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Agriculture and Agricultural Practices

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Presentation on theme: "Agriculture and Agricultural Practices"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agriculture and Agricultural Practices
The costs and benefits of modern food production

2 Ecosystems Interaction of biotic and abiotic factors
Cycle/Re-cycle matter (C, N, P, etc) Transfer energy

3 Farms are ecosystems Managed by humans Goal = maximize NPP
Matter is not re-cycled Manage biodiversity Manage predators/competitors Manage matter cycling Managed Ecosystems

4 Modern v. Traditional Agriculture
Traditional agriculture = ~10,000 years old Manages biodiversity, competitors and (sometimes) water Modern agriculture = years old Relies on ‘inputs’ Mechanization Irrigation Fertilizers Pesticides Which one is ‘better’?

5 Traditional Agriculture
Sometimes called ‘sustainable’ or ‘organic’ Inputs may be absent, reduced or different What are the costs and benefits? Food Production Environmental Economic

6 Modern Agriculture Sometime called ‘industrial’ agriculture
Reliance on some/all of the inputs What are the costs and benefits? Food Production Environmental Economic

7 Inputs – Mechanization
Started with draft animals Internal combustion engine resulted in modern equipment Wide range of options – tractors, combines, etc. Reduce human labor/increase efficiency Costs and Benefits?

8 Inputs – Irrigation Manages abiotic factor and matter cycling
Use since the beginnings of agriculture Surface water and ground water Need is specific to crop and location Costs and Benefits?

9 Inputs – Fertilizers Costs and Benefits? Manages matter cycling
Nutrients include N, P, K and various micronutrients Specific to crop, climate and soil Traditional systems use compost, manure and crop rotation Modern systems use synthetic fertilizers made from fossil fuels and atmospheric N Costs and Benefits?

10 Inputs – Pesticides Costs and Benefits? Manages biotic factors
Kill or remove any competitors for the crop Includes herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides and predator control Traditional systems rely on natural predators Modern systems rely on chemical control Costs and Benefits?

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