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Pluralul substantivelor

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1 Pluralul substantivelor

2 La plural, substantivele primesc de regula terminatia “-s”.
flower – flowers; book – books; cow – cows Fac exceptie substantivele terminate in: “-s”, “-z”, “-x”, “-ch”, “-sh”, care primesc terminatia “-es”. Bus – buses; box – boxes; bench –benches; Brush – brushes; buzz- buzzes

3 Observatie Substantivele terminate in “-o” fac pluralul in doua moduri, in functie de vechimea pe care o au in fondul limbii engleze. Cele vechi primesc terminatia “-es”: potato – potatoes; tomato – tomatoes. Cele mai noi, precum si cele terminate in “-o” precedat de vocala, au terminatia “-s”: piano –pianos; radio – radios; mosquito – mosquitos.

4 Reguli de ortografiere la adaugarea terminatiei “-s”
1. Substantivele terminate in “-y” precedat de o consoana transforma “-y” in “-ie”: Family – families; country – countries 2. Substantivele terminate in “-f” si “-fe” le transforma in “-ves” la plural: Leaf – leaves; wife – wives; knife – knives; life - lives; shelf - shelves Exceptii: roof – roofs, handkerchief - handkerchiefs; cliff – cliffs

5 Substantive cu plural neregulat
Man – men (policeman – policemen etc.) Woman – women (policewoman – policewomen etc.) Child – children Mouse – mice Ox – oxen Tooth – teeth Goose - geese Foot – feet Die - dice

6 Substantive de origine greaca
Cele terminate in “-sis” fac pluralul in “-ses” Axis – axes (axa – axe) Crisis – crises (criza – crize) Basis – bases (baza – baze) Oasis – oases (oaza – oaze) etc.

7 Alte substantive de origine greaca
Phenomenon – phenomena (fenomen – fenomene) Criterion – criteria (criteriu – criterii)

8 Substantive cu aceeasi forma la singular si plural
Fish – fish Fruit - fruit Sheep – sheep Deer – deer etc.

9 Substantive nenumarabile
La fel ca in limba romana, substantivele de tipul urmator (lichide, solide, notiuni abstracte) sunt considerate nenumarabile: Water, coffee, silver, iron, happiness, joy etc.

10 Alte substantive nenumarabile
Pe langa cele mentionate, mai exista si alte substantive care in romana sunt numarabile, insa in engleza nu. Bread => a loaf of bread (o franzela , o paine); two loaves of bread (doua paini) Chocolate => a bar of chocolate (o ciocolata); three bars of chocolate ( trei ciocolate)

11 Alte substantive nenumarabile
News => an item/a piece of news (o stire), two items/pieces of news (doua stiri); Lightening => a flesh of lightening (un fulger); Furniture => a piece of furniture (o mobila); Advice => a piece of advice (un sfat) Soap => a cake of soap ( un sapun), two cakes of soap (doua sapunuri); Money = bani

12 Atentie! Substantivele nenumarabile se acorda cu verbul la singular si nu admit numerale in fata lor! The news is good. GRESIT: I have a good news. Your money is here. GRESIT : Your money are here.

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