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Cornerstone CE Primary

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1 Cornerstone CE Primary
Maths Workshop Cornerstone CE Primary Thank you for coming. Interesting, informative and enjoyable. Maths should be. Tables: examples of SOLO Learning Journeys. Photocopies of children’s work.

2 National Curriculum Aims
Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately Reason mathematically by explaining relationships and generalisations, and developing a justification using mathematical language Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication and persevering in seeking solutions Aims. Should be developed within every Week / Unit Of Learning.

3 National Curriculum Domains Objectives (examples)
Place Value Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division. Fractions Decimals Percentages Ratio & Proportion Algebra. Measure Statistics Properties of Shape Position & Direction. Objectives (examples) Y1: add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero Y3: solve problems, including missing number problems, using number facts, place value, and more complex addition and subtraction Y5: add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and denominators that are multiples of the same number Not all domains in every year group. Objectives build progressively.

4 Concrete : Pictorial : Abstract
To develop and apply conceptual understanding. To become fluent in the fundamentals. To reason mathematically and explain relationships.

5 Concrete : Pictorial : Abstract
Multilink cubes Numicon Beadstrings Diennes 100 squares Arrow Cards Place Values charts Sharing grids Numberlines Ten squares Bar models Arrays Place Value tables Number sentences Partitioning Grid multiplication Column methods Using equipment, examples of pictorial working & abstract written methods. How might you show (with 2 examples for each of CPA). Questions on whiteboard. Choose 1. 7/4 – 5/4 22 + 8 37 divided by 5 246 x 3

6 Multiple representations
How many ways could you represent your understanding of the number 42? Or how many ways could you represent and explain to someone else 12 divided by 3 equals 4?

7 Variation theory (Pattern of 4)
= = = 100 100 – 30 = 10 x 6 = 60 9 x 6 = 6 x = 66 54 ÷ 9 = 3b. A fish tank holds 30 litres of water. The fish tank is ¾ full. How much more water is needed to fill the tank? 3c. A fish tank holds 60 litres of water. The fish tank is 3/5 full. How much more water is needed to fill the tank? 3d. A fish tank holds 60 litres of water. The fish tank is 6/8 full. How much more water is needed to fill the tank? Number sentences or problems. Encourage children to spot links / relationships and to use what they already know. If you are trying the problems, how would you show your thinking? What knowledge and skills are you practising / applying?

8 What’s the same? What’s different? Always, sometimes, never?
Question types What’s the same? What’s different? Odd one out? / Always, sometimes, never? Is it always, sometimes or never true that multiples of seven are one more or one less than prime numbers?

9 Pre-Assessments & SOLO journeys
Pre-assessments: cold task prior to a Unit of Learning. Questions on many / all of the objectives to be taught. Have examples of SOLO journeys on table at the back.

10 Learn Its The aim is to give the children regular but short practice at key maths facts. This practice will help them develop their confidence and recall, which will help them apply them in their maths learning. We want to make this practice fun and practical. We also need lots of opportunities to talk about the maths and to show that we as adults enjoy it too. ed home every term or half-term. Support for your child, but also hopefully explains any terms you are unsure of. Part of the Home Learning page on the website: key page, lots of info re. lots of learning.

11 Mastering Mathematics By Dr Helen Drury
One of many books, research, training we have read / attended. Also attend Hampshire regular meetings / training. Involved in project with Maths Solent Hub. Give Handout to takeaway.

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