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Architectural Drawings

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Presentation on theme: "Architectural Drawings"— Presentation transcript:

1 Architectural Drawings
Tech Ed S-O High School

2 Design Considerations
Architects meet with Customers to discuss… Building Purpose Budget Site Conditions Space Requirements City Regulations

3 3 Major Design Factors Function Form Cost Does it work
Does the building operate Efficiently Form Does it look good Does it Fit in or Stand Out Cost Size Materials Labor

4 Sketches 1st Step in the Drawings Process Is a “STARTING” point
Helps understand ideas

5 Pictorial Drawings Shows how it looks to the human eye
Gives a good idea of the look and feel of a building

6 Multi-view Drawings Shows 2 or more views of object
Used for all architectural working drawings

7 Elevation Drawings Drawings as it is seen by a particular side
Simply named front, left,right, or rear elevation Drawings

8 Floor Plan Horizontal Cut through the building
Shows all walls, windows, doors… View Looks straight down

9 Section Views Vertical Cut through building View looks into building
Can be larger scale to show greater detail (Detail Drawings)

10 Structural Drawings Show size, location, material, & fastening methods of parts Can be Floor plans, Elevations, or section views

11 Topographical Drawings
Indicate contour & layout of land Contour Lines Show elevation in feet above see level Vertical Contour Interval is the distance between lines

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