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By Alex , Justin and Eric. 7F

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1 By Alex , Justin and Eric. 7F
Sun Project By Alex , Justin and Eric. 7F

2 CONTENTS Sun spots. Yohkoh SOHO. Ending note!

3 SUN FACTS!!! The sun is the hottest gas in the Milky Way. The surface temperature is 5,778 K degree Celsius. The distance from Earth to the Sun is 149,600,000 km and that is a long way!!!! The Sun is the star in the centre of the solar system and it is almost perfectly spherical.

4 Sun spots We don't often think of the Sun as having cooler areas on its surface. The Sun is far too hot for an astronaut to ever visit, but there are areas which are slightly cooler than others. These areas are known as sun spots. Sun spots are still very hot. However, because they are slightly cooler than the rest of the surface of the Sun, they appear slightly darker in color.

5 The gravitational forces in Sun spots are also stronger than the other hotter areas. Of course, you cannot look directly at the Sun to see these spots because you would damage your eyes. Astronomers have to use special telescopes with filters and other instruments to be able to see the cooler spots on the surface of the Sun.

6 Yohkoh Yohkoh was a solar observatory spacecraft of the institute of space and Astronautical science in Japan. It carried a total of four instruments: a soft x- ray telescope, hard x- ray telescope, a bragg cystal spectrometer and a wide band spectrometer.

7 SOHO The SOHO was a satellite that was looking over the sun. It was sent into space in 1995, but was lost in when it lost connection to the station because it had drifted off so faraway that it could not be found.

8 Thank you for watching 

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