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Presentation on theme: "CO-ORDINATION OF SECTOR INDICATORS"— Presentation transcript:


Specific concerns raised by the PC on 2017/18 APP Addressing the PC concerns in 2019/20 DBE APP Mandate of the DBE DBE Key Functions DBE 2018/19 Annual Performance Plan (APP) Indicators PEDs (Provincial Education Departments) Key Functions What is a PPM Developments around PPMs 2018/19 Newly aligned MTSF PPMs 2018/19 MTSF PPMs Further developments in strengthening planning, reporting and monitoring Conclusion Recommendation

3 PURPOSE To address specific concerns that have been raised by the Portfolio Committee on indicators and targets for the 2018/19 financial year To share the developments and interactions between the DBE and PEDs with regards to programme indicators and targets for the 2018/19 financial year.

The PC noted certain indicators in the MTSF were not included in the DBE’s 2017/18 APP and thus posed a risk towards the achievement of MTSF targets. INDICATORS RESPONSES Percentage of learners in schools with at least one educator with specialist training on inclusion DBE PC indicated there is no DBE indicator. The DBE continues with its SIAS Policy oversight which seeks to screen, monitor, assess and support learners. Monitoring is done through the NSLA and Provincial training reports. A PPM has been developed with the anticipation for inclusion in the 2018/19 Provincial Annual Performance Plans as a newly aligned MTSF PPM 213: Percentage of learners in schools with at least one educator with specialist training on inclusion. PPM not yet approved by all PEDs. PED reporting may be formalised in annual reports. Number and percentage of Funza Lushaka bursary holders placed by June of the year after qualifying There is a 2017/18 DBE APP Indicator Number of Funza Lushaka bursaries awarded to students enrolled for initial teacher education. DBE’s function is to allocate the bursaries – PEDs place them. A PPM has been developed with the anticipation for inclusion in the 2018/19 PED APP as newly aligned MTSF PPM 214: Number and percentage of Funza Lushaka bursary holders placed in schools within six months upon completion of studies or upon confirmation that the bursar has completed studies. PPM not yet approved by all PEDs. Proportion of principals who had signed performance agreements No DBE and PED indicator. Negotiations on the signing of the Principals Agreements not finalised in time for 2017 APP. There were still contestations on funding, data tools and systems at last HEDCOM in December This was done in 2017, and PEDs may report on job descriptions.

RESPONSES Percentage of learners who completed the whole curriculum PC indicated No DBE and PED indicator. A PPM has been developed in anticipation for inclusion in PEDs’ APPs for 2018/19 as PPM 219: Number and percentage of learners who complete the whole curriculum each year. National DBE is currently collaborating with UNICEF to develop a standardised Curriculum Coverage Solution to address this Indicator. PPM not yet approved by all PEDs. Percentage of school principals rating the support services of districts as being satisfactory DBE In 2017/18 DBE APP, the indicator was changed from the initial indicator to: An improvement plan for district offices to improve on areas that were rated unsatisfactory by school principals during the school survey (Indicator 4.5). In 2018/19 DBE APP, the indicator has been recrafted to align to the MTSF. DBE is already working with provinces and districts to help strengthen the quality of support given to schools by districts, e.g. through the capacity building programmes, establishment of the fundamentals of performance (FOPs) for districts and the provision of the guideline on the district standard routines and operations. A PPM has been developed with anticipation for inclusion in the 2018/19 PED APP as PPM 107: Percentage of school principals rating the support services of districts as being satisfactory. PPM not yet approved by all PEDs.

RESPONSES Percentage of district managers whose competency had been assessed against criteria DBE There is a 2017/18 DBE APP Indicator Percentage of district managers assessed against developed criteria. PED No PED indicators but it is now mandatory for all new District Director appointees to undergo competency assessments. Current incumbents who have not done competency assessments will be encouraged to do so as part of their personal development plan. PEDs need to report on this. Complete and consistent post-provisioning policy and regulations in place - and proceeding with implementation and monitoring 2017/18 APP Indicator Number of PEDs that had their post provisioning process assessed for compliance with the post provisioning Norms and Standards In order to accomplish the MTSF target, the focus will be on monitoring the existing policy through the APP indicator. Reporting is done on a Quarterly and Annual basis. The current policy is being reviewed through a participatory process managed from the ELRC. The timelines for the finalisation of the review and the actual implementation are likely to be beyond the current MTEF period. Clear roles and functions for district offices and minimum competencies for district officials No DBE and PED indicator Collective Agreement No. 4 of 2017 has been signed in the ELRC clarifying the job descriptions of office based educators. The a) Roles and Responsibilities and b) Recruitment and Selection Criteria for District Officials will now be used as a guide by provinces. Future PED reporting on this issue

