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36 CAs across Ontario (mainly in the south)

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Presentation on theme: "36 CAs across Ontario (mainly in the south)"— Presentation transcript:

1 36 CAs across Ontario (mainly in the south)
Unique to Ont. Est. 1950s, partly as response to natural hazard damages caused by Hurricane Hazel Ont govt. currently undertaking CA Act review, some changes to governance model proposed

2 11 member municipalities
CAs funded by member municipalities by general levy Other funding through service fees, programs, govt. grants, etc. 30 staff covering wide range of work over large area

3 Who we are and what we do…
Mandate under the Conservation Authorities Act : to ensure the conservation, restoration and responsible management of Ontario's water, land and natural habitats through programs that balance human, environmental and economic needs. Objectives: ensure that Ontario's rivers, lakes and streams are properly safeguarded, managed and restored protect, manage and restore Ontario's woodlands, wetlands and natural habitat; develop and maintain programs that will protect life and property from natural hazards such as flooding and erosion; provide opportunities for the public to enjoy, learn from and respect Ontario's natural environment. Environmental management on a watershed basis

4 Watershed Management Forecasting and responding to floods and droughts
Improving fish and wildlife habitat Reviewing development proposals Regulating work along lakes, streams, and wetlands Assisting landowners with their stewardship needs Watershed monitoring, research and planning To fulfill our mandate we provide range of services to member municipalities and the public, grouped largely under: Conservation Land Management Education / Communication Recreation Watershed Management Watershed Mgmt particularly important. It includes: Flood forecasting, warning and response Fish and wildlife habitat protection & improvement Planning application review Implementation of development regulation Env. stewardship Monitoring (lake reports), research, watershed plans

5 Purpose of Plan Review & our Reg.
To prevent the loss of life and property due to flooding and erosion; and To conserve the integrity of the natural environment. Core reasons why we are involved in development review: Prevent loss of life and property damage from natural hazards 2) Protect ecological integrity of natural features

6 Municipal Plan Review Delegated responsibility to represent provincial interests for natural hazards (Section 3.1 of PPS) CAs comment on all planning documents (OPs/ZBLs) & applications under Planning Act 2001 MOU between MMAH, MNR and Conservation Ontario Agreements with partner municipalities to provide environmental planning comments on natural hazards, natural heritage and water protection CAs work closely with other agencies (e.g. MOE, MNR, etc) to ensure other issues are inline with Provincial Interests Ensure that applicants and municipalities are aware of the Section 28 regulations and requirements under the CA Act and assist in coordination of review process (e.g. Planning & Permitting) Conservation Authority has a delegated responsibility to represent provincial interests regarding natural hazards encompassed by Section 3.1 of the PPS. These responsibilities requires CA’s to review and provide comments on Planning Act applications. Also have Municipal Service Agreements with 11 member municipalities (incl. LTI) which cover other areas of CA interest including: Water quality protection ecological integrity of shorelines Natural heritage protection Stormwater, drinking water, ground water

7 Development Review CRCA’s Interests: Natural Hazards (3.1 from PPS)
Flooding Hazard (e.g. 1:100 year flood plain) Erosion Hazard (Erosion Hazard Limit – long-term extent of predicted erosion / slope failure) Dynamic beaches, unstable soils, karst topography, etc. Natural Heritage (2.1 from PPS) Wetlands (e.g. PSWs, non-PSWs, unevaluated wetlands) Woodlands ANSIs Valleylands, Wildlife Habitat, SAR Water Quality & Quantity (2.2 from PPS) Protection of riparian zone through setbacks (e.g. 30 m from water) Sediment and erosion controls Stormwater management (manily urban development) Process for Plan Review: if an application falls within CRCA screening area, the application is circulated to CRCA staff for review and comment CRCA staff review the application with respect to natural hazards, natural heritage and water quality and quantity. The review includes a review of provincial policy and supporting documents, CRCA policy, and the Township’s Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw. The review also includes a review of stormwater management reports, environmental impact statements, or planning rationales when they are required or provided. CRCA also reviews planning documents of all 11 member municipalities (incl. OPs and ZBLs) as well as County OPs

8 Ontario Regulation 148/06: Development, Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Shorelines and Watercourses Adopted 2006 Previous versions since 1960’s Purpose of Ont. Reg. 148/06: To ensure that proposed changes (e.g. development and site alteration) to a property are not affected by natural hazards, such as flooding and erosion, and that these changes do not put other properties at greater risk from these hazards. Ontario Regulation 148/06 is the CA’s regulation which regulates development, interference with wetlands, and alterations to shorelines and watercourses. primary focus is avoidance of natural hazards and protection of hydrologic function of features such as wetlands CRCA regulates all buildings, structures, site alteration, within certain distance of water CRCA also regulates shoreline and in-water works (docks, boathouses)

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