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Overview of Section 8 Housing

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1 Overview of Section 8 Housing
Pro Bono Week Presentation Saturday, October 27, 2018 Natalie A. Minev Staff Attorney, Housing and Communities Work Group Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles

2 Agenda Overview of Services Provided by the Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles Overview of Section 8 Programs (Housing Choice Voucher & Project-Based Section 8) Section 8 Tenants’ Rights Terminations and Evictions in Section 8 Q & A

3 Overview of LAFLA Since 1929, Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles has provided civil legal aid to poor and low-income people in Los Angeles County. 5 neighborhood offices 3 domestic violence clinics 4 self-help legal access centers In 2015, LAFLA assisted more than 80,000 people, including more than 10,400 children.

4 LAFLA – What We Do Eviction Defense Center Economic Stability
Housing and Communities Supporting Families Veterans Justice Center Asian and Pacific Islander Community Outreach Project Self-Help Legal Access Centers Domestic Violence Clinics (Downtown LA, Santa Monica, Long Beach)

5 Overview of HUD Section 8 Programs

6 Subsidized Housing: Types of Programs
HUD Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Sub-programs: Moderate Rehabilitation, Shelter Plus Care, HOPWA, VASH, etc. Project-based Section 8 Might be combined with HUD mortgage or financing, or LIHTC Public Housing Other HUD programs Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) State and local subsidized housing programs

7 Helpful Terminology HUD – Department of Housing and Urban Development
PHA – Public Housing Agency HACLA – Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles HACoLA – Housing Authority of the County of Los Angeles PBS8 – Project-Based Section 8 HQS – Housing Quality Standards CFR – Code of Federal Regulations HAP – Housing Assistance Payment Contract Total Contract Rent – Tenant rent + Rent from PHA/owner RSO – Rent Stabilization Ordinance

8 Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher
What is Section 8? The Section 8 program allows private landlords to rent apartments and homes at fair market rates to qualified low income tenants, with a rental subsidy administered by the local public housing authority. Housing Authority of City of Los Angeles (“HACLA”) and Housing Authority of County of Los Angeles (“HACoLA”) As of June 2017: 11 year waitlist for HACoLA; 40,00 names on waitlist; no new names accepted since HACLA recently accepted new applications but waitlist is now closed.

9 Project-Based Section 8
Project Based Section 8 housing is a HUD-funded program that provides rental housing to low-income households in privately owned and managed rental units. The subsidy stays with the building; when the tenant moves out, he or she no longer has the rental assistance. Might be combined with HUD mortgages or tax credits (LIHTC)

10 Section 8 Voucher: How the Subsidy Works
Administered by local PHA Three contracts or agreements 1. PHA and the property owner 2. PHA and the tenant 3. Tenant and the property owner Total contract rent: Tenant pays approximately 30%-40% of adjusted income and PHA pays the remainder Each recipient is assigned a case advisor This person is not an attorney and is not permitted to give legal advice. Eliminate?

11 Project-Based Section 8: How the Subsidy Works
HUD Two contracts or agreements HUD and private property owner Tenant and property owner Tenant pays approximately 30%-40% of adjusted income and HUD pays the rest Each property is assigned a HUD “account executive.” Local “contract administrator” may also be involved: in Los Angeles, LA LOMOD

12 Requirements for Admission: Section 8 Voucher
Family composition and income eligibility HUD regulations define family as a single person or group of persons residing together “regardless of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status.” Low-income Immigration status Must have legal status (citizen or eligible non-citizen) Mixed families eligible for pro-rated assistance Free from debt to any Housing Authority Pass criminal background check

13 Requirements for Admission: Project-Based S8
Family composition and income eligibility HUD regulations define family as a single person or group of persons residing together “regardless of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status.” Low-income Immigration status Must have legal status (citizen or eligible non-citizen) Mixed families eligible for pro-rated assistance LL has discretion over using background and credit checks to screen

14 Application/Admission to the Programs
Tenant-Based Voucher Apply with the PHA Eligibility interview/background check Issued voucher Apply with the private owner or management Sign lease agreement PHA inspects the property PHA signs the HAP with the private owner or management Waiting list Project-Based Section 8 Apply with property manager Waiting List

15 How to Determine Subsidies on a Unit
National Housing Preservation Database Free service that allows you to search by address for active project-based Section 8 or LIHTC subsidies This service will NOT detect whether Section 8 voucher tenants live at the property If the tenant completes annual paperwork with a local Housing Authority or has a Section 8 case worker, they likely have a Section 8 voucher. Contact LAFLA for further assistance on subsidized housing issues.

