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Performance Achievement a quick reference guide to

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2 Performance Achievement a quick reference guide to
PREPARING FOR YOUR MEETING WITH YOUR MANAGER One of the most important things you can do to ensure the success of your performance achievement meeting with your line manager / team leader is to prepare for it in advance. The Performance Achievement process is designed to encourage you develop in your present role by considering your skills, capabilities your team(s) responsibilities and those of the organisation. By doing so you will be able to identify what it is that you can do in your development to make a positive contribution. Key to this is preparing for your meeting with your manager. Careful preparation will help ensure that your manager has a broad picture of your performance and development objectives. Here are some tips to assist you prepare for your performance achievement meeting. 2

3 Consider your information
Performance Achievement Documentation Your Job Description The competencies required for your role Your personal objectives Previous Personal Development Plans Last Performance Achievement Notes Client / Colleague Feedback Any other relevant papers or reports Consider and review information that you may have to hand, including - Performance Achievement Documentation Your Job Description The competencies required for your role Your personal objectives Previous Personal Development Plans Last Performance Achievement Notes Client / Colleague Feedback Any other relevant papers or reports When reviewing your past performance achievement objectives consider any feedback you were given. It all assists to give you a sense of how you've developed over the last period. If you've kept a journal or diary of your performance over the last performance achievement annual cycle, take it out and review your notes. Notice any trends or recurring themes that reveal things like: particular strengths, challenging people or situations, knowledge or skills you need to develop, projects or work you really enjoyed, etc. If you didn't keep a journal, consider starting one today. Keeping a record of your activities, accomplishments, successes and challenges as they happen helps you capture details while they're fresh in your mind. Having all this detail at hand will help both you and your manager get a broader, more objective view of your performance over the entire period, and avoid being biased by recent events. It may also make your preparation for your next performance achievement meeting easier.

4 Consider your past accomplishments
Letters s Certificates Awards Training & Development Completed Emphasise your successes With all this information as background, you're ready to prepare a list of your accomplishments. As you do, it's important to relate them to your objectives and higher level organisation goals. Make sure you capture the "how" not just "what" you accomplished, but keep it brief; don’t use this as a diary or performance journal. Give your manager any contextual details they need to understand your performance. Identify any challenges that limited your abilities to succeed, as well as any support you received from others. Don't just focus on the last few months, look at your performance over the whole review period. Think about your manager. What does she/he need to know? What do they know already about you? Gather any letters, s, certificates of recognition, awards, etc. that document exemplary performance since your last PA meeting. Also gather any written communications that identify challenges or problems with knowledge and performance. Make note of any training or development activities you completed. Think of this as an opportunity to emphasise your successes. It's OK to brag a little. Your manager may not be aware of all the good things you've done, and all the many small things can really add up. You can use this information as background for your discussion with your manager during your performance achievement meeting, or even submit it to your manager before your review, to help them with their preparation.

5 90% 10% Before Plan On the day Preparation Perspiration
Plan your meeting. Stage 1 – Consider what you want to achieve The Health Service is subjected to a cascade of legislative mandates, plans and responsibilities against which it is held accountable for its performance. These include – Legislation and Policy The Corporate Plan The National Service Plan, and Operational Plans Team / Business Unit responsibilities What you are going to do – First, consider what performance is demanded from our health service together with your team/business unit’s responsibilities. Then consider what you can do to make a positive contribution within your role or grade. If you are a member of one or more teams, then think about what you can do to improve your performance and development to maximise your contribution to the performance of those teams. Develop in your own words three or four objectives that you can deliver and note these down. Remember these objectives should be capable of achievement within the Performance Achievement annual cycle. Some of you, instead of describing your objective in your own words may prefer to adopt the wording of an objective contained in, for example, the National Service Plan. If you are a line manager/team leader you should include an additional objective as to how you will develop the effectiveness and efficiency of your staff /team. How you are going to do it – Next note down how you are going to achieve your objectives. In doing so, try and reflect the Health Service’s Values and behaviours. If you have identified areas for your longer term personal development in the Health Service, then you may wish to discuss these also with your line manager/team leader and consider initiating a Personal Development Plan. (This is a separate but complimentary process to that of Performance Achievement.) How will you know it is achieved – Finally, consider how you will know when you have achieved your objectives, noting down the measures or outcomes of what it is you are wanting to set out and achieve.

6 On the Day of the Meeting
Organise all your paperwork Ensure the Performance Achievement documentation is drafted for discussion. Be at the venue on time

7 During the meeting Be Proactive
Set your own objectives in advance for discussion Complete the questions on the Performance Achievement Documentation Bring with you for discussion Discuss and agree with your line manager Now discuss your proposals with your line manager/team leader and together complete the first three questions on the Performance Achievement form. The Performance Achievement form asks you the following questions that you need to answer in respect of each of your objectives – What you are going to do? How you are going to do it? and How you will know it is achieved What you are going to do? –Your objectives should– Be challenging, stretching you to deliver meaningful results Be achievable within the twelve month timeframe of the Performance Achievement cycle Complement and align with the responsibilities of your role, those of your team and aligned to your organisations goals. You may wish to consider using ‘SMART’ objectives. (see also how to set SMART objectives Training presentation of HSELand) Develop at least 3-4 objectives. Line managers and Team Leaders should in addition set an objective concerning how you will develop the effectiveness and efficiency of your team/staff How you are going to do it? – in discussion with your line manager/team leader agree how you are going to achieve your objectives and describe this on your Performance Achievement form. In respect of each of your each of your objectives describe how you are going to achieve them consistent with– Our Values of Care; Compassion; Trust and Learning Clearly identifying and describing the steps that you will take to achieve your objectives If you consider that the achievement of your objectives could be adversely affected by an event or occurrence outside of your control, then describe this risk on the Performance Achievement documentation. How you will know it is achieved? – once more discuss with your line manager/ team leader what the achievement of each of your objectives will look like. If possible try to quantify your achievement to show how you can measure your achievement. Once you have completed your Performance Achievement documentation then you and your line manager/team leader will sign it to acknowledge the agreement.

8 Performance Achievement a quick reference guide to

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