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Delivery Agency Portal Instructions

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1 Delivery Agency Portal Instructions

2 NCID (Read NCID instructions first)
Please create an NCID for every contact at every Delivery Agency. Once you have your new or existing desired NCID, please contact one of the following to link your account: Jessica Lashbrook Monna Gillespie Devin Cockrell Eastern-Scott Hackler Central-Michael Caviness Western-Wayne Bailey There are 5 different contact’s a Delivery Agency can list. All 5 contacts will see the same information: School Director DA Assistant 1 - 5

3 Portal location Direct link: Or if on and OSFM page: Under OSFM Divisions> Fire and Rescue Commission> Community College, High Schools, Fire Department Delivery Agencies.

4 Log in with NCID

5 Choose ‘Manage Course Schedules’

6 Course Schedule Course number, Start Date, End Date, Practical test Date, Written test Date, All Instructors, Location is required for every schedule. Instructor field is a pop up box that contains only the Instructors Qualified to teach the course. If your instructor is not listed, they are not qualified to teach the course. *If an instructor is not listed Contact OSFM.


8 Block/Combo course When creating block/combo courses with more than one FIP tied, you must list the instructor for each FIP number. Until you do so, the course will be “pending” not “active”.

9 You may list one instructor for all by entering, then “Save to All” or you can list a different instructor for any FIP using the pencil icon.

10 Changes to Course Schedules
*** A Delivery Agency cannot create a schedule the day of or prior to. To schedule a course that has already begun or starts the day of entry, have all the information ready and please contact any of the personnel in slide 2. To edit any course in the future, go to “Create/Manage Course Schedules” and click on the pencil icon. If more that one instructor will be lead for one FIP, list in NOTES section.

11 Manage Roster There will be two different options to upload student grades: Manual Grade Entry- DA will log into portal and list students info and grades. Once all info reported you will also be able to download roster and save. Upload a FTP file roster- DA can save our Excel FT format to their computer, open the excel spreadsheet when grading students, then log in to the portal and upload the file. Directions for both are next.

12 Manual Grade entry Log in the portal with NCID> “Manage Course Schedules”. When viewing course schedules list, choose “Manage Roster” for course entering. You may enter student info and grade that will populate on student record immediately.

13 Upload a FTP file roster
Log in the portal with NCID> “Manage Course Schedules”. Click the blue link that states “Click here to view the File Upload for Rosters” The Excel spreadsheet format is located where it reads “here” You can save the excel spread sheet to your computer for use at any time. Once you have completed the spreadsheet, upload the file, and the information will show below.

14 Excel format The excel format has 2 sheets, sheet 1 is where you list information, sheet 2 informs you of the format required. If you do not list a grade the student will show as failed.

15 Section ID Section ID are required if you use the Excel spreadsheet. Section ID numbers will be automatically assigned and generated to your courses when you submit the schedule. This number will show on the course schedule lists. This number will only be required if using the FTP file upload roster.

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