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NM Highlands University

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1 NM Highlands University
What is Bocce? Dr. Joe G. Schmalfeldt HPS 263 Department of ESS NM Highlands University

2 Bocce is a recreational activity dating back to ancient Greece.

3 Bocce requires strategy and accuracy and can be enjoyed by players of all ages and athletic abilities. How many people play Bocce in the US? 2 million play regularly

4 Bocce was brought to the Roman Empire where Emperor Augustus (31 B. C
Bocce was brought to the Roman Empire where Emperor Augustus (31 B.C A.D.) played the game.

5 He became the first in a long line of notable public figures who enjoyed bocce or a closely related type of sport.

6 Because bocce was played and enjoyed so much it was . . . ?
Banned 

7 Bocce shared a fate common to many games of the Middle Ages—it was banned by both kings and the church.

8 In 1319, Roman Emperor Charles IV outlawed the game because it took people’s attention away from military matters.

9 The Republic of Venice had also outlawed bocce in 1576
The Republic of Venice had also outlawed bocce in Those caught playing the game were fined and in some cases sent to prison.

10 The Catholic Church also condemned bocce because it led to gambling.

11 Any game that people find competitive and enjoyable will overcome even official attempts to stop play. Bocce was no exception.

12 It found a following in the streets, alleyways, parks and town squares of Europe, particularly in Italy and France

13 Legend states that English Admiral Sir Frances Drake was playing Bocce when he was told that an attack by the Spanish armada was imminent. His response:

14 “First, we finish the game, then we have time for this invincible armada.”

15 Today’s version of bocce has elements of bowling, horseshoes, shuffleboard and billiards.

16 Bocce can be played on nearly any type of surface from grass to asphalt to sand, though officially it’s played on packed dirt or gravel.

17 Bocce can be played on nearly any type of surface from grass to asphalt to sand, though officially it’s played on packed dirt or gravel.

18 A bocce court is 10-13 feet wide and between 60 and 100 feet long
A bocce court is feet wide and between 60 and 100 feet long. Boards that are four and one-half inches tall surround the court.


20 Two to eight players can compete in bocce at a time
Two to eight players can compete in bocce at a time. The pallino, sometimes called the jack or pig, is rolled onto the court.

21 Two to eight players can compete in bocce at a time
Two to eight players can compete in bocce at a time. The game is played to 12 or 15 points.

22 The pallino, sometimes called the jack or pig, is rolled or tossed onto the court. This ball becomes the target. Players roll or toss their larger balls to see who can come closet to the pallino.

23 Players can move the pallino with their balls or knock opposing balls further away. This is where the strategy comes into play.

24 If you enjoy this sport, please check out:

25 Because you could be the next “Bocce Champion” 

26 Your Final HPS Assignment:
1- Find an individual game that we haven’t played this semester 2- Create a 15 slide/10 minute presentation (you may work with a partner).

27 Your Final HPS Assignment:
3- Create a 1 page handout for the others in class. 4- Presentations due Wed 12/1/10

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