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Bullying Prevention Workshop

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1 Bullying Prevention Workshop
ALC 2018


3 Objectives Gain a common definition of Bullying
Understand the extent of Bullying as reported by youth Review best practices for Bullying prevention Brainstorm ideas on prevention of Bullying in Young Marines

4 Definition of Bullying
“Bullying is when one or more students tease, threaten, spread rumors about, hit, shove, or hurt another student over and over again. It is not bullying when two students of about the same strength or power argue or fight or tease each other in a friendly way.” The Good News About Young People

5 What are young people telling us
about Bullying? The Good News About Young People

6 FACT: 21% of young people stopped being involved in their favorite activities because they feel depressed

7 1 of 10 students changes schools because of bullying
15% of students miss school because of bullying Over 50% of students have witnessed bullying at school

8 96% of students feel bullying is wrong
Most students claim their parents taught them to bully Schools have become more competitive academically and socially The Good News About Young People

9 Bullying is more prevalent in middle school-aged students then in high school
Boys bully differently than girls Some people have long term emotional scaring from bullying The Good News About Young People

10 Top Reasons for Bullying
Height, weight and hairstyle Clothes, dress style Social status, class difference

11 Best Practices (SAMHSA)
Assess bullying in your environment (School, Platoon) Form a group to coordinate bullying prevention activities Train adult staff in bullying prevention Establish and enforce rules and policies related to bullying Increase adult supervision in hot spots where bullying occurs Intervene consistently and appropriately in bullying situations The Good News About Young People

12 Building Positive Relationships

13 40 Developmental Assets (


15 Handout (Search Institute, 1990)

16 Youth Activities are Protective Factors

17 40 Assets are Relationship-Building!

18 Anyone can be an Asset-Builder!

19 Who was your Asset Builder?

20 Positive Social Norming

21 “Flipping” the Data: Instead of mentioning the number of students involved in bullying, lets focus on the majority who are not bullying For example: 96% of students are do not bully other students

22 Positive Messaging Campaigns


24 Social Norming PSA Refer to the Social Norming PSA located in the Young Marines Database Library

25 Engaging Youth in Anti-Bullying Planning

26 Young Marines “Making a Difference”

27 Young People are Part of the Solution!



30 Small Group Focus Question:
“How can we reduce bullying and create a more positive Young Marine climate by utilizing the 40 Developmental Assets and/or building positive adult relationships?”

31 Handout (Search Institute, 1990)

32 Small Group Focus Question:
“How can we reduce bullying and create a more positive Young Marine climate by utilizing the 40 Developmental Assets and/or building positive adult relationships?”

33 Report Out Our Ideas!

34 Brainstorming Action Plans

35 Action Plans Name of School: ________________________________________________________ Event Date Event Title Event Objectives Event Description Responsible Persons You Make a Difference School Wide Assembly Build positive relationships between students and teachers Students will present blue ribbons to teachers and tell positive stories about how they impacted them in school Principal Student Team Teachers Parents

36 YOU Make a Difference! The Good News About Young People

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