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Session: mesoscale 16 May 2013 45th Liège Colloquium Belgium

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Presentation on theme: "Session: mesoscale 16 May 2013 45th Liège Colloquium Belgium"— Presentation transcript:

1 Session: mesoscale 16 May 2013 45th Liège Colloquium Belgium Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates from 1D and 3D marine ecosystem modelling Sakina-Dorothée AYATA1,2,3, Olivier BERNARD1,3, Olivier AUMONT4, Alessandro TAGLIABUE5, Antoine SCIANDRA1, Marina LEVY2 1LOV, UPMC/CNRS, Villefranche sur mer 2LOCEAN-IPSL, Paris 3INRIA, Sophia Antipolis / Paris 4LPO, CNRS/IFREMER/UBO, Plouzané 5School of Environmental Sciences, Liverpool

2 Acclimation of phytoplankton
Introduction To light conditions: photo-acclimation Adjustment of the pigment content -> Variability of the Chlorophyll:Carbon (Chl:C) ratio Importance to evaluate phytoplankton biomass from satellite data! To nutrient availability: variable stoichiometry Deviations from the classical Redfield Carbon:Nitrogen (C:N) ratio have been observed in situ from Martiny et al. (2013) Redfield: 6.56 molC/molN 7.35 to 8.50 6.10 to 11.4 Potential impact on production since high C:N ratio may lead to carbon overconsumption (Toggweiler, 1993) 7.44 to 8.69 5.69 to 6.00 Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

3 Impact on production estimates?
Introduction Central questions: How to represent photo-acclimation & variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton in marine ecosystem model? Which consequences on production estimates? Part 1 Model comparison at local scale (1D study) Part 2 Model comparison at basin scale (3D study) Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

4 Model comparison at local scale
Impact on production estimates? Part 1 Model comparison at local scale (1D study) BATS (Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Study site) Oligotrophic regime Chlorophyll concentration (source: NASA) Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

5 A simple biogeochemical model
Part 1. Methods More details in Ayata et al (JMS, in press) NPZD-type model Constant or variable Chl:C and C:N ratios for the phytoplankton 5 phytoplankton growth formulations with increasing complexity (from constant to variables ratios) and inspired from Geider et al (1996, 1998) Rigorous comparison after parameter calibration at BATS using microgenetic algorithm LOBSTER model (Lévy et al. 2001; 2012b) Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

6 Photo-acclimation and deep chlorophyll max.
Part 1. Results Without photo-acclimation (constant Chl:C) No deep Chl Lowest misfit with variable Chl:C ratio Month Depth Obs. With photo-acclimation (variable Chl:C) Without photo-acclimation: no deep Chl max in summer Photo-acclimation should be taken into account Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

7 Variable stoichiometry and production
Part 1. Results Lowest misfit with variable C:N ratio Simulated primary production is always lower than observation (due to 1D modelling?) Higher production with variable C:N ratio Because oligotrophy induces higher C:N ratio, which increases production Bloom Variable C:N (Quota) Constant C:N (Redfield) Can this be generalized for different regime? Impact on production at basin-scale? 3D study Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

8 Model comparison at basin scale
Impact on production estimates? Part 2 Model comparison at basin scale (3D study) Basin scale configuration with mesoscale Focusing on the comparison of 2 formulations: Constant C:N (Redfield) with photo-acclimation Variable C:N (quota) with photo-acclimation Description of the variability of the C:N ratio at basin-scale and at mesoscale Chlorophyll concentration (source: NASA) Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

9 Surface velocity (m/s)
A basin-scale configuration with mesoscale Part 2. Methods Double gyre configuration of a northern hemisphere basin Size of the domain: km x km x 4 km Resolution: 1/54° degraded to 1/9° (Lévy et al. 2010; 2012a) Surface velocity (m/s) on April 16th Surface temperature Mesoscale structures Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

10 Eutrophic area in the North
Biogeochemical modelling Part 2. Results Northern eutrophic gyre vs. Southern oligotrophic gyre Annual averages of surface concentrations Eutrophic area in the North High [phytoplankton] Low [phytoplankton] Mean [Phyto] (mmolN/m3) Mean [NO3] (mmolN/m3) Oligotrophic area in the South Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