MISSING INDICATORS PLANS Missing indicator in DBE: Percentage of learners in schools with at least one educator with specialist training on inclusion Engagements in 2018 through the quarterly Branch Reviews with DBE Indicator Manager/s regarding the inclusion of a DBE indicator on oversight and monitoring. Percentage of learners who completed the whole curriculum Engagements in 2018 through the quarterly Branch Reviews with DBE Indicator Manager/s to strengthen the monitoring and oversight role of DBE with regards to curriculum coverage. Missing indicator in DBE and PED plans: Proportion of principals who had signed performance agreements Engagements in 2018 with stakeholders (DBE, PEDs, AGSA) to craft a S.M.A.R.T indicator for inclusion in the DBE and/or PED 2019/20 APPs to strengthen the monitoring and oversight Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill proposing changes in appointment of school management is under way. The Council of Education Ministers (CEM), at its meeting on 18 May 2017, approved the signing of job descriptions by school-based educators. The job descriptions will serve as a proxy for performance agreements. Missing indicator in DBE and PED plans: Clear roles and functions for district offices and minimum competencies for district officials Engagements in 2018 with stakeholders (DBE, PEDs, AGSA) to craft a S.M.A.R.T indicator for inclusion in the DBE and/or PED 2019/20 APPs

Reality of funding constraints Strengthened planning and alignment with the sector by developing Provincial Performance Measures (PPMs) that respond to the MTSF and reporting through the Outcome 1 Programme of Action Report. The new PPMs are aligned to the education sector mandate: Action Plan 2019: Towards The Realisation Of Schooling 2030 and National Development Plan (NDP): Vision Strengthened monitoring and oversight of MTSF, APP and Branch Operational Plans including the compilation of SOPs in managing the performance of DBE, Sector indicators and targets.

9 MANDATE OF THE DBE Improved quality of basic education 9
Improve quality of teaching & learning Undertake regular assessment to track progress Improve early childhood development Ensure a credible outcomes-focused planning and accountability system 9

10 DBE KEY FUNCTIONS In order to respond to the Medium- Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), the DBE’s role as a lead in the sector and a concurrent function is to guide the implementation of the sector priorities in responding to the 5- Year Plan of government by performing the following key functions: Give effect to NEPA in setting standards for the sector with PEDs. Developing systems & structures for the management of Performance Information for the sector. Ensure uniformity across all spheres. Play an oversight and supporting role within the Education Sector. Provide systems training. Assist and coordinate the management of performance information for the sector. Develop Policies, Frameworks , Guidelines and Tools to guide and inform the implementation of sector priorities at a Provincial sphere. Collaboration with PEDs in crafting sector indicators.

11 DBE 2018/19 ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN (APP) INDICATORS (Although DBE plans are in place, there are still concerns at provincial level relating to funding, data tools and systems for some MTSF-related indicators )

12 Programme Performance Indicator
2018/19 APP: PROGRAMME 1 Programme Performance Indicator 2018/19 target Percentage of Service provider invoices within the procurement unit paid within 30 days. 100% Percentage of received misconduct cases resolved within 90 days 85% Percentage of received grievances cases resolved within 30 days 80%

13 2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 2 Programme Performance Indicator
2018/19 target Number of off-line digital content packaged and distributed to provinces 15 Number of schools per province monitored for utilisation ICT resources 27 (3 per province) Number of off-line digital content resources developed annually 8 Percentage of public schools with Home Language workbooks for learners in Grades 1-6 100% Percentage of public schools with Mathematics workbooks for learners in Grades 1-9 Percentage of public schools with workbooks for Grade R Number of schools monitored on the implementation of the reading norms 20 Number of schools monitored on the implementation of the Incremental Introduction to African languages nationally Number of underperforming schools monitored on the implementation of the Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA) 75 Mathematics, Science and Technology lesson plans monitored for the Intermediate, Senior and FET Phases Technical Maths and Science Gr lesson plans monitored. Mathematics, Science and Technology teacher guides developed for the Intermediate, Senior and FET Phases Technical Maths and Science Gr teacher Guides developed

14 2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 2 Programme Performance Indicator
2018/19 target Number of Mathematics training sessions/Workshops monitored 9 Number of training sessions of CAPS for Technical subjects monitored 14 Number of schools visited for monitoring CAPS implementation in technical schools 27 Number of schools with multi-grade classes implementing the Multi-Grade Toolkit monitored 140 Advocacy campaign on the Rural Education Policy conducted in all nine provinces Number of learners obtaining subject passes towards a National Senior Certificate (NSC) or extended Senior Certificate, including upgraded NSC per year 25 000 Number of Children/ Learners with Severe to Profound Intellectual Disability (C/LSPID) who utilise the Learning Programme for C/LSPID 3 327 Number of Children/ Learners with Severe to Profound Intellectual Disability (C/LSPID) with access to therapeutic and psycho-social support services that will enable them to improve their participation in learning

