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Claim Your Digital Scholarship Using ORCID

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1 Claim Your Digital Scholarship Using ORCID
More Than a Flower Claim Your Digital Scholarship Using ORCID Claudia Holland Associate Professor Coordinator/Scholarly Communication ORED Workshop - April 17, 2018

2 Open Researcher and Contributor ID aka “ORCID”
Purpose & definition of an ORCID iD How an ORCID iD works Who is using? Benefits to you ORCID record features

3 What is the purpose of ORCID?
Provides an immutable identifier to distinguish you if you have A common name Multiple names under which you’ve published Name changes Name transliterations. Name changes can be a result of marriage or divorce, for women, but can also include other legal name changes.

4 What is an ORCID identifier?
Unique, persistent 16-character iD for researchers & scholars Mobile Embedded in workflows & metadata . . . free! What is ORCID? A non-profit, open, and community-based organization that is global and interdisciplinary. ORCID id is a randomly assigned URI w/ a 16 digit # No information about you is encoded in the ORCID iD. ORCID does not edit or curate data. ORCID is neither a social media platform, nor a profile system, nor an online CV or content repository, but connects with many other tools that fulfill these functions. Mobile—portable, not tied to your institutional CRIS, which at MSU is Digital Measures. Spend your effort entering your scholarship/citations into ORCID because you have more control over it. Content can be as public or private as you want it to be.

5 Why register for an ORCID iD?
May be required by … Funders Publishers Societies Universities & other research entities Currently 852 ORCID member organizations. The systems that connect to ORCID through your iD- like your university repository, your funder reporting database - automatically update your ORCID record when your iD is included in submission processes.

6 How does an ORCID iD work?
Through an API, which enables information to be exchanged between systems. ORCIDs mantra is "enter once and reuse often," meaning researchers save time thru the connections among & between these systems. Researcher at center of systems that involve your employment, funding pursuits, & research productivity. Assertion of your status with MSU and verification of citations from publishers, funders, etc., builds trust within the scholarly communication ecosystem. Single sign-on may be available on various websites.

7 The ORCID institutional member API…
Reads information from an ORCID record, Sends publication metadata to ORCID records, Links ORCID iD to other publishing & research identifiers, and Allows others to create records on behalf of a researcher. Link to other identifiers like SCOPUS Author ID (Elsevier), ResearcherID (WoS), & others.

8 Funders streamline their grant submission process
Some US government funders who use ORCID iDs: Argonne National Lab FDA DOE-OSTI Los Alamos National Lab Environmental Molecular Sciences Lab NASA NIH EPA Smithsonian Institution NSF USDA Funders want to know what is being produced by researchers receiving their support. ORCID links grant awards, scholarship, data, & other works together.

9 Application in SciENcv
Tool developed by NIH in collaboration with USDA, DOD, DOE, NSF, & the Smithsonian. Allows researchers to compile biosketch information and populate biosketches for grant applications easily & efficiently, with less time required by PIs. ORCID iDs embedded in this tool. Science Experts Network. a system that provides comprehensive curriculum vita information, and at the same time reduces the burden associated with applying for research support. Funders pull affiliation & grant info into their submission systems from ORCID records. Uses My NCBI account (National Center for Biotechnology Information).

10 What was the impetus for federal agencies to use ORCID iDs?

11 “The Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) hereby directs each Federal agency with over $100 million in annual conduct of research and development expenditures to develop a plan to support increased public access to the results of research funded by the Federal Government.” This includes data and any results published in peer-reviewed scholarly publications that are based on research that directly arises from Federal funds, Obama’s executive order Making Open and Machine Readable the New Default for Government Information followed in May 2013.

12 Provided by the Scholarly Publishing & Academic Resources Coalition. Currently 16 agencies have policies in place, representing 98% of those required to comply. Some agencies with less than $100 million per year in R&D expenditures are complying voluntarily.  Data management plan requirement in place for all who submit proposals to these agencies. View the policies for agencies you seek funding from.

13 Designated Federal Repositories

14 Agencies within DHHS (NIH), plus VA, NASA, NIST, & EPA PubMed Central
Agency Repository Agencies within DHHS (NIH), plus VA, NASA, NIST, & EPA PubMed Central NOAA NOAA IR DOT National Transportation Library – ROSAP Department of Education Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) U.S. AID Development Experience Clearinghouse USGS USGS Publications Warehouse Smithsonian Institution Smithsonian Research Online USDA PubAg DOD DOD Public Access Search NSF NSF-Public Access Repository (NSF-PAR) DOE Public Access Gateway to Energy and Science (PAGES) Information as of February Your funder’s repository may be listed here. ORCID iDs facilitate grant compliance regarding mandated deposit of data & peer-reviewed versions of journal articles in approved digital repositories. Publications must be deposited NLT one year after official publication of a work. Dates associated with data deposits will be defined by the PI in her data management plan.