16 Section 8 Tenants’ Rights

17 Basic Tenants’ Rights Involving the Apartment
The right to live in decent, safe, and sanitary housing that is free from environmental hazards such as lead-based paint hazards. The right to have repairs performed in a timely manner, upon request, and to have a quality maintenance program run by management. The right to be given reasonable notice, in writing, of any nonemergency inspection or other entry into your apartment. The right to invite guests onto the premises

18 Project-Based Section 8 Right to Organize
The right to organize as residents without obstruction, harassment, or retaliation from property owners or management. The right to post materials in common areas and provide leaflets informing other residents of their rights. The right to use appropriate common space or meeting facilities to organize. The right to meet without the owner/manager present. The right to be recognized by property owners and managers as having a voice in residential community affairs. See 24 CFR 245.

19 Rights Against Discrimination and Harassment
*Landlord cannot discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or familial status* Notify landlord/owner/property management company in writing - Tenant should keep a copy - Provide a detailed description of facts - Provide only relevant information Contact case advisor or project manager File a HUD complaint

20 Filing HUD FHEO Complaint
Handled by the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) or California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) Three methods: Phone: Mail Online (complaint process steps and form) ousing_equal_opp/complaint-process Not just for LEP violations – all fair housing issues

21 Termination of Housing and Evictions in Section 8

22 Termination v. Eviction in Section 8
Termination from the Section 8 program means that the PHA/HUD will no longer subsidize the tenant’s rent. Once terminated, the tenants will be responsible for the full market rent of the unit. A tenant can challenge a termination decision through the informal review/hearing process. An eviction is when the landlord is moving to end the tenant’s rental agreement, requiring the tenant to vacate the unit. Evictions require a lawsuit and court process to remove a tenant from the property.

23 Common Reasons for Subsidy Termination
Drug-Related Criminal Activity Violent Criminal Activity Violation of Lease Nuisance; Failure to pay rent; etc. Severe and Continued Violations Failure to Pass Unit Inspections Failure to Recertify Fraud Unreported income; Unauthorized tenant EIV- Electronic Income Verification

24 Owner Termination from Subsidized Housing Program
Violation of Housing Quality Standards PHA will withhold these payments from landlord when standards are not met Fraud Demanding and/or accepting rent in excess of the total contract rent

25 Evictions An eviction is when the landlord is moving to end the rental agreement, requiring the tenant to vacate the unit. Evictions require a lawsuit and court process to remove a tenant from the property. The eviction process for Section 8 tenants and non-Section 8 tenants is identical and applies to all California tenants. Rent control protections may apply to certain Section 8 tenants, depending on the building they’re living in.

26 Types of Eviction Notices
No Fault Evictions 60-Day notice to vacate 30 Days if T living in unit less than 1 year 90-Day Notice Cancel Government subsidized housing 90-Day Notice after expiration of lease only For Cause Evictions 3, 10, or 14-Day Notice to Pay or Quit Cure or Quit 3, 10, or 30-Day Notice to Quit 90-Day Notice Must contain specific info of alleged breach sufficient to allow T to mount a defense * Terminations of housing subsidy are not necessarily eviction notices

27 Rent Control in Los Angeles
Los Angeles Rent Stabilization Ordinance (“LARSO”) Applies to properties built before 1978 and properties listed in LA Municipal Code § Limits the amount the LL can raise rent yearly (3%) Limits the reasons the LL can evict LL has to cover relocation costs in some situations database to search City of LA properties/RSO

28 Right to Hearing/Informal Review
There is a right to review and challenge the decision to terminate a Section 8 voucher or project-based Section 8 subsidy Section 8 Voucher Program Informal hearing held by the PHA Project-Based Section 8 Informal meeting with owner w/i 10 days

29 Section 8 Voucher Tenants: Overview of the Hearing Process
Notice of specific action taken by PHA Opportunity to request an informal hearing PHA attempts to resolve issue before hearing If not resolved, referred to hearing process All materials relevant to case sent to hearing officer Hearing is scheduled and parties notified at least 10 days prior to the hearing date

30 Section 8 Voucher Tenants: Rights at the Hearing*
Examining the file before the hearing Representation of attorney or other person at tenant’s own expense An interpreter or other aid needed Object to/question any evidence or testimony Bring and examine witnesses Submit relevant evidence/arguments Call, confront, and cross-examine witnesses Request a reasonable accommodation

31 Section 8 Voucher Tenants: Requesting Tenant Case File
Prior to the hearing, Section 8 voucher tenants have the right to examine and copy any housing authority documents that are relevant to the hearing.

32 Project-Based Section 8 Tenants: Informal Review Process
Tenant has a right to request, within 10 calendar days from the date of the termination notice, a meeting with the owner to discuss the proposed termination [HUD Handbook (A)(3)(e)] Can request reasonable accommodation to accommodate a disability Notice must be served properly

33 Termination & Eviction Assistance
Tenants should seek legal assistance immediately upon receiving an eviction notice or court summons/complaint Eviction defense resources

34 Housing and Communities LAFLA MAIN HOTLINE FOR INTAKE: 800-399-4529
Questions? Natalie A. Minev Staff Attorney Housing and Communities Work Group LAFLA MAIN HOTLINE FOR INTAKE:

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