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1 **Delete this Slide After Reading**
To customize this workshop to your office, replace all the office-specific slides with your own slides. For the Market Update information, pull relevant stats for the office market areas. Update the slides to reflect the actual dates of the program and the duration of the 3-month contest (start date and end date). Look for text in purple and change this text to your office, dates, prize decisions, etc. Ask team leader to use each Sales Associate’s cell phone to video them sharing what they’re most comfortable with/passionate about in their listing presentation. Order participant materials from Rachel Siconolfi or print them yourself Materials Needed: Call Session Prize (Sales Associate with most appointments wins) Weekly Sales Planner (change dates to reflect your program)

2 Listing Process Mastery Program Overview & Getting Started Session 1
© Copyright (20127 Weichert Co. Morris Plains, N.J., USA All rights reserved.  Any form of reproduction or distribution is strictly prohibited. Each WEICHERT franchised office is independently owned and operated.


4 What are YOUR Dreams? Why do you do what you do (really)?
What are you working for? What will success in this business bring you? What will it mean for you? Break into pairs and share with each other. We’ll flip chart some of these. Flip chart random responses from individuals – solicit 4 or 5 responses and flip chart these.

5 What are YOUR Dreams?

6 We believe your mastery of the Listing Process will be a big step in helping you achieve what you want for yourself.

7 Key Goals for this Program
Strive for FOUR listing appointments Keep prospecting for listings! Use Getting to Know You to build rapport and learn about needs Customize the presentation to the seller using the Marketing Resource Center Master your presentation (from a style, confidence and skill perspective) Win more listings!

8 How are we going to do this?
Your commitment to attend EVERY session Wednesday from 10:00 to 3:00 February 1st, 8th , 15th & 22nd 3-Month Contest runs from February 1st through April 30th Come prepared. Do the work. Your active participation and DOING in these sessions and outside of these sessions will make the difference and lead to your success!

9 An Incentive for Completing . . .
Each week the team with the most points for activities completed, will receive a prize! Every Sales Associate who attends every session, does the in-between session Assignments, meets weekly in their teams and secures TWO listings between February 1st and April 30th will have their choice of the following: 8 Personalized Open House Directional Signs or . . . $150 in Marketing Dollars for the WDC

10 3-Month Listing Contest!
Your Sales Managers have selected the teams and made sure they were balanced. Let’s break into our teams now: 1) Decide on a team name and 2) Agree on a day/time to meet each week OUTSIDE these sessions through the 3-month contest.

11 Our Teams Team One Team Two Team three Team Four

12 Our Teams Team Five Team Six Team Seven Team Eight

13 Our Teams Team Nine Team Ten Team Eleven Team Twelve

14 Teams and Weekly Roll Up
1st Step Use MRC 2nd Step Listing Accepted an Offer Open House Total for Week Team A Team B Team C Team D Totals NOTE: 1st Step and 2nd Step appointments are worth 1 point. All remaining activities/results are worth 5 points.

15 It’s all in the DOING Teams Meet weekly Track progress Be accountable
Celebrate Success

16 Let’s Take a Look at the Market

17 A look at the Market How’s our local area market? Where are we?

18 Key Market Statistics January 18, 2016 Snapshot
Town Total Listings Under Contract Last 30 Days Months of Supply/ Absorption Rate Jenkintown 1 Abington 16 9 1.8 Cheltenham 39 3 13 L Moreland 24 6 4

19 The 2-Step 19

20 Why 2 steps? Why not 1? Why do you think we have 2 steps in our process? Why don’t we just do it in one? Flip Chart Responses

21 Who has kids? Did you have professional pictures taken when they were babies? Once you saw the photos, did you buy any?

22 How you Engage the Sellers
Just as the proud parents are most excited to see the photos of their baby, your sellers are “wowed” when they see their home and interior shots in the customized Marketing Plan.

23 “tailored” vs. “off the rack”
Which is better? “tailored” vs. “off the rack” (We know the 2-step works. The next logical question is ) When you customize, your value goes UP!

24 Why don’t we use the 2-step?
We all don’t use Getting To Know You every single time. We all don’t complete a customized Listing Portfolio every single time. Why not? Be honest Flip Chart Responses

25 Differentiation What sets you apart from all other realtors?
What makes you stand out among the rest? Why is your service unique in the industry?

26 Branding & Differentiation
William is regularly featured in high-profile national and international publications and in broadcast media He has a regular column at Forbes focused on personal branding and social media and has written for — and contributed to — hundreds of publications. Lets hear how to develop and benefit from your Personal Brand.

27 Differentiation Discussion
In your teams, discuss what makes each one of YOU different (identify ONE thing that you don’t think anyone else has) Discuss what makes Weichert different Then we’ll discuss together Flip Chart Responses

28 Differentiation Same Different You compared to other realtors
Weichert compared to other companies

29 What is the Isolation Effect?
Definition: The isolation effect refers to the phenomenon whereby people value a thing differently depending on whether it is placed in isolation and whether it is placed next to an alternative. In particular, a certain choice can be made to look more attractive if it is placed next to an alternative relative to which it is distinctively better in some respect. The isolation effect follows from the fact that, in order to simplify choosing between multiple alternatives, people disregard the common baseline, and focus only on the differences between the alternatives.

30 How can you achieve the Isolation Effect?
What if we applied the same principles to our behavior? …people disregard the common baseline, and focus only on the differences between the alternatives When a seller meets a typical agent, what tools or materials does the typical real estate agent bring to the first meeting? (the first and last meeting since most don’t do a 2-step)

31 Insert visuals of comps.
Different Insert visuals of comps. Comp 3 Comp 2 Comp 1 Typical

32 How are YOU Different? Your words, actions and tools should stand out.
What does the seller hear when they speak to you? What does the seller think/feel when they meet you?

