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United States “Empire”

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1 United States “Empire”

2 Treaty of Paris 1898 Cuba gained independence and recognized by Spain
Spain gave up the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico for $20 million; became unincorporated territories of the U.S.


4 Challenges after the War
Cuba McKinley installed military government to protect American interests Drafted a constitution that did not involve U.S. involvement Agreed to move troops if Platt Amendment was agreed to Platt Amendment remained until 1934 Philippines McKinley argued for annexation Filipinos were unfit for self-government Independence would bring anarchy Europe powers would try to seize islands Filipinos fought 3 years for independence Finally gained it in 1946

5 The Pacific Hawaii: Samoa: China: Important to U.S. business interests
Lease Pearl Harbor to U.S. as repair and fuel facility Samoa: Island and port (Pago Pago) important to U.S. Acquired Pago Pago after annexation of Hawaii China: Huge population and large markets important to U.S. trade Open Door Policy: U.S. equal opportunity to trade there


7 Activity: Read article on imperialism and answer questions OR
Read article about Filipinos—conduct small group discussions about world view of U.S. resentment and why.

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