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Resources needed: Internet connection Atlases

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1 Resources needed: Internet connection Atlases
Graph paper and blank paper.

2 What is the value of the biosphere?
Aims: To define Biome and Biosphere To know the distribution of world biomes To be able to explain this distribution.

3 Four world biomes: Desert Mountain Tropical Rainforest Savannah
As you watch each clip complete the table to describe the characteristics of each biome. Desert Mountain Tropical Rainforest Savannah

4 Now answer question 1 pg 41 Biome Desert Mountain Savannah Tropical
Climate Vegetation Animals Desert Mountain Savannah Tropical Now answer question 1 pg 41

5 World biome distribution
Study the atlas pg and your book pg 40. Answer the following: Describe the distribution of the world’s biomes. List the different factors which affect the distribution of different biomes. Take two of these factors (other than altitude and latitude) and explain how they affect biomes. Answer question 3 and 4 pg 41.

6 Group Task Work in groups of 3.
produce a fact file on your assigned biome with climate graph annotated with connections to biome location and nature of the ecosystem, including local factors. Use the atlas and pg 42 to help you.

7 Factors influencing the location of Biomes.
There are a number of different factors that influence where we find different Biomes these are…. Latitude Continentality Altitude Temperature Precipitation Geology, Relief and Drainage. Identify which are local and which are global.

8 Latitude (Global factor)
The angle of the sun’s rays increases with distance from the equator. Solar radiation is spread over a larger area and so net heating is less. A a result there is less vegetation growing at the Poles and more in the Tropics.

9 Continentality (Global Factor)
Land is quick to heat and quick to cool. Water is slow to heat and slow to cool. Continental places, far inland, have greater temperature extremes. Coastal regions have less extremes of temperature. Question: would Vancouver on the coast of Canada have higher or lower temperatures in the winter than a place inland? Answer: Higher temperatures, because the sea retains heat for a longer time whereas the land cools quickly in winter.

10 Altitude (Local Factor)
The atmosphere is thinner at higher altitude. Temperature is 1 degree C colder for every 100m of altitude. At high Altitudes few plants will grow due to the cold. Question: if it 20 deg C at sea-level, what temperature will it be on top of a mountain with an altitude of 1,000 metres? Answer: 10 deg C!

11 4. Temperature (Global Factor)
Global temperature is largely regulated by latitude but can also be determined by continentality and Altitude. Optimum temperatures are between 6-30 degrees and life thrives between these temperatures. Temperatures higher or lower than these figures make life difficult.

12 5. Precipitation (Global Factor)
Around the world precipitation is more likely in some places than others. Where air is forced to rise (low pressure) ie at the equator or mid latitudes. Rainfall is common all year round and Forests grow. Where air sinks (high pressure) there is little or no rainfall and deserts form. In between we have areas that have wet and dry seasons like Savanna.

13 Geology, Relief and Drainage (local Factors).
Geology: porous or permable rocks like limestones and sandstones create dry conditions. This limits vegetation growth as there is a lack of water. Impermeable rocks like clays or granite trap water and allow tree growth. Drainage: areas that are poorly drained by rivers reduce growth eg: bogs/marsh.

14 Relief/Aspect (local factor)
Slopes which face the sun will be warmer than those which face away. South facing slopes are warmer in the northern hemisphere? Question: which slopes will be warmer in the southern hemisphere, north facing or south facing? Answer: north facing.

15 Describe how local factors affect the growth of Rainforest. (4)
Describe the distribution of Tropical Rainforest and Coniferous forest. Explain why the places where these two types of forest are experience different temperatures. (6)






21 Plenary: True/False A biosphere is a world scale ecosystem. False
Temperature affects the growing season of a biome. True Tundra is located in the northern most latitudes. Marine climates have extreme temperature rages. Continental climates are likely to have very hot summers

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