33 Think DIFFERENT. Be Different.

34 Perfecting the Presentation!
Would you say mastering the 2-step listing process will help you in getting your business to the next level?

35 Question . . . Do you think you will secure more listings when you use a customized portfolio?

36 The Weichert Difference . . . Six Distinct Advantages

37 What are you most proud of?
We just did the DIFFERENT exercise. Let’s bring this to life . . . When you meet with Sellers, what’s one distinct advantage or service that you’re most proud of The one you enjoy explaining and sharing? Each person shares for 2 minutes. STATE YOUR NAME & OFFICE ASK the Team Leader to use the associate’s cell phone to record a video of their response. Make sure they stand behind the one playing the seller so that they have a good shot/angle of the Sales Associate. “T” this up with asking: Who won the first presidential debate in 2012? Why? And also remind them of Kennedy/Nixon. Say: This isn’t about whether you’re a Republican or a Democrat, it’s about presentation style and how it matters.

38 Presentation Practice
Your passion and conviction comes through louder than your words! Body language, posture, facial expressions, how you feel, how you dress, etc. impact how you are received Assignment: Review your video and give yourself some positive and constructive feedback. What changes do you want to make in how you present yourself?

39 Communication Breakdown
Over the phone, the tone of voice and words become more important. The face-to-face meeting makes communication more effective and the visuals become most important. Hand out: “ People Judge You”… article

40 We Need Listing Appointments
To get better at this, we need appointments. Who has a listing appointment coming up? Where did you get it? Who has a listing right now? Flip Chart Responses Document all lead sources and the frequency in which sales associates secure appointments or listings by each lead source using hash marks to count the number of times the lead source comes up. THAN analyze whether the method of obtaining the listing or appointment was through passive means or aggressive means.

41 Passive vs. Aggressive Let’s look at the definition of passive and aggressive according to Passive: not participating readily or actively; inactive: Aggressive: 1. Vigorously energetic, especially in the use of initiative 2. Making an all-out effort to win or succeed.

42 Active vs. Passive Sales Associate Characteristics
Aggressive Relying on your sphere to call you with a lead Calling your sphere Sending FSBOs a marketing piece through the mail Knocking on the FSBO door Posting your Open House on Facebook Say: I’m not saying Passive is bad and Aggressive is good. If you have limited time to prospect, then go for the aggressive prospecting activities over the passive ones. If you have more time, do both. Knocking on doors and inviting neighbors to the Open House Anything Else?

43 Sources of Listing Leads
Past Customers (great return here) FSBOs Expireds Sphere of Influence Open Houses Neighborhood door knocking Calling

44 How can I reach more people?
Manually Dialing MOjO Dialing One Call at a time Up to three numbers dialed at a time Average Numbers dialed/hour Average numbers dialed/hour Speak to leads Speak to leads Book 1 Appointment Book 2 Appointments Spend twice as much time calling leads Spend half the time calling and more time face to face

45 How can I get my call lists into MOjO?
Any database that you can get onto an Excel spreadsheet, can be easily imported into MOjO. Your contacts in your account Your Pure Gold from WeichertOne (need to add phone numbers) Neighborhood List from Cole Realty Resource (found in WeichertOne, “Associate Information” Follow the easy instructions on the hand out Hand out: Import a Call List Into MOjO

46 Let’s Make Some Warm Calls Together
Friendly Informal Fun NOTE: Keep track of how many dials you make, number of people you actually spoke with, how many appointments you secured

47 Don’t Worry! I know calling is something a lot of people are uncomfortable doing. But making the calls are the biggest key to your success! Does anyone have a tip to share on how they make calling more comfortable for themselves?

48 Follow the formula… Smile & Greet… Ask, Listen & learn… Offer something of Value… Close, Close, Close

49 Suggested Dialogue Sphere of Influence Just Sold Warm intro (“it’s been a while . . .”). This is actually a business call. Of all your friends and family who might be next to need help in moving or selling? May I give them a call? I’m calling from Weichert with some information. The house on XX street just sold. Would you be interested in knowing the list price? Are you considering selling now or in the future? ...

50 Suggested Dialogue Open House Neighbors Multiple Offers on a House I’m calling because I need your help. I’m trying to find my buyers a home and there have been a number of multiple offers on the house down your street. The buyers missed out again. By any chance . . . I’m not just calling to invite you to the Open House but wanted to offer my services to you if you have questions or are thinking about selling Stop by at 1pm and let’s talk!

51 Call Session Results Teams # Calls # Contacts # Leads # Appointments
Total Totals Call = dialed the phone. If you get a voice mail leave this message: “This is Mary from Weichert. I’m calling with a real estate question. Please call me back at XXX XXX XXXX.” Contacts = Spoke to someone “live” Lead = They don’t want to meet just yet but you can send them something or stay in touch in a few months. Appointment = Set day, time and place to meet. TEAM LEADERS: Please roll up your numbers for your team

52 Call Session Results Let’s roll up our numbers
Calls (dials), Contacts (who you actually spoke to), Leads, Appointments Who’s going on a first step listing appointment? What will you do?

53 Your Assignment Keep prospecting for listings!
In one week, you need to get an appointment and conduct the first step of the listing process: Getting to Know You Use the tool and share how it worked. Check out your video and come prepared to discuss a positive and one thing you want to work on in terms of your presentation style.

54 Your Assignment

55 Contest for the Week! Team with the most points wins ____________
Sales Activities tracked from TODAY (Thursday, February 21 through Wednesday, February 27) Come in Thursday, February 28th ready to share results

56 Resources – Tips and Training

57 Related Online Courses

58 For Our Next Session . . . Our next session will be on Thursday, February 28th! 9:30 am to 2:30 pm Any questions on your assignment? Thank you for your active participation!

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