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Capital-funded Competitive Grant Programs

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1 Capital-funded Competitive Grant Programs
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction School Facilities & Organization May 15, 2018 : ZOOM webinar for school districts Thanks for joining us today. All attendees are muted. Please submit questions and comments using the CHAT function in Zoom. This is being recorded and will be posted on the SFO webpage in a few days. Update: Due to technical difficulties with our new audio visual system the presentation audio was not correctly recorded.

2 School Facility and Organization Staff
Nancy Johns, Coordinator, Point of Contact Phil Partington, SW Regional Coordinator Healthy Kids Healthy Schools Physical Education & Physical Activity, Nutrition, Student Sustainability Awareness Drinking Water Fixture Replacement Scott Black, Program Development Manager, Point of Contact CTE Equipment, STEM Classroom, Small Rural Modernization John Heinley, Eastern Regional Coordinator Urgent Repair John McLaren, NW Regional Coordinator ADA/IDEA

3 Today’s Agenda Present general information on competitive grant process Present details about each of the grants Level of detail will vary depending on grant Question and Answer period Submit questions using the CHAT function of ZOOM We will answer the big questions of how much, for what and when the money will be available?

4 Competitive Grant Programs
Returning Grants 1. Healthy Kids Healthy Schools – Nutrition, Physical Education & Physical Activity, Student Sustainability Awareness* - $2.25 million 2. Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Classrooms and Laboratories - $10 million 3. Urgent Small Repair - $3 million HKHS – * the student sustainability Awareness category is new this biennium

5 Competitive Grants Programs
New Grants 1. Equal Access - Americans with Disabilities Act and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (ADA /IDEA) - $1 million 2. Career and Technical Education (CTE) Equipment - $848,000 3. Healthy Kids Healthy Schools – Drinking Water Fixture Replacement/Lead in Water Mitigation - $1 million 4. Small Rural District Modernization - $15.3 million

6 Competitive Grant Process
All of the grant applications will be managed in iGrants Each grant will have a specific form package # Form packages will be under Fiscal Period 18-19 Each grant program will have a webpage at OSPI Go to School Facilities & Organization, Other Grants & Funding Resources, to find the grant program webpage The grant webpages will include: - An application in Word. This should be used to plan your actual grant request in iGrants. - Timing – when apps are due, when awards will be made - Template Board Resolutions or other documents required as part of the application or as part of the award process. - Additional resources .

7 Healthy Kids Healthy Schools – Nutrition, Physical Education and Physical Activity, Student Sustainability Awareness Program Program Details Very similar to the 15/17 Healthy Kids grant $2.25 million available $1 million Physical Education/Physical Activity $1 million Nutrition $250,000 Student Sustainability Awareness $200,000 maximum per district 1 round Applications in iGrants by June 10, 2018 Application due date by September 27, 2018 $1 million PEPA includes covered play structures, physical education equipment, playground equipment. Does not include school athletics or small equipment such as hula hoops and baseballs. $1 million Nutrition includes kitchen renovation, kitchen equipment, gardens or greenhouses that support the school meal program. Does not include home economics classrooms or greenhouses for CTE classes only. $250,000 Student Sustainability Awareness includes Energy dashboards, recycling or composting equipment, water management and measuring devices. Project must improve students awareness and participation in sustaining efficient schools.

8 Healthy Kids Healthy Schools – Nutrition, Physical Education and Physical Activity, Student Sustainability Awareness Application Application Details District application may request funds in one or more category at one or more schools Two primary sections of the application Project Proposal Section District Readiness Section A project proposal may include new equipment, space renovation or both Prioritization/scoring criteria includes FRLP% by school Benefit to students Barriers Expected outcomes Water bottle filling stations may be requested as a “Nutrition” request. There is no earmarked funding for water bottle stations this round.

9 Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Classrooms and Laboratories Program
Program Details $10 Million available OSPI will consult with STEM Education Innovation Alliance and Statewide STEM association to develop grant criteria Statewide STEM association develops a single prioritized list Districts limited to one grant award that can be used for more than one school facility within the district. Must be at facility serving students in grades nine through twelve or any combination there of. Districts must have a secured private donation of cash, like kind, or equipment in a value of no less than $100,000 Application date to be determined, anticipate grant opening mid June and closing late August. Districts will receive a bulletin and notification through igrants system when application becomes available. Districts are not eligible (in this round) if they have received state capital funding assistance in the previous 10 years for the STEM classrooms or laboratory grant.

10 Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Classrooms and Laboratories Application
Application Details Priority scoring to districts that: Experienced decreased enrollments > 10% over the previous five years due to inter- district transfers to schools with STEM facilities constructed or modernized in that same time period. High percentage of students eligible and enrolled in the free and reduced- priced meals program Economic conditions limit school district ability to finance modernization of STEM classrooms and labs Educational benefits of proposed projects Age and condition of existing STEM classrooms and lab spaces, if applicable The extent that existing STEM facilities are inadequate including the lack of adequate STEM facilities to meet graduation requirements in RCW28A The statewide STEM association will conduct a webinar specifically for this grant program. To be announced.