11 Variability of the C:N ratio at large scale
Part 2. Results Differences between the oligotrophic and productive areas Annual averages of surface phytoplanktonic C:N ratio 9 Mean C:N ratio (molC/molN) 8 Higher C:N ratio in oligotrophic area 7 6 -> Hovmöller diagram along the 70°W meridian 5 Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

12 Variability of the C:N ratio at large scale
Part 2. Results Differences between the oligotrophic and productive areas Hovmöller diagram along the 70°W meridian of the surface phytoplanktonic C:N ratio 9 Higher C:N ratio under oligotrophic conditions 8 7 6 5 Variability seems also due to mesoscale… J F M A M J J A S O N D Phytoplanktonic C:N ratio (molC/molN) Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

13 Variability induced by mesoscale processes
Variability of the C:N ratio at mesoscale Part 2. Results Variability due to mesoscale processes Snapshot on the surface on April 16th Variability induced by mesoscale processes 9 Snapshot of the C:N ratio Snapshot of the Log[NO3] 8 7 6 5 Related to the variability of the [nutrient] at mesoscale Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

14 Variability induced by mesoscale processes
Variability of the C:N ratio at mesoscale Part 2. Results Variability due to mesoscale processes Snapshot on the surface on April 16th Variability induced by mesoscale processes 9 Snapshot of the C:N ratio C:N ratio Log[NO3] 8 7 6 J F M A M J J A S O N D Temporal evolution of the C:N ratio and of the nitrate supply at 70°W25°N 5 Related to the variability of the [nutrient] at mesoscale Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

15 Temporal and spatial damping effect of the flexible C:N ratio
Impact of the C:N ratio on the production Part 2. Results The flexibility of the C:N ratio decreases the production variability Comparison with a Redfield model (constant C:N) Unbiased production Increase of +39% in the southern oligotrophic area Decrease of -34% in the northern high-productive area With constant C:N ratio With variable C:N ratio Temporal and spatial damping effect of the flexible C:N ratio on production Latitudinal evolution (time-averaged along the 70°W meridian) South North Unbiased production (vertically integrated) J F M A S O N D Temporal evolution (latitudinal average along the 70°W meridian) Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

16 Conclusions & perspectives
Impact on production estimates? Conclusions & perspectives Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

17 Main results Conclusions Rigorous comparison of formulations under oligotrophic regime (1D) Photo-acclimation is required to simulate the deep ChlMAX Production is underestimated (limit of 1D modelling) But higher production with variable stoichiometry Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

18 Main results Conclusions Rigorous comparison of formulations under oligotrophic regime (1D) Photo-acclimation is required to simulate the deep ChlMAX Production is underestimated (limit of 1D modelling) But higher production with variable stoichiometry Constant vs. variable C:N ratio at basin scale (3D) Variability of the C:N ratio at basin scale and mesoscale Related to the nitrogen supply: higher C:N ratio under oligotrophy Consequences on the production in agreement with the 1D study When production is low, a variable C:N ratio increases production (+39%) When production is high, a variable C:N ratio decreases production (-34%) Damping effect of the variable C:N ratio on production Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

19 Perspectives From regional to global scale
Conclusions From regional to global scale Because of its damping effect on production, taking into account the plasticity of the phytoplanktonic C:N ratio may impact the primary production estimates at global scale Taking into account phytoplankton functional types (PFT) The phytoplanktonic communities are complex Which consequence if a variable C:N ratio is simulated for the different PFT? Impact on higher trophic level? Next step => fully model the C:N ratios for each ecosystem component Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates

20 Sakina-Dorothée AYATA,
Thank you for your attention! 45th Liège Colloquium Belgium May 2013 Effects of photo-acclimation and variable stoichiometry of phytoplankton on production estimates Sakina-Dorothée AYATA, Olivier BERNARD, Olivier AUMONT, Alessandro TAGLIABUE, Antoine SCIANDRA, Marina LEVY

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