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Presentation on theme: "BY SHASHI RANJAN CHIEF MANAGER (CIMG) GAIL( INDIA) LTD. NOIDA"— Presentation transcript:

Integrity Management for Petroleum Pipelines- GAIL's journey so far PSC th March 2018 BY SHASHI RANJAN CHIEF MANAGER (CIMG) GAIL( INDIA) LTD. NOIDA

2 Introduction – Pipeline Integrity Management: Gail's Journey So far…..
GAIL started its journey in 1984 as a Gas Pipeline Company 1st Project 1700 Km long HVJ Pipeline, commissioned in 1987 Over a period of 30 years plus, GAIL has expanded its pipeline network to Km Since, the beginning of pipeline O&M journey, GAIL has strived to maintain highest level of pipeline integrity by monitoring & maintenance of its pipeline assets as per relevant ASME & OISD codes / standards However, it was always felt that Focused Approach towards Pipeline Integrity was required for establishing sustainable institutional systems and processes for uniformity in monitoring & maintenance practices across the organisation, which we are striving to achieve through various initiatives taken at central & regional level along with implementation of PNGRB IMS

3 Promulgation of PNGRB era
Pre-PNGRB era pipeline design in GAIL: As per ASME B 31.8 and ASME B 31.4 for gas and liquid respectively (along with applicable OISD standards) - Aligned as per PNGRB’s T4S regulations Pre-PNGRB era pipeline integrity management in GAIL: As per ASME B 31.8S (along with applicable OISD standards / guidelines) - Aligned with PNGRB’s IMS regulations All the Natural Gas pipeline networks of GAIL have already implemented PNGRB’s Integrity Management System (IMS).

4 IMS Implementation S.N. Network IMS Approval 01 KG Basin* 06.02.2015
Maharashtra* 03 HVJ/DVPL/GREP 04 Lakwa 05 Tripura 06 NCR 07 Dabhol-Bengaluru S.N. Network IMS Approval 08 Ramgarh 09 Cauvery Basin 10 Gujarat 11 KKBMPL Phase 1 12 JLPL (LPG)** Draft prepared 13 VSPL (LPG)** * IMS Rev-2 is under progress **PNGRB IMS regulation for liquid pipelines is in draft stage and not notified.

5 Approach towards Integrity Management of GAIL’s Pipelines
O&M Policy and Guidelines PIMS Framework and Guidance Documents IQMS (ISO 9001 / 14001) IMS (PNGRB-IMS:2012) SOPs, Site Procedures & Work Instructions IMS (PNGRB-ERDMP:2010)

6 Focused Approach towards Pipeline Integrity
Creation of Central Integrity Management Group (CIMG) as well as Regional Integrity Management Group (RIMG) at each network To put in place sustainable institutional systems and processes Identification and management of threats based on integrity surveys Monitoring mitigation action conducted at sites and re-evaluation of risks Resolving issues and recommendations on specific queries Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) IMS review of all pipeline networks

7 Major Initiatives – Integrity Management
Continual Review of O&M Policy & Guidelines to reflect the current industry best practices and technological developments Standardization of pipelines SOPs, Guidance documents and work procedures Building Integrity Data bases on digital platforms for efficient data collection, analysis and reporting Implementation of Pipeline Integrity Management Software

8 Major Initiatives – Integrity Management
Mapping of all pipelines of GAIL on GIS platform GPS based pipeline ROU surveillance Evaluation of new technologies in pipeline surveillance Moving towards Performance based Integrity Management System

9 Integrity Assessment Techniques
Prescriptive Integrity Assessment Techniques ASME B31.8S In-Line Inspection (ILI) Direct Assessment (DA) Hydrotest (Pressure Test) PNGRB IMS Regulations GAIL has requested PNGRB for inclusion of Hydrotest and some other assessment techniques such as Magnetic Tomography Method (MTM) in prescriptive integrity assessment techniques

