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Presentation on theme: "HOW HIGHER EDUCATION DIFFERS FROM HIGH SCHOOL"— Presentation transcript:

Lots of rules Has homerooms Emphasize teacher training Same daily class schedule Textbooks are given to you Attendance taken Doctor’s note for absence Less time on homework Structured environment Less required of you Higher Education Fewer rules No homerooms Emphasizes learners learning Schedule can vary daily Have to buy books Attendance not taken No note required Much time on homework Unstructured environments MORE REQUIRED OF YOU High school is required of all students. College is not. High school has lots of rules. College has fewer rules. High schools have homerooms. Colleges don’t. High schools emphasize teachers teaching. Colleges emphasize learners learning. In high school, you may have had the same daily class schedule. In college, the schedule can vary every day. In high school, textbooks are given to you. In college, you have to buy your own. In high school, teachers take class attendance. In college, instructors often do not. High schools require a doctor’s note saying you were ill if you miss a class. Colleges don’t usually require this. Often high-school students find they don’t spend much time on homework. Most college students find they have to devote a lot of time to studying. High schools are structured environments: They allow less freedom, but they make fewer demands and hence require less responsibility. Colleges are unstructured environments: They allow you much more freedom, but they make many more demands and hence require more responsibility. The chief characteristic of college, therefore, is that MORE IS REQUIRED OF YOU.

2 WHAT VALUES ARE:Your values are the truest expression of who you are
A value is an important attitude A value is a matter on which you take action A value should be consciously chosen WHAT VALUES ARE Your values are the truest expression of who you are. A value is a principle by which you lead your life. It is an important belief or attitude that you think ought to be followed. Moreover, it is a belief that you feel strongly enough about to take action on and that has been consciously chosen. There are three important parts here:

Fear of flunking out—this may be the biggest Fear of not being able to manage everything Fear of the pressure—of the work and responsibility, of not being able to compete Fear of loneliness, of not finding supportive friends Fear of not finding one’s way around Fear of running out of money

4 Why Do Some People Have Trouble With Higher Education?
They are underprepared academically, which leads to frustration They are overprepared academically, which leads to boredom They perceive college as being not useful They have unrealistic expectations about college They are uncertain about their major or career No money for tuition and books Classes being given at inconvenient times No time off from work

5 How Could College Make a Difference in Your Life?
     The more education, the more income Increased personal development Increase in knowledge, competence, and self-esteem Increase in personal INCREASED HAPPINESS

6 The Strengths That Give You Staying Power
Sense of personal control and responsibility Optimism Creativity Ability to take psychological risks

7 3 Stage Scale For Active Learning
Stage 1 learning-memorization Stage 2 learning- comprehension Stage 3 learning- applying, analyzing, synthesizing, evaluation


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