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Do-now What type of government do we have in the U.S.?

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Presentation on theme: "Do-now What type of government do we have in the U.S.?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do-now What type of government do we have in the U.S.?

2 The Roman World

3 The Roman city-state

4 The Roman city-state Expanded easily due to geography (land, people, resources) Mountain range (Apennine Mts.) are less rugged than Greece Fertile plains

5 Ancient Romans The ancestors of the Romans were the Latins
The Latin language is the basis of many of the European languages today.

6 The Etruscans

7 The Etruscans Ruled over the Roman City-State Cultural Diffusion
Romans assimilate the basic Greek alphabet, architecture and various deities into their culture

8 The Roman Revolution! In 509 BC (before Caesar's calendar) the Romans rebel against the Etruscans and gain independence. In 1776 the Americans will rebel against the British and gain independence

9 Developing a government
The Romans developed a government where they chose their leaders The birth of the Republic- system of government where officials are chosen by the people The United States is a Republic

10 Roman social classes Patricians – upper class citizens
Large Landholders Plebeians – lower class citizens Farmers, merchants, artisans and traders

11 The Republic The Romans elected 300 Patricians to create a governing body called the Senate Only Patricians could be elected to the Senate Senators were elected for life The United States has a governing body in the Congress that is called the Senate There are 100 Senators (2 per state)

12 Consuls The Senators elected 2 Patricians to be consuls
New Consuls would be chosen each year To make sure that no one individual gained too much power thus creating a system of checks and balances The United States uses checks and balances between our three branches of government

13 The Two Consuls One consul would supervise the business of the government The other consul would supervise the armies of Rome

14 War! In the event of war all the power of Rome was entrusted into the hands of one man Why? One person can make quick decisions and speed up the movements of armies and government policies and the creation of laws The United States elects a President to do this Dictator – a ruler who has complete control over a government

15 Dictator Only had complete power for 6 months
Fear too much power in the hands of one man Cincinnatus – was made dictator, organized and led the army in victory and returned home and gave up power in only 16 days

16 The Twelve Tables Plebeians were often ignorant of the laws the Patrician dominated Senate created. (no CNN or Fox News back then) The Senate had Twelve Tables erected in the Forum (central marketplace) that had all the laws of Rome inscribed in them

17 The Tribunes The lower class Romans were often overlooked by laws created by the Patrician dominated Senate The Plebeians elected their own officials to watch over the Senate They were not part of the Senate just observers

18 The Veto The Tribunes could not make laws in the Senate but could stop any law the Senate creates Gives political power to the Plebeians Today the United States President can veto any law the Congress passes

19 The Legacy of Government
The United States as well as other nations around the world will base their governments on the ideas originally developed in Rome over 2,000 years ago! The Senate, veto, checks and balances

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