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REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project

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1 REDD+ FOR THE GUIANA SHIELD Technical Cooperation Project
Country Level Support - Guyana Saba Loftus, ONF International 11th December 2013 2nd Steering Committee, Macapá

2 Ongoing projects in Guyana relevant to REDD+ for the Guiana Shield
Low Carbon Development Strategy (see snapshot or for more information) GIS Policy MRV Roadmap approach (2010 for 3 years): Aim to establish comprehensive, national system to monitor, report and verify forest carbon emissions.)

3 Next Steps in Guyana’s MRVS
Development/demonstration priorities Better integration of the GFC log tracking system and the satellite imagery in order to monitor compliance Real-time mining deforestation (using Landsat/Modis). To monitor compliance. Temporal study of shifting cultivation using historical data to better understand land cover change dynamics Improvement of the national forest cover map using the Geovantage aerial coverage as a reference layer to classify the RapidEye imagery Integrated data sharing with other agencies to communicate mapping results to ensure improved enforcement Ongoing - Overflights using the same system as trialed this year. This would be used again for the accuracy assessment in Year 4.

4 Wish-list for additional country support
Community MRV capacity building Technical tools / open source software alternatives: Remote sensing analysis methodologies and software to automatically and semi-automatically analyze land-use, land-cover and changes (GFC noted: Brazil advanced in mapping of forest, mostly automated or semi-automated. GFC see this as something the regions forestry services could benefit from) How to capitalize on existing data and monitoring tools to feed the MRV system and the REL/RFL? (e.g Open source alternatives to ArcGIS (considering using open source alternatives such as TerraAmazon as licenses proving expensive to maintain). Decision making tool that incorporates existing Economic data.

Photo credit: ONF Guyane

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