15 2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 3 Programme Performance Indicator
2018/19 target Percentage of SGBs that meet minimum criteria in terms of effectiveness 80% of 2000 Sampled SGBs Percentage of schools producing the minimum set of management documents at a required standard 80% of the 2000 sampled schools Number of Funza Lushaka bursaries awarded to students enrolled for initial teacher education. 13 500 Number of teachers participating in the EFAL diagnostic tests 2 000 Number of teachers participating in the Physical Science diagnostic tests Number of teachers participating in the Accounting diagnostic tests Number of teachers participating in the Mathematics diagnostic tests Number of PEDs monitored on the implementation of IQMS 6 PEDs monitored annually Number of PEDs monitored on the implementation of PMDS Number of PEDs that had their post provisioning process assessed for compliance with the post provisioning norms and standards All nine (9) PEDs

16 2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 4 Programme Performance Indicator
2018/19 target Number of NA reports produced. Redesign of the ANA A bank of Language and Mathematics test items for grade 3,6 & 9 developed 150 test items developed in grade 3,6,9 Mathematics and Languages Number of NSC reports produced 4 Reports •NSC Examinations Report •NSC Schools statistics Report; •NSC Diagnostic Report in selected subjects; •NSC Schools Subject Report Number of question papers set annually for NSC and SC 260 question papers set annually for NSC and SC Number of new schools built and completed through ASIDI 50 Number of schools provided with sanitation facilities through ASIDI. 286 Number of schools provided with water through ASIDI. 325 Number of schools provided with electricity through ASIDI. - 4.4.1 Percentage of public schools using the standardised school administration system, SA-SAMS for reporting 98% 4.4.2 Number of provinces monitored by DBE officials for implementation of LURITS annually 1 report covering 9 provinces monitored Number of officials from districts that achieved below the national benchmark in the NSC participating in a mentoring programme. 30 Percentage of school principals rating the support services of districts as being satisfactory. 71% Percentage of district managers assessed against developed criteria. 90%

17 Programme Performance Indicator 2018/19 Target
2018/19 APP : PROGRAMME 5 Programme Performance Indicator 2018/19 Target Number of schools monitored for the provision of nutritious meals 110 Number of professionals trained in SASCE programmes 900 Number of learners, teachers, officials, SGBs and community organisation members participating in social cohesion and gender equity programmes. 7 000 No of Hot Spot Schools monitored towards Implementation of the NSSF 47

18 PEDs KEY FUNCTIONS Implementation of government Policies, Framework, Guidelines on education. Implementation of Sector priorities through Programme Performance Measures (PPMs) in responding to the MTSF priorities of government. Ensuring effective and efficient management of systems in implementing and responding to the mandate of Government for the Education Sector. Ensuring synergy in planning and reporting across the sector and the management of Performance Information. Producing credible and accurate information in the implementation of Education Sector priorities. Compliance with Department of Planning Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) and Office of the Premiers’ Planning and Reporting requirements and timelines to ensure adherence to the National Treasury ( NT) guidelines.

19 WHAT IS A PPM? A provincial performance measure (PPM) represents an indicator of performance that is provincial and sector specific. A performance measure is a variable, or an indicator, that takes on past and future values, where past values reflect achievements, and future values reflect performance targets. It is used to gauge performance in the provincial education system. Speaks to monitoring of the education system obligation according to NEPA. Each performance measure is linked to one measurable objective. Each performance measure takes the form of one provincial time series statistic. 19

May-July: HEDCOM Sub-committee for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation members and DBE officials developed and refined PPMs. Aug-Sept: Further concerns raised and addressed at 2 HEDCOM Sub-committee meetings to revise, refine and finalise PPMs before end September. Finalised PPMs circulated to PEDs with some PEDs approving PPMs October: Minor concerns raised and addressed, and final PPMs were adopted by the HEDCOM Sub-committee excluding PPM219 requiring revision. 54 PPMs considered at HEDCOM, excluding PPM219. Letters sent to PEDs regarding potential implications of not approving and adopting PPMs, PEDs urged to adopt in writing before 31 October 2017. Approval of extended DPME deadline (31 October 2017) missed due to non-approval by some PEDs.

