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CDS Images at Different Spectral Lines - Temperatures

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2 CDS Images at Different Spectral Lines - Temperatures

3 Recent Scientific Advance: Detection of Supersonic Shock from Solar Flare
Discovery of coronal shock wave running across the solar disk. Shock wave was generated by April 7, 1997 solar flare; also caused a large halo mass ejection. Left image is Fe XII at 195 A, formed at a temperature of about 1.5 million degrees. Shock is shown in black and white difference images where each image shows the difference from the previous image. The speed at which the blast wave moved across the solar disk was estimated at 400 km/sec - supersonic speed. Supersonic shock from solar flare

4 Comet (vs time)


6 Sun-Earth Connection: Images of Solar Event and Terrestrial Response
Solar flare, blast wave, and Coronal ‘Halo” Mass Ejection observed on April 7, 1997 by SOHO Radio emission from shockfront tracked from Sun to Earth by WIND • Aurorae observed in visible, UV, and X-rays by POLAR and from ground(e.g. Boston) April 11. Tempo 2 comsat loses 15% of power on April 11, attributed to solar event Event is lead story on Dan Rather’s Evening News Comet Hale-Bopp Photo: F. Sienkewicz

7 The Geomagnetic Storm of 11 April 1997:
Global, Synoptic, Regional, and Local Effects NASA/POLAR CEPPAD/IPS ENA Imager Synoptic Auroral Intensification Viewed above Earth’s North Pole Global Van Allen Belt Enhancement as Viewed from Space NASA/POLAR PIXIE X-Ray Imager Boston University All-Sky Auroral Imaging System Regional Auroral Emissions Measured from Ground Imagers Photo courtesy of F. Sienkiewicz, Boston University Visible Aurora Seen Locally, North from Gloucester, MA HESpence, Boston University Center for Space Physics, 10/16/97

8 Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI) First Light Image
Launched January 6, 2003

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