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This graphic represents how the design process can be chaotic at the beginning but as you work through the process it starts to get focus and direction.

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Presentation on theme: "This graphic represents how the design process can be chaotic at the beginning but as you work through the process it starts to get focus and direction."— Presentation transcript:

1 This graphic represents how the design process can be chaotic at the beginning but as you work through the process it starts to get focus and direction. This is an artists rendering of the process. Design Process

2 What is design? The term “designed” is often used as a generic term that refers to anything that was made by a conscious human effort. Design is also a process that is used to systematically solve problems. s

3 The Design Process 1 2 3 4 5 6 Define Problem Generate Concepts
Develop a Solution 4 Construct and Test Prototype 5 Evaluate Solution 6 Present Solution

4 1 Define Problem Identify a problem Who says it is a problem?
Needs and wants Prior solutions Sample Scenario Create design requirements Criteria and constraints Output: Project Proposal (Design Brief)

5 2 Generate Concepts Research Brainstorm possible solutions
Annotated Sketches Select an approach Decision Matrix

6 Annotated Sketches


8 3 Develop a Solution Consider design “ingredients”
Function, Aesthetics, Ergonomics, Safety, Cost, Environment, Durability, Ease of Maintenance, Etc. Create detailed design solution Technical Drawings


10 Construct a testable prototype, model or mock-up.
4 Construct and Test Prototype Construct a testable prototype, model or mock-up. Test prototype and collect data



13 5 Evaluate Solution Evaluate solution effectiveness Reflect on design
Recommend improvements Optimize/Redesign the solution

14 Communicate the project
6 Present Solution Document the project Project Portfolio Communicate the project Formal Presentation

15 The Design Process 1 2 3 4 5 6 Define Problem Generate Concepts
Develop a Solution 4 Construct and Test Prototype 5 Evaluate Solution 6 Present Solution

16 Design Process

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