may be dismissed from the exam room, and the device may be confiscated

29 Cell phone policy (electronics)
If a student uses his or her cell phone during the exam, the student’s score will be canceled and NO retest will be permitted.

30 Cell phone policy (electronics)
If a student posts to any form of social media during the exam, the student’s score will be canceled, NO retest will be permitted, and the student may be permanently barred from testing.

31 Cell phone policy (electronics)
No photos may be taken in the exam room during an exam by anyone, including, but not limited to, the AP coordinator, the proctor, school staff, members of the media, and students.

32 Irregularities Lead to AP Scores Being Canceled
Hundreds of Advanced Placement tests taken at a high school in California were deemed invalid due to testing irregularities, the College Board has said. According to local news reports, more than 500 students at Scripps Ranch High School will have to retake the tests if they want a valid score. In total, 847 tests were invalidated. The problem, according to the College Board, was the way seating was arranged……seating procedures were not followed…………


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