15 Publishers improve management of their manuscript submission process
Acknowledge appropriate author, despite name similarities Push article metadata to specified repositories to meet grant compliance requirements Credit scholars for peer review Publishers include associations/societies. Publishers add authenticated IDs to ms submission process (manual addition unacceptable), ORCID iD becomes part of article metadata, which may be available to databases and indexers like PubMed, Scopus, WoS, etc. Ensure iDs are included in XML submitted to Crossref. Display iDs in publication. Can provide credit for peer review—a service researchers spend a lot of time on & should receive credit for reviews.

16 Data that’s ready to share is deposited in a repository…

17 MS State is embedding ORCID iDs in these internal workflows…
Digital Measures Scholars Junction (MS State’s institutional repository) Electronic Theses & Dissertations (Vireo) Journal publications hosted by University Libraries (OJS) Campus directory (LDAP) (maybe) DM serves as MSU’s Current Research Information Systems (CRIS). Links scholarly activities & products to research reporting. ORCID iDs are part & parcel of library digital preservation and publishing activities. Authenticate employment/student status using LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), which is a client/server protocol used to access and manage directory information.

18 DM’s “Activity Insight” is used to aggregate scholarship into an individual’s profile.
DM permits batch upload of citation metadata from SCOPUS, WoS, Google Scholar, & a variety of reference management tools using BibTeX.

19 Screen shot of list of MSU ORCID iD holders, includes only those who are registered using an address. Includes students, staff and faculty.

20 Registering with ORCID
Screen shot of an ORCID record that is completely open (public view). One can create a biographical sketch, which is located first above the education component. Any individual component or all may be made private, although the ORCID iD itself is always openly available. Scroll down for citation record. Can also create a print view and print. There’s an ORCID plugin for WordPress, too.

21 Print ORCID record Example of a print view of an ORCID record (two screen shots side-by-side).

22 Privacy Settings Hover over the icons present in each component of your record. You can set each to public, private or only viewable by trusted parties, such as your institution, a funder, or an organization. Note the source asserting this citation.

23 Account setting options in ORCID record
Click on tab at top of record. Trusted organization activity is listed here; those to which you have granted permission to interact with your iD and record, e.g., when submitting a manuscript or grant application. You decide whether to grant this access and you may revoke it at any time. Trusted individuals are set up on this page as well; they are other ORCID iD holders to whom you have granted permission to update your ORCID record. You decide whether to grant access to them and you may revoke access at any time. 

24 Populate (& auto-update) your ORCID record using a search and link wizard
You must first grant access to the organization's integration. Select the platform you want to use to import your works from the dropdown list (see next slide).  You'll be prompted to grant access to your ORCID record then taken to the member's website to select the works to add to your ORCID record. The relevant organization will be listed as the source of the listing on your record. Using the BibTeX import tool, you can import your research works from systems that have not yet built a connection with ORCID, such as Google Scholar, EndNote, etc. Employment/student status may be authenticated using LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. LDAP is a client/server protocol used to access and manage directory information.

25 Currently supported search and link wizards
Airiti: Airiti Recommended for researchers who have published works in Chinese. BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) Must create a BASE user account. Recommended for authors of open access publications.    CrossRef Metadata Search: CrossRef Metadata Search allows you to search and add works by title or DOI. DataCite: DataCite allows you to find your research datasets, images, and other works. Recommended for locating works other than articles as well as works that can be found by DOI. ISNI2ORCID: ISNI2ORCID allows you to link your ORCID and ISNI records in the Other IDs section, and can be used to import books associated with your ISNI. Recommended for adding books. KoreaMed: KoreaMed Recommended for researchers who have published in Korean or in English-language Korean journals. MLA International Bibliography: MLA International Bibliography Recommended for adding works in the humanities. Redalyc: Redalyc Recommended for researchers who have published in Spanish or Portuguese. ResearcherID: Use this tool to link your ResearcherID account in the Other IDs section, and to send biographical and works information between ORCID and ResearcherID. Scopus Author ID: add your Scopus Author ID to your Other IDs section of your record and import works. ORCID will add more options as other organizations integrate iDs into their systems.

26 Export metadata using BibTeX
This may be the method by which Digital Measures will allow you to transfer metadata from ORCID into your DM account. Possibly it will be a bi-directional exchange between DM and ORCID so content you already have in DM may be imported into your ORCID record.

27 To recap… An ORCID iD will…
Save you time so you can spend it actually doing or reporting on research, and Ensure that your name (not someone else’s) is affiliated with the scholarship you produce.

28 Questions/comments? Thank you! Claudia Holland

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