In-Line Inspections (ILI) The first ILI tool (Corrosion Detection Pig) was run in 26” X 19.5 Km, Uran – Thal P/L in March Since then, Km of pipeline has been inspected by ILI. Other 1500 km (new / low flow) pipelines are in process for inspection by ILI. The ILI in GAIL is done by A-MFL and A-MFL & C-MFL (Based on no. of years of operation / threats perceived). Direct Assessment (DA) First time DA in GAIL was done in the year 2012 in GAIL – NFL Vijaipur pipeline ICDA of Wet Gas / LPG pipelines – By outsourcing ECDA / SCCDA of Wet Gas / LPG pipelines – By employing procured software tool ICDA / ECDA / SCCDA of Dry Gas pipelines – By employing procured software tool

11 Moving towards Performance Based Integrity Management
Based on the threats envisaged, inspection intervals (as prescribed) for ILI / CP Surveys / AC & DC Interference Survey are shortened in many cases to effectively identify threat, assess them and prioritize rehabilitation(s). For Corrosion Growth Assessment - ILI carried out in an interval of 02 years LPG Pipeline / Pipelines having history of carrying wet gas – ILI in every 05 years Pipelines having history of carrying wet gas – Cleaning pigging every fortnight/ month / quarter AC / DC Interference surveys – Based on ILI results

12 Intranet based Integrity Database management and Applications
Pipeline Master Integrity Scheduler Cleaning Pigging Data ILI Management System Cathodic Protection Source Quality Monitoring Corrosion Probe & Coupons Hydrotest Records

13 CPIMS Asset Manager

14 Integrity Management Plan & Implementation in CPIMS
Identifying potential pipeline impact by threat ETL (Extract Transform Load) Alignment Analyst Geospatial Analyst Risk assessment Gathering, reviewing and integrating data Responses to integrity assessments and mitigation Integrity assessment Risk Assessment Feature Assessment Cathodic Protection Analyst Corrosion Analyst Stress Analyst Verification Manager Task Manager All threats evaluated

15 Mapping of Pipelines on GIS Platform
GIS mapping of pipeline with Geo Tagged critical features Pipeline alignment Stations Crossings Pipeline depth data Dwelling units and cadastral information in 200 m corridor All point of interest in 20 km corridor etc.

16 GPS based Pipeline ROU Surveillance
For monitoring of ROU, GAIL has started Foot patrolling along its pipeline with GPS devices. INTENSIVE PATROLLING NG PIPELINES Helicopter Patrolling : Monthly Ground Patrolling with GPS : NG Pipeline in Class 3 & 4: Monthly & Class 1 & 2: Quarterly. LPG PIPELINES Helicopter Patrolling: Monthly Ground Patrolling with GPS: Weekly NG & LPG Pipeline in Urban Area: Daily Ground patrolling

17 Evaluation of new technologies in pipeline surveillance - PIDS
Footsteps detected between 0 – 2 meters and Manual digging detected between 0 to 10 Metres Light Vehicles detected between Metres Controller Mechanical digging between 0 – 20 Metres Existing OFC Optical Fiber Based Pipeline Intrusion Detection System

18 Evaluation of new technologies in pipeline surveillance - UAV
UAV imagery-based remote pipeline surveillance, coupled with digital technologies such as big data and analytics and mobility, provides better visuals. Absence of human intervention makes workplaces safer. It is environmentally sustainable and contributes significantly to reducing greenhouse gasses. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)

19 Evaluation of new technologies in pipeline inspection
MTM (Magnetic Tomography Method) & CMD (Contactless Magnetometric Diagnostics) Based on Villari Effect - Change of the magnetic susceptibility of a material when subjected to a mechanical stress. Levels of magnetic field without stress-concentrator (right) Magnetic field of pipe with stress-concentrator (below) The change of local mechanical stress modifies magnetization of the pipeline, which is reflected in the magnetic field and detected by MTM

20 Conclusion New initiatives by GAIL: Enhancing the knowledge base and establishing new techniques in Integrity Management of Pipelines and Assets. Pipeline Operators’ FOCUS: Zero Incident How? Constant Search for the Weakest Link …

21 Thank you


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