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Presentation on theme: "AGRICULTURAL COOPERATIVES ACTIVITIES IN MYANMAR"— Presentation transcript:


2 Ministry of Cooperatives
Myanamar 11/9/2018

3 Agricultural Information
Total Land Area – km2 Cultivated Area – million ha Average farm Management Area – million ha Rural Population – million Total Population – million Myanamar 11/9/2018

4 At the new government age of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, it has laid down (8) development tasks to alleviate the poverty. Cooperative development task is one of them. Therefore, the Ministry of Co-operatives has laid down two objectives and five main tasks Two Objectives to implement the cooperative developing tasks. Myanamar 11/9/2018

5 The Eight Tasks for the Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation
Development of Agricultural productivity Development of Livestock breeding and fisheries and socioeconomic life Development of rural small-scale productivity Development of micro saving and credit associations Development of cooperative tasks Development of rural energy Environmental conservation Collection and analysis of rural development Myanamar 11/9/2018

6 Structure of Ministry of Cooperatives
Cooperative Department Small Scale Industry Department Cooperative Trade Promotion Department Central Cooperative Society (1) Region/State Union of Cooperative Syndicates (20) Township Cooperative Syndicate (459) Primary Cooperative Society ( ) Region and State Cooperative Department (14) Township Cooperative Department (306) 11/9/2018 6

7 Two Objectives To improve the socio-economic life of rural and urban people at grass-roots level. To support with fully strength by cooperative business for the development of the nation’s economy. Myanamar 11/9/2018

8 The Main Business Conducting by Ministry of Cooperatives
The Ministry of Cooperatives is mainly conducting the following business to support the peoples’ agriculture and livestock breeding- Microfinance To upgrade the cooperative societies Myanamar 11/9/2018

9 The Current Situation of Cooperative Societies as of (31-5-2014)
Type of Society Total Societies ( ) Remark 1 Central Cooperative Society 2 Production 20745 Agricultural Cooperative Society 18170 Livestock Cooperative Society 2100 3 Forestry Cooperative Society 15 4 Industrial Cooperative Society 460 Services 4016 Transportation Cooperative Society 107 Microfinance Cooperative Society 3694 Social Cooperative Society 35 Construction Cooperative Society 50 5 Other Services Cooperative Society 130 Trade 2792 GEC Cooperative Society 443 Store Cooperative 42 Trading Cooperative Society 1672 General Economic Business Cooperative Society 635 Region/State Union Cooperative Syndicate 20 6 Township Cooperative Syndicate 280 Total 27854 11/9/2018

10 Agricultural Sector and its Products
Rural dwellers where farming is main stay of occupation. Total current labour force is estimated to be 18 million, of which 63% are engaged in agriculture sector. 41% of the total GDP and 11% of foreign exchange earnings. Rice, Pulses, Beans and Peas, Oilseeds, Fruits and Vegetables, Sugarcane, Soft Wood, Hard Wood, Fish and Fish Products are produced in Myanmar Myanamar 11/9/2018

11 Plan of Microfinance Ministry of Cooperatives aims on Microfinance business to cover all over the country by 2015 for effective performance of socio-economic development and poverty alleviation. And MOC is planning to examine and increase the amount of loan up to (5) lakh Kyat per household. Myanamar 11/9/2018

12 Current Condition of Supporting the new Cooperative Societies and Members
The ministry has been operating such business for the members who live in rural and urban areas to smooth and secure for their lives and to stand on their own within the next four or five years and to be self -reliance, self-sufficiency and then to be sustainable development of cooperative societies. Myanamar 11/9/2018

13 The Current Situation of Microfinance, Hire Purchase and Upgrading of Cooperative Societies
Microfinance Loans kyat Million Region/ State / Nay Pyi Taw council - 15 Township - 306 Cooperative Societies Beneficiary cooperative members’ families The machinery sold by hire purchase system Buyers (Cooperative members) Supporting Loans for upgrading of cooperative society(Mechanized farming, livestock breeding, Electricity) The repayment rate - 97% Myanamar 11/9/2018

14 Conclusion The ministry has been endeavoring to succeed two objects and five main tasks and to form the solid cooperative societies in every village, quarters, townships, states, and regions by cooperating and coordinating among the responsible staffs from different levels of cooperative departments and board of directors from different levels of cooperative societies. Myanamar 11/9/2018

15 Thank You Myanamar 11/9/2018


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