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CBO Coordinated Livelihood Development in Sagar Block

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1 CBO Coordinated Livelihood Development in Sagar Block

2 Background Information
MOU signed between WBSRLM and SPMU on 30th January, 2015 Implementation process started during July / August after several round of discussions for clarity Annual Action Plan submitted on 3rd September, 2015 World Bank Review Mission on 16th September, 2015

3 Major Decisions agreed
SPMU to continue to fund and monitor 128 Entry Point Activities (EPAs) and the fund already given on IGAs (i.e. 6 contracts). WBSRLM releases fund for Income Generation Activities to Sanghas based on the Micro Investment Plan submitted by SHGs. This fund will be grant to Sanghas and used as Revolving Fund, for loaning to SHG for on-lending to its members, and will be guided by WBSRLM’s guidelines on Community Investment Fund. The usual implementation procedures of WBSRLM programme delivery structure will be followed i.e. SMMU at the state level, DRDC / DMMU at the district level, and then BMMU at the block level with BDO as Block Mission Director with its support officials. No NGOs will be engaged for execution of the activities.

4 Operational details For SHG level: Panchasutra must be followed
All women must be mobilised to form SHGs 2nd Saturday meeting with Panchayats for convergence SHGs prepare Micro Investment Plan for its members For Sangha Level Sangha Parichalan Samity / EC must be strengthened The strength of the working staff CSPs (now 3 per Sangha) may be increased Sangha will help SHGs to prepare MIPs Registration of Sanghas under cooperative act Capacity building of Sangha leaders Sangha grades the SHGs

5 No activities will be undertaken which are environmentally detrimental
Few Other issues No activities will be undertaken which are environmentally detrimental The IGA fund will be utilised for productive purpose The fund will be transferred through Bank / Cheque Social Audit Committee will be formed at Sangha level For more than Rs.5000 purchase, there will be a purchase committee of 3 members and at least 3 quotations will be needed

6 Sagar Block Profile Area of the Block : 66,399 Acres
Number of Gram Panchayats :  9  Number of Mouzas  :  43  Household (As per SECC 2011)    :  48,112  Total Population (As per Census 2011)  :  2,12,037  Male            :  1,09,468 Female        :  1,02,569  No. of SHG under Sangha : 2134 HH with atleast one deprivation and auto inclusion=33513

7 Approach Selection of SHG on priority basis Grading of SHGs
MIP of graded SHG for loan requirement Appraisal of loan application Sanction of loan by the BoD of the Sangha Release of loan through A/C payee cheque or NEFT Monitoring of the IGA as well as repayment of loan

8 Activities so far Sl. No. Name of the Training No. of Event
Total Participants 1 Exposure Visit 36 2 CIF Management & Book-Keeping Training 72 3 Sangha Management 45 4 MIP preparation Training 9 64 5 Workshop with Cooperation Deptt. 25 6 Review meeting at Block level 300 7 Grading Done 471 8 MIP completed 280 CSP trained and deployed 24 10 CSP – Bl trained 11 DLT trained and deployed

9 Important Achievement
Rapport Building & Strengthening Sanghas Registration of all 9 Sanghas under Cooperative Registration Act completed Rs.1.11 crore released to 9 Sanghas for onward lending the same to the eligible SHGs under Sanghas Rs lakhs released to 27 SHGs against MIPs by Sanghas Social Capital developed for continuous supports by Community Professionals Convergence linkages with Government departments including Prani Mitras established, and Sanghas are taking supports Sanghas are ready for taking off with Systems and Processes

10 Annual Plan and Utilisation 2015-16
Sl. No. Main Components Annual Budget Expenditure till date Projection for February & March’16 Total Exp in 1 Office Operating Cost 210000 746000 2 Travelling 140000 3 Other Office Overheads 35000 4 Training, Meeting, Workshop Etc. 5 Physical and Pilot Investments (Release of CIF) TOTAL

11 Basis for Budget estimates
A. Total Budget = B. Fund spent as on MOU date=560.92 C. Fund available as on MOU date= Out of this, EPA commitment = 975 Exp in = So total fund available for and (Dec) (C-D-E) = = Now available fund for IGA = – ( )= WBSRLM is proposing to using this money for IGAs with minor supports for CB, admin, etc. 11/9/2018 ICZMP- WEST BENGAL

12 Annual Plan 2016-17 Sl. Main Components Annual Budget Remarks 1
Office Operating Cost 3.6 2 Travelling 2.4 3 HR 4.8 4 Other Office Overheads 0.6 5 Training, Meeting, Workshop Etc. 32.18 6 Physical and Pilot Investments ( CIF) 820.5 Total money available under this will be passed on to 1641 (totalling 1863 incl 222 SHGs of ) 7 Revolving Fund to new SHGs 76.2 508 TOTAL crore

13 Challenges Capacity of Sangha Leaders Bank Linkages for larger loan
Engagement of Community Cadres (CSP / SC) Syatems and HR for Sustainable Sanghas Development of Livelihood Collectives / Producers’ Oraganisation Hand-holding supports for Sanghas and Livelihood Collectives

14 11/9/2018 ICZMP- WEST BENGAL

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