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Imperialism: Cape to Cairo and the Boer Wars

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1 Imperialism: Cape to Cairo and the Boer Wars

2 Suez Canal connected the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea
The Suez Canal 1800’s – Europeans built the _________in Egypt that ______________________for ships between Asia and Europe. Suez Canal connected the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea The canal was ________________ _________for many years.

3 Cecil Rhodes ___________was a British born ____________________ __________________ As he expanded British territory throughout Southern Africa, ______________________________, which was named after him He made his fortune through a valuable resource found in Africa… _________________ He founded the company __________ _______________________________ _______________

4 The Cape to Cairo Railway
Rhodes’ ultimate goal, however, ___________________ ______________________________________________ ___________________________This became known as the Cape to Cairo Railway Through this railroad, ___________________________ ________________________, causing it to expand even further The British faced many obstacles, including _____________________ ______________of central and east Africa

5 The Cape to Cairo Railway cont…
The defeat of Germany in WWI meant that __________ ___________________________________ – what other issues would Britain face? _______________________– African climate _______ _______________________, and the British often had much difficulty during construction _________– __________________________________ ________that they had little to spend on construction While much of the railway would be built, ___________ ___________________________, and Britain was never able to achieve its goal of having a transcontinental railroad

6 The Boer Wars _______________________ were descendants of Dutch settlers in southern Africa The language spoken by them and other Dutch descendants is _________________________________ ____________________________________ Since the Dutch were the first to settle in South Africa, the ___________________________________________ ________________________ When the British began to expand north into Boer farms, _____________________________ Thus began the _________________________________ _______________________________________

7 The Boer Wars cont… The Boers fought fiercely, often using _______________ _______________________________________ Despite very harsh resistance, _____________________ ______________, giving into British control of the areas - The Boers went back to their lives as farmers During the second Boer War, the British began placing the _____________________________ _______________________ These camps had ______________and poor hygiene As a result of the victories, __________ _________________________________

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