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What am I doing today Learning how to interpret data from a Cladogram:

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Presentation on theme: "What am I doing today Learning how to interpret data from a Cladogram:"— Presentation transcript:

1 What am I doing today Learning how to interpret data from a Cladogram:

2 Stentor is classified in the kingdom Protista
Stentor is classified in the kingdom Protista. What features, both internal and external, should be considered when classifying this organism? a. unicellular, microscopic organisms b. presence of cells but lacking cellular organelles c. presence of cells and unicellular or multicellular d. presence of cells as well as chloroplasts containing chlorophyll

3 Classification Using Cladograms
The genetic material of the phage is surrounded by, labeled as #4 a. A protein coat called a viron b. A protein coat called a capsid c. A glycoprotein envelope d. A glycolipid envelope.

4 Classification Using Cladograms
The region labeled #3 is where a. DNA is found/present. b. RNA is found/present. c. Ribosomes are found/Present. d. Either DNA or RNA are found/present.

5 Cladogram A diagram that shows the evolutionary relationships among a group of organisms Derived Characters: traits that appear in recent organisms but not older ones

6 Cladogram

7 Use the chart below to create a cladogram:
Organism Derived Characters Vascular Tissue Seeds Flowers Mosses Absent Ferns Present Conifers Lilies


9 How will I show what I have learned
Cladogram Quick Lab Cladogram Practice

10 Exit Ticket Using the image below how would you place the data on the Cladogram A _________ B _________ C _________ D _________

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