11 Urgent Small Repair Program
Program Details $3 million to address Non-reoccurring urgent small repair projects K-12 educational facilities (excluding Skill Centers) Repairs that impact the health and safety of students and staff if not completed. Criteria created in consultation with WAMOA One grant per district not to exceed $200,000 in a 3 year period Prioritization based on limited school district financial resources for the project Application date to be determined, districts will receive a bulletin and notification through igrants system when application becomes available. Similar to the urgent repair grant program run a few biennium’s ago.

12 Urgent Small Repair Application
Application Details Grant application must include A comprehensive description of the health and safety issues to be addressed A detailed description of the remedy A detailed cost estimate Examples of eligible projects include, but are not limited to: Repair or replacement of failing building systems Potentially hazardous materials abatement Safety related structural improvements

13 Equal Access - Americans with Disabilities and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (ADA/IDEA) Program Program Details $1 million available Facility repairs and alterations to address deficiencies with respect to American Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requirements. Grants are limited to $100,000 per district May include multiple projects at multiple facilities Priority given to school districts that demonstrate lack of capital resources to address deficiencies outlined in the application. Application date to be determined, district will receive a bulletin and notification through igrants system when application becomes available.

14 Equal Access - Americans with Disabilities and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (ADA/IDEA) Application Application Details Grant application must include: Description of existing conditions to be addressed at permanent educational buildings Project proposal Cost estimate District financial information Demonstration of ability to complete proposed project(s). Examples of eligible projects include, but are not limited to: Site improvements such as ramps, handrails, lifts, play area access. Interior improvements such as ramps, handrails, lifts, door hardware replacement, restroom alterations, assisted listening systems. Creating, relocating, or improving SPED resource classrooms, OT/PT rooms or other SPED spaces.

15 Career and Technical Education (CTE) Equipment Program
Program Details $848,000 for CTE equipment Criteria being developed by OSPI, school districts, workforce training and education coordinating board. Grants are limited to $100,000 per district Must demonstrate that the request provides necessary equipment to deliver career and technical education – i.e. if greenhouse, include costs for other systems necessary to run the greenhouse, water, airflow, etc. Prioritization based on FRLP% Grants based on a first come first serve basis Application date to be determined, districts will receive a bulletin and notification through igrants system when application becomes available. This is an equipment grant, not a space renovation grant. A Skill Center is eligible for this grant. They must go through their host district.

16 Healthy Kids Healthy Schools – Drinking Water Fixture Replacement/Lead in Water Mitigation Program
Program Details $1.0 million available Replacement of drinking water fixtures contributing to lead in water No maximum per school or per district Grants are prioritized by school FRLP% 50%, Lead level 30%, Grade Level 20% 3 rounds Round 1 due June 19, maximum $333,000 granted Round 2 due July 31, maximum $333,000 granted Round 3 due December 20, balance $ granted District may apply in any round New this biennium. Coordinating this grant program with the DOH drinking water testing program which kicked off in late January

Healthy Kids Healthy Schools – Drinking Water Fixture Replacement/Lead in Water Mitigation Application Application Details District application may request funds for more than one school Each request requires type of fixture, number of fixtures, grade level of students served and ppb of lead Include total cost for contracted or district labor. This will not (currently) be included in a grant award Must include DOH testing and analysis report DO NOT WAIT FOR A GRANT TO TAKE ACTION Districts may request replacement funds for all fixtures with lead content equal to or greater than 1 ppb at one or more schools. Keep in mind that fixtures with =>20 ppb are top priority, 10-19ppb are second priority and 1-9 are third priority. Second priority is ppb. In round 2 and round 3 we will only fund =>20ppb requests. We hope to fund all of those requests. Your other requests may be funded in round 3. We have been asked whether or not we will accept applications for schools NOT Tested by DOH after January We are currently considering that request. Do not wait for a grant to replace the fixtures. Consider the grant as a reimbursement. This grant will fund water bottle filling stations only if an existing filling station tests high in lead level.

18 Small Rural District Modernization Program
Program Details $15,349,000 available Grants may not exceed $5 million per district Assist small, rural districts with total enrollment of 1,000 students or less with school facilities with significant building deficiencies with such low property values that replacing or modernizing through school construction assistance program would present an extra ordinary tax burden on tax payers or would exceed allowable debt for the district. Intended for districts with facilities that do not need to be replaced or require an extensive modernization but do have significant building system deficiencies. School district total enrollment will be determined using the 1049 from October 2017.

19 Small Rural District Modernization Application
Application Details Anticipate grant application opening Mid June and Closing Late August Two-phased application process Districts will submit preliminary information Top applicants will submit further information Applications will include which building systems are to be modernized Foundation Floor and floorings Roof Exterior or interior Plumbing Electrical Fire, Security, Communications HVAC

20 Questions and Answers Submit questions (today) using the CHAT function of ZOOM All questions asked and answered today will be posted on the grant webpages Additional questions must be submitted in writing to the grant contact: Scott Black, Nancy Johns, Update: The ZOOM audio recording has failed. Unfortunately we cannot publish all of the questions and answers asked during the presentation

21 Thank you for joining today
Your point of contact: Scott Black, Nancy Johns,

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