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Analysis of combustion byproducts on firefighter protection equipment and in firefighter urine using novel high resolution GC/Q-TOF and bioassay Christiane.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis of combustion byproducts on firefighter protection equipment and in firefighter urine using novel high resolution GC/Q-TOF and bioassay Christiane."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of combustion byproducts on firefighter protection equipment and in firefighter urine using novel high resolution GC/Q-TOF and bioassay Christiane Hoppe-Jones, Shawn Beitel, Leanne Flahr, Sofia Nieto, Nathan Eno, Craig Marvin, and Shane Snyder National Environmental Monitoring Conference August 11th, 2017

2 Specific Aims Evaluate exposure to carcinogens throughout the work shift, fire scene and station life Measure biomarkers of carcinogenic effect in relation to workplace exposures 3) Reduce fire service carcinogen exposure and effects (personal protective equipment and post- fire policies and procedures)

3 Biomarker Testing Tier 1. Quantification of select biomarkers of exposure in urine Hydroxylated PAH, methoxyphenols, and volatile brominated compounds Tier 2. In vitro bioassays Measures biological response of the sum of compounds in the urine Tier 3. GC/Q-TOF Non-targeted analysis of urine for the identification of new biomarkers of exposure

4 Study of Exposure – Analysis of Urine and Dermal Wipes

5 Quantification of hydroxylated PAHs
3 mL urine Addition of Surrogate Standards Enzyme digestion (18h) Solid Phase extraction Derivatization GC-MS/MS and Data Analysis

6 Concentrations of urinary 1-Naphthol before and after fires for different occupational groups

7 Concentrations of urinary 2-Naphthol before and after fires for different occupational groups

8 Sample preparation and GC-qTOF analysis
Samples taken from helmet and neck prior to and post fire 4 in2 area wiped with cotton cloth and IPA Extraction of cloth with 10mL DCM twice Evaporation of extract to 1mL Column DB-5MS, 30 m, 0.25 mm, 0.25 µm Injection volume 1 µL Injection mode Splitless Split/Splitless inlet temperature 280 °C Oven temperature program 50 °C for 3 min 10 °C/min to 300 °C, 7 min hold Carrier gas Helium at 1.5 mL/min, constant flow Transfer line temperature 300 °C Ionization mode Standard EI at 70 eV; low energy EI at 15 eV and 12 eV Source temperature, 70eV/15 eV or less 240°C/200°C Quadrupole temperature 150°C Mass range 50 to 1200 m/z Spectral acquisition rate 5 Hz

9 Data analysis Data processed using SureMass in Unknowns Analysis B.08.00 Compound identification using NIST14 EI library, confirmation by retention index (RI) Molecular ions of unknown brominated compounds were identified with the help of low electron energy Molecular ions were confirmed by evaluating the complete cluster for m/z, relative isotope abundance and isotope ratios using Molecular Formula Generator (MFG)

10 Identification of PAHs on the
helmet post-fire Compound/formula m/z Avg mass error (ppm) Formula Regulated PAHs Other PAHs O-containing PAHs Naphthalene [C10H8] 1.01 C10H12 0.91 C13H8O 0.90 Acenaphthylene [C12H8] 0.82 C11H14 1.07 C16H10O 1.47 Acenaphthene [C12H10] 0.35 C11H10 0.55 C17H10O 1.99 Fluorene [C13H10] 1.15 C12H16 1.22 C17H10O2 1.27 Phenanthrene [C14H10] 1.25 C12H12 C18H10O 2.03 Anthracene [C14H10] 0.96 C13H12 1.14 C18H10O2 Fluoranthene [C16H10] 1.06 C14H14 0.59 C20H12O 1.68 Pyrene [C16H10] 1.51 C15H12 0.53 Benz[a]anthracene [C18H12] C15H10 2.57 Chrysene [C18H12] C18H22 Benzo[b]fluoranthene [C20H12] 1.81 C18H18 1.04 Benzo[k]fluoranthene [C20H12] 2.23 C17H12 0.87 Benzo[a]pyrene [C20H12] 1.79 C18H10 0.92 Indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene [C22H12] 1.65 C20H14 1.05 N-containing PAHs Dibenz[a,h]anthracene [C22H14] 1.55 C19H14 0.58 C13H9N 1.24 Benzo[ghi]perylene [C22H12] 1.73 C19H12 2.17 C12H9N C22H14 C15H9N 1.52 C24H18 1.67 C17H11N 0.63 C22H12 2.25 C19H11N 1.08 C13H8O C16H10O C18H10O C10H8 C16H10 C20H12 C22H14 C11H10 C12H12 C13H9N C15H9N

11 Detection of Volatile Brominated Organic Compounds
ICP-MS technique is uniquely sensitive to detect halogens (I>Br>>Cl) when coupled with LC or GC. Brominated flame retardants and other halogenated metabolites will be targeted.

12 Detection of Volatile Brominated Organic Compounds (GC-ICP-MS)
Br-I-benzene Br-F-benzene Further Identification using Mass Spectrometry and Correlation with Exposure needed

13 Detection of Flame Retardants on dermal wipes
Organic flame retardants were found on the skin post fire.

14 Detection brominated flame retardants

15 Detection brominated flame retardants
70 eV 15 eV 12 eV MFG Score 95.40 99.34 99.47

16 Other brominated compounds
70 eV 15 eV M+ Contaminant ions 70 eV 15 eV 12 eV M+ Contaminant ions Br OH Br OH

17 Other brominated compounds
Formula m/z Mass error, ppm* Resolving power MFG score Verified by standard Neck – Pre-fire, % abundance Post-fire, Helmet – C6H4Br2O 1.7 27336 98.34 n.d. 15.26 C14H21BrO 0.92 26911 90.92 31.17 C7H8Br2N2 0.22 27495 88.15 5.72 C7H6Br2N2O 0.99 26072 90.08 13.84 C10H9BrN2 1.27 27136 97.41 1.53 C16H9Br 1.69 26187 98.71 4.39 C15H14Br2O2 0.25 29880 95.36 0.32 C12H7Br3O 0.45 31609 90.67 Tri-BDE 1.1 0.29 0.23 29157 96.13 1.41 0.4 C12H6Br4O 1.36 30425 91.87 Tetra-BDE 0.9 2.62 31364 95.40 58.84 13.09 1.15 27322 93.01 0.69 0.3 C12H5Br5O 2.59 30367 95.05 Penta-BDE 8.99 2.74 2.03 30813 94.57 25.29 9.26 1.24 29448 91.29 0.35 C12H4Br6O 0.7 30817 91.38 Hexa-BDE 0.83 0.51 31299 94.73 0.85 0.43 * mass error is calculated as weighted average mass error for the entire isotopic cluster Br OH

18 In Vitro Bioassays Testing de-conjugated urine extracts as an indicator of exposure to biologically active compounds that: Interact with the arylhydrocarbon receptor (AhR) Responsive to PAHs, dioxins, furans, etc. PAH CALUX®

19 Aryl hydrocarbon receptor assay
Greater concentrations of agonists and greater binding affinity lead to: Luminescence

20 AhR Bioassay Results Sum of PAH-OH does not explain

21 Conclusions Hydroxylated PAHs in post-fire urines were elevated for all occupational groups present at fires Brominated flame retardants were detected on the skin of firefighters post-fire and could be potential biomarkers of exposure Sensitive GC-qTOF analysis can help identifying possible biomarkers and the low energy EI source facilitated the identification Further investigation into bioassay results and correlation with hydroxylated PAH results needed. Br

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