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Social Welfare in Britain 1890s to 1951

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1 Social Welfare in Britain 1890s to 1951
Cradle to Grave Social Welfare in Britain 1890s to 1951

2 Britain in 1900 Role of Government limited
Policy of “Laissez faire”, (leave things alone) Poor Law Self help Charity Booth & Rowntree Boer War Spread of democracy, trade unions and the spread of Socialism

3 Liberal Government 1906-1914 Reforms
Children Old People Health of workers Unemployed Working conditions

4 Liberal Government 1906-1914 Reforms
Children Meals for children, the Education (provision of meals) Act, 1906 Medical Inspections for Children, 1907 Children’s Charter 1908 Old People The Elderly and Old Age Pensions (1908) Workers National Insurance Act of 1911, (health & unemployment) Mines Act, 1908 Trade Boards Act, 1909 Shops Act, 1911 Labour Exchange Act, 1908

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