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Making the most of research outputs

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1 Making the most of research outputs
Susanna Mornati – 4Science ORCiD Basic Training Workshop/ 6-8 September 2017

2 Learning objectives Participants will learn how to:
define an OAI-PMH query; look for an ORCiD profile and compare available information with the repository requirements; go to a CRIS/RIMS page and detect what information can be exchanged; investigate an external metadata source and illustrate what information can be useful as IR input; examine a bibliometric source and define how this information can be represented in the IR

3 1. The OAI-PMH: definition
The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) provides an application-independent interoperability framework based on metadata harvesting. The Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH) Version 2.0, June 2002

4 1. The OAI-PMH: architecture
There are two classes of participants in the OAI-PMH framework: Data Providers administer systems that support the OAI-PMH as a means of exposing metadata; Service Providers use metadata harvested via the OAI-PMH as a basis for building value-added services.

5 1. The OAI-PMH: resources and items
Repositories contain digital objects (resources) and their descriptions (items):

6 1. The OAI-PMH: records Each item contains one or more description formats (records): e.g. DC (Dublin Core), MARC (Machine-Readable Cataloging), etc.:

7 1. The OAI-PMH: record structure
Each record contains: Header (ID, date, set) Metadata (description of the resource in a format) About (metadata on metadata, e.g. provenance, rights):

8 1. The OAI-PMH: sets Each item can belong to one or more sets.
Set configuration allows selective harvesting.

9 1. The OAI-PMH: queries Service Providers’ queries are carried via HTTP, through GET and POST methods, to Data Providers that answer in XML format XML. The key of queries is “verb” with 6 possible values: Identify, ListSets, ListMetadataFormats ListIdentifiers, ListRecords, GetRecord Examples of harvesting with OAI-PMH: parameters: repository metadataPrefix oai_dc

10 2. ORCiD: how to use member APIs

11 2. ORCiD: DSpace-CRIS use cases

12 2. ORCiD: compare available information
Available information on ORCiD profile, e.g. Available information on repository (DSpace-CRIS):

13 3. CRIS/RIMS vs. Institutional Repositories
A reference work to discuss CRIS/RIMS versus IRs: However, DSpace-CRIS has made this discussion obsolete, combining IR and CRIS functionality in a single, free, open source choice:

14 4. External metadata sources
What information can be useful as IR input? Let’s go and see: DOI: /j.jaut

15 4. External metadata sources – Scopus BibTeX
@article{ISAILOVIC20151, title = "Interleukin-17 and innate immunity in infections and chronic inflammation", journal = "Journal of Autoimmunity", volume = "60", number = "", pages = "1 - 11", year = "2015", note = "", issn = " ", doi = " url = " author = "Natasa Isailovic and Kenji Daigo and Alberto Mantovani and Carlo Selmi", keywords = "Psoriasis", keywords = "Psoriatic arthritis", keywords = "Infection", keywords = “…", abstract = "Interleukin 17 (IL-17) includes several cytokines among which IL-17A is considered as one of the major pro-inflammatory cytokine …." }

16 4. External metadata sources – Scopus XML
<entry key="url" value="url" /> <entry key="eid" value="eid" /> <entry key="doi" value="doi" /> <entry key="pmid" value="pubmedID" /> <entry key="title" value="title" /> <entry key="itemType" value="subtype" /> <entry key="scopusType" value="providerType" /> <entry key="sourceTitle" value="journal" /> <entry key="isbn" value="pisbn" /> <entry key="issn" value="jissn" /> <entry key="eissn" value="eissn" /> <entry key="issued" value="issued" /> <entry key="volume" value="volume" /> <entry key="issue" value="issue" /> <entry key="spage" value="firstpage" /> <entry key="epage" value="lastpage" /> <entry key="description" value="abstract" /> <entry key="scopusKeywords" value="keywords" /> <entry key="articlenumber" value="articlenumber" /> <entry key="authors" value="authors" /> <entry key="authorUrl" value="authorUrl" /> <entry key="authorScopusid" value="authorScopusID" /> <entry key="orcid" value="orcid" />

17 4. External metadata sources – PubMed XML
PubmedArticle, PMID Date Created, Completed, Revised Journal, ISSN,Issue, Volume, PubDate, Title, ISO Abbrev ArticleTitle, Pagination, ELocation (DOI, other IDs) Abstract, CopyrightInformation AuthorList, Author: Last Name, ForeName, Initials, AffiliationInfo, Language PublicationType (Journal Article, etc) ChemicalList, RegistryNumber, NameOfSubstance, MeshHeadingList, Keywords, MajorTopicYN PubmedData, History (received, accepted, entrez)

18 5. Bibliometric source – e.g. Scopus Citation Count

19 5. Bibliometric source – e.g. Scopus Citation Count
It represents the interfaces to retrieve document citation counts (SCOPUS content) broken down by year:

20 5. Bibliometric representation in IR (DSpace-CRIS)

21 Thank you for attention!

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