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WA7TZY and WB7BST Fred and Susan Telewski

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Presentation on theme: "WA7TZY and WB7BST Fred and Susan Telewski"— Presentation transcript:

1 WA7TZY and WB7BST Fred and Susan Telewski
Weak Signal Nets WA7TZY and WB7BST Fred and Susan Telewski

2 Today’s Topics Goals of the nets 144.240 Operations 1296.1 Operations
Activity statistics Do’s and More Do’s

3 Goals

4 Goals of the Nets Promote regular activity on the bands - Get as many people to work as many other people as possible Have stations participate at considerable distances (DX) Provide a fixed time for activity so stations have a better chance of being heard

5 Ideal Net control Big omni array on top of Mt. Rainier or……

6 KO7N’s Preferred Method
C-130E/J Commando Solo, Many KW from DC to light, for those lacking visibility to Mt R. Airborne Broadcast studio.

7 Next Best Option Use Mt. Rainier as a reflector
Many contacts in the following grids are made this way CN85 CN86 CN87 CN88 CN89 CN93 CN94 CN95 CN96 CN97 CN98 DN05 DN06 DN07

8 Operating Schedule Tuesday 144.240 8:00pm Pacific time
:30pm or 8:45pm Pacific time Sunday :00am Pacific time :30am or 8:45am Pacific


10 Net Control Stations Two possible net controls approximately 260 miles apart KO7N, Venetia, OR – Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and Northern California WA7TZY, Duvall, WA – Oregon, Washington, Idaho, British Columbia

11 WA7TZY 500W Pair of 5 wavelength M2 antennas

12 KO7N 1500W 2 x 2M18xxx antennas

13 Present Protocol Check-ins by direction and distance (e.g., “CN85 and South”) Announce farthest DX stations first Call for late check-ins every 3 or 4 stations Exchange call sign and grid

14 Present Status of 144.240 Net Currently support SSB and CW
Mainly N/S participation with CN96, CN97 and DN06, DN07, and DN13 Would like to expand participation East

15 1296.1

16 How the 1296.1 Net Got Started Wanted to promote activity on the band
Explore potential DX capabilities Provide a reliable forum where amateurs could try out their gear Sensed interest in activity after the 2 meter net sessions

17 WB7BST 60W, pair of M2 22 element antennas

18 Present 1296.1 Protocol Start time depends on 144.240 activity
Typically pointed at Mt. Rainier Listen/call stations who requests

19 Present Status of 1296.1 Net Currently support SSB and CW
Mainly east and local participation with CN96, DN06 and CN87 Would like to expand participation N/S from CN85, CN84, CN94, DN17

20 Activity Statistics

21 144.240 Activity Statistics January – August 2004 Total Contacts 672
Total Sunday Contacts 252 Total Tuesday Contacts 420 Largest Group 28 Smallest Group 7

22 Jan-Aug 2004 144.240 Contact Summary

23 1296.1 Activity Statistics January – August 2004 Total Contacts 203
Total Sunday Contacts 113 Total Tuesday Contacts 90 Largest Group 7 Smallest Group 1

24 Jan-Aug 2004 1296.1 Contact Summary
(via relay)

25 Do’s and More Do’s If you’re new, please give us phonetics
Send us s If you’d like us to listen for you If we got your call wrong in the report If you have suggestions for improvement Be patient on suggested times for listening directions

26 Do’s and More Do’s If you’re going to check in and run, let us know

27 Second Operators Ming Fermi

28 Questions? Thanks for attending!

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