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PLCs and the high performing, High Poverty school

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1 PLCs and the high performing, High Poverty school
Glenn O. Swing Elementary

2 Overview…Systems Culture and Climate- Team Approach to Behavior Continuum System RTI- Academic and Behavioral Big rocks needed for success in academics Team approach layer Teacher leadership layer Time and Learning necessary to accomplish

3 Support Members in a School Setting
School Counselor Behavior Coach (other types?) Afterschool Coordinator School Nurse Family Resource Coordinator Mental Health Counselor (history) School Psychologist Discuss in your teams how you utilize these supports in your buildings day to day…. How can we get more supports for our building?

4 Afterschool Coordinator Mental Health Counselor
Student Support Team Afterschool Coordinator School Counselor Behavior Coach School Psychologist School Nurse Family Resource Coord. Parents Mental Health Counselor

5 Positive Behavior Philosophy
If we can predict it, we can plan for it. What does this quote mean to you…

6 SST Focus on Learning- Plan For It
Proactive! Educates our Students Educates our Staff Coaching for Students and Staff – Targeted Interventions Early Stage Interventions Collaborative Problem Solving Focus Intensive Interventions as needed per student


8 PLC Work With a small group summarize how each is done in your school…
Curriculum Assessment Planning Look at Data With a small group summarize how each is done in your school…

9 PLC- Common Set Up Curriculum- Pacing guides –Teaching same standards
Common Assessments –Primary- Team Developed Departmentalized - Developed in Isolation Planning- K-2 (Planning together), ELA, Math etc… Special Ed- How do they fit in to the planning process? Data Analysis- Data meetings, Data Boards - After Unit Assessments

10 Learning Leadership with Embedded Professional Development
Curriculum- Pacing guides – Aligned Horizontally and Vertically –Deconstruction of Standards Common Assessments- K-2, Feedback Loop/Rubric/Exemplars Planning- K-2 (Planning together) ELA, Math, Content Areas… Vertical Planning 4 days a week Data- Student Work Analysis- As needed determined by teacher Student Writing Main Focus (writing to demonstrate learning, writing to learn, close reading questions---all content areas Practice work in math- ‘showing the work’ Flashback data and student ‘work’ Data Analysis- Unit Assessment- Team- Goals, Achievement, Growth, Gap / Compare to data in unit, look at areas below 75%, Action Plan Walkthroughs – targeted based on work analysis and lesson plans

11 Teacher as Lead Learner
Curriculum- Pacing guides – Aligned Horizontally and Vertically –Deconstruction of Standards (Planned and Led by Area Lead) Common Assessments- K-2, 3-5 (Vertical Teacher Feedback Loop- Unit Assessment/Rubric/Exemplars – As well as all assessments in unit) Planning- K-2 (Planning together- Each Section Led by Area Lead) ELA, Math, Content Areas… Vertical Planning 4 days a week - (Led by Area Lead) Student Work Analysis- As needed determined by each teacher on the team- Student Writing Main Focus (writing to demonstrate learning, writing to learn, close reading questions---all content areas Practice work in math- ‘showing the work’ Flashback data and student ‘work’ Strategies shared at the table- very deliberate Action plan developed and carried out Data Analysis- Unit Assessment- Team- Goals, Achievement, Growth, Gap / Compare to data in unit, look at areas below 75%, Action Plan Walkthroughs - High Quality Teachers used for peer observation or coaching

12 Time Protected Planning Time Early Release
All Day Planning every month Few to no faculty meetings (lack of focus on learning) Limit Filter PD Filter District Initiatives etc… Keep Focused on what your doing until you do it REALLY WELL

13 Learning Leadership Systems Training
All PLCs have a learning focus- admins job to pay attention to this Principal working with Team Leads with Overall Systems Vertical Lead Meetings throughout the year- Focus on leading next steps

14 First Steps… Developing PLCs
SST and First Academic Step- Bringing your SST together (expectations), Deconstructions of standards RTI Systems- Reading and Behavior

15 Questions….

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