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2-6 Geometric Proof Geometry.

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1 2-6 Geometric Proof Geometry

2 2-6 Geometric Proof The _______ process
1.)______ a diagram to represent the __________ of the conjecture. 2.) _________ the given information (on first line) & ______ it on the diagram. 3.) Write the ___________ to be proven (on last line). 4.) State the ___________ of the conjecture in terms of the diagram. 5.) ______ your argument and prove the conjecture.

3 Theorem -any statement that you can prove.
A true statement that follows as a result of other true statements. All theorems MUST be ____________! Once it is _________, then it can be used as a _______ in later proofs.

4 2-Column Proof Numbered statements and corresponding reasons in a logical order organized into 2 columns. statements reasons etc.

5 2-6-1– Linear Pair Thm. If 2 angles form a linear pair, then they are supplementary. ∠___ & ∠___are a linear pair, therefore they are ________________.

6 2-6-2-Congruent ( ) Supplements Theorem.
If 2 ∠s are supplementary to the same ∠ (or to ∠s), then they are . If ∠___ & ∠____ are supplementary & ∠____ & ∠___are supplementary, then ∠___ ∠____.

7 Proof of congruent suppl. Thm Ex. 1) completing a 2 column proof.
Statements ∠1 & ∠2 are suppl.; ∠2 & ∠3 are suppl. m∠1+m∠2=180o; m∠2+m∠3=180o m∠1+m∠2=m∠2+m∠3 ____________ _______________ Reasons __________ defn,. of suppl ∠s _______________ - prop of = Defn. of ∠s

8 Ex.2) Complete proof 2-6-3 – Right Angle Congruence Thm.
All right ∠s are . Statements ∠A & ∠B are right ∠s. m∠A=90o; m∠B=90o m∠A = m∠B ∠A ∠B Reasons ______________

9 Theorem 2.1- Properties of Segment Congruence
Segment congruence is reflexive, symmetric, & transitive.

10 Ex. 3) Proof of symmetric part of thm. 2
Ex. 3) Proof of symmetric part of thm. 2.1 (reflexive & transitive parts are in HW) Statements 1. AB = BC BC = AB Reasons ___________________

11 Ex 4) Given: PQ=2x+5 QR=6x-15 PR=46 Prove: x=7
P Q R Reasons _________________ __________________ Statements 1.)____________________________________ 2. __________________ 3. __________________ 4. __________________ 5. __________________ 6. __________________

12 2-6-4 – Congruent complements thm
If 2 ∠s are complementary to the same ∠ (or to ∠s), then they are . If ∠___ & ∠____ are complementary, and ∠___ & ∠___ are complementary, then ∠____ ∠____. Proof is almost identical to the last theorem, just change supplementary to complementary.

13 Ex5) Given: Q is the midpoint of PR. Prove: PQ = and QR =
Statements ________________ Reasons ________________ _________________

14 Assignment

15 Paragraph Proof Same argument as a 2-column proof, but each step is written as a sentence; therefore forming a paragraph. See bottom of page 102 for an example.

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