PPM NO. INDICATOR TITLE PPM 104 Percentage of schools visited at least twice a year by District officials for monitoring and support purposes. PPM 216 Percentage of learners who are in classes with no more than 45 learners. PPM 105 Percentage of 7 to 15 year olds attending education institutions. PPM 217 Percentage of schools where allocated teaching posts are all filled. PPM 106 Percentage of learners having access to information through (a) Connectivity (other than broadband); and (b) Broadband PPM 218 Percentage of learners provided with required textbooks in all grades and in all subjects per annum. PPM 107 The percentage of school principals rating the support services of districts as being satisfactory. PPM 219 Number and percentage of learners who complete the whole curriculum each year. PPM 210 The average hours per year spent by teachers on professional development activities. PPM 220 Percentage of schools producing a minimum set of management documents at a required standard. PPM 211 Number of teachers who have written the Self-Diagnostic Assessments. PPM 221 Percentage of SGBs in sampled schools that meet minimum criteria in terms of effectiveness every year. PPM 212 Percentage of teachers meeting required content knowledge levels after support. PPM 222 Percentage of schools with more than one financial responsibility on the basis of assessment. PPM 213 Percentage of learners in schools with at least one educator with specialist training on inclusion. PPM 223 Percentage of learners in schools that are funded at a minimum level. PPM 214 Number and percentage of Funza Lushaka bursary holders placed in schools within six months upon completion of studies or upon confirmation that the bursar has completed studies. PPM 503 Number and percentage of Grade R practitioners with NQF level 6 and above qualification each year. PPM 215 Number of qualified Grade R-12 teachers aged 30 and below, entering the public service as teachers for the first time during the financial year.

22 2018/19 PPMs PPM NO. INDICATOR TITLE PPM 101 Number of public schools that use the South African Schools Administration and Management Systems (SA-SAMs) to electronically provide data PPM 208 Number of educators trained in Literacy/Language content and methodology PPM 102 Number of public schools that can be contacted electronically ( ) PPM 209 Number of educators trained in Numeracy/Mathematics content and methodology PPM 103 Percentage of education expenditure going towards non-personnel items PPM 301 Percentage of registered independent schools receiving subsidies PPM 201 Number of full service schools servicing learners with learning barriers PPM 302 Number of learners at subsidised registered independent schools PPM 202 The percentage of children who turned 9 in the previous year and who are currently enrolled in Grade 4 (or a higher grade) PPM 303 Percentage of registered independent schools visited for monitoring and support PPM 203 The percentage of children who turned 12 in the preceding year and who are currently enrolled in Grade 7 (or a higher grade) PPM 401 Percentage of special schools serving as Resource Centres PPM 204 Number of schools provided with multi-media resources PPM 402 Number of learners in public special schools PPM 205 Learner absenteeism rate PPM 403 Number of therapists/specialist staff in special schools PPM 206 Teachers absenteeism rate PPM 501 Number of public schools that offer Grade R PPM 207 Number of learners in public ordinary schools benefiting from the “No Fee Schools” policy PPM 502 Percentage of Grade 1 learners who have received formal Grade R education

23 2018/19 PPMs PPM NO. INDICATOR TITLE PPM 601 Number of public ordinary schools provided with water supply PPM 609 Number of hostels built PPM 602 Number of public ordinary schools provided with electricity supply PPM 610 Number of schools where scheduled maintenance projects were completed PPM 603 Number of public ordinary schools supplied with sanitation facilities PPM 701 Percentage of learners who passed National Senior Certificate (NSC) PPM 604 Number of additional classrooms built in, or provided for, existing public ordinary schools (includes replacement schools) PPM 702 Percentage of Grade 12 learners passing at bachelor level PPM 605 Number of additional specialist rooms built in public ordinary schools (includes replacement schools). PPM 703 Percentage of Grade 12 learners achieving 50% or more in Mathematics PPM 606 Number of new schools completed and ready for occupation (includes replacement schools) PPM 704 Percentage of Grade 12 learners achieving 50% or more in Physical Sciences PPM 607 Number of new schools under construction (includes replacement schools) PPM 705 Number of secondary schools with National Senior Certificate (NSC) pass rate of 60% and above PPM 608 Number of new or additional Grade R classrooms built (includes those in replacement schools).

Continuous engagements internally as DBE through conducting Branch Reviews, MTSF focused engagements with indicator managers. Co-ordinating and facilitating quarterly sector engagements through HEDCOM Sub-committee structures, Teacher Development Curriculum Management (TDCM) round table meetings, Workshops and high level HEDCOM meetings with Provincial key representatives. Continuous engagement and collaboration with Internal Audit, DPME and AGSA to ensure improvement and management of Performance Information.

25 CONCLUSION Since AGSA findings, progress has been made in respect of the inclusion of most MTSF indicators in the plans and programmes of the DBE. Effort and emphasis will be undertaken in collaborating with the sector to align the DBE and PED plans with the MTSF. Effort will be undertaken to fulfil one of the DBE’s mandate of ensuring a credible outcomes-focused planning and accountability system in reaching the set targets.

26 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that Portfolio Committee notes and discusses: DBE responses in addressing issues that have been raised by the Portfolio Committee on indicators and targets for the 2018/19 financial year. The developments and interactions between the DBE and PEDs with regards to programme indicators and targets for the sector.



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