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Overview Caltech HEP Program of the

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1 Overview Caltech HEP Program of the
David Hitlin DOE Annual Program Review July 10, 2008 David Hitlin DOE Annual Program Review July 10, 2008

2 The Caltech HEP Program
This is the second year of the three year grant cycle The Caltech program has vigorous theory groups (Tasks A, B) in HEP phenomenology and string theory – Gukov, Kapustin, Ooguri, Preskill, Schwarz, Wise Particle astrophysics – Carroll, Hirata, Kamionkowski Our major experimental activities (Tasks C, D, E) are Electrons: ILC GDE, BABAR, SuperB – Barish, Hitlin, Porter Protons: MINOS, Nona, CMS – Newman, Spiropulu Non-accelerator: CDMS & successors - Golwala Our main concerns for FY09 are Erosion of our capabilities due to inflation (we have proposed a 5% increment) Accommodating the research needs of new faculty in theory and experiment Restoration of support for Sergei Gukov Ramping up of support for Maria Spiropulu Preparing for the startup of LHC David Hitlin DOE Annual Program Review July 10, 2008

3 DOE Review of Caltech High Energy Physics
Agenda Agenda DOE Review of Caltech High Energy Physics Thursday July 10, 2008 8:00 AM 20 Welcome + Overview Hitlin 8:20 AM 40 BABAR + SuperB Porter/Hitlin 9:00 AM 50 CMS Newman/Spiropulu 9:50 AM Coffee Break 10:10 AM 30 MINOS + Nona Newman 10:40 AM 15 Experimental Particle Astrophysics Golwala 10:55 AM Theoretical Particle Astrophysics Kamionkowski 11:15 AM Theoretical Physics Wise/Preskill/Schwarz 12:05 PM 25 Discussion 12:30 PM Lunch - Athenaeum David Hitlin DOE Annual Program Review July 10, 2008

4 David Hitlin DOE Annual Program Review
Theory Sergei Gukov Anton Kapustin Hirosi Ooguri John Preskill John Schwarz Mark Wise Marc Kamionkowski Sean Carroll Chris Hirata David Hitlin DOE Annual Program Review July 10, 2008

5 Experimental Groups – Proton Campaign
Harvey Newman Maria Spiropulu David Hitlin DOE Annual Program Review July 10, 2008

6 Experimental Groups – Electron Campaign
David Hitlin Frank Porter Barry Barish David Hitlin DOE Annual Program Review July 10, 2008

7 Experimental Groups – Non-accelerator campaign
Sunil Golwala David Hitlin DOE Annual Program Review July 10, 2008

8 David Hitlin DOE Annual Program Review
Computing Our computing model works on an adiabatic replacement cycle Non-CMS computing remains important for the BABAR Intense Analysis phase and for MINOS By replacing a fraction of farm CPU’s each year, we have avoided the need for massive reworking of the system To stave off obsolescence, this approach requires us to replace ~1/4 to 1/3 of computing capacity and storage each year In FY08 computing equipment funding fell far off this curve David Hitlin DOE Annual Program Review July 10, 2008

9 David Hitlin DOE Annual Program Review
Summary The Caltech program remains strong, with a good mix of experiments and a powerful theory group We continue to play leadership roles in present and future experiments BABARSuperB, MINOSNona, CMS [GDE for the ILC] In accord with the P5 report, we are looking in new directions Particle astrophysics – CDMS (Golwala) Next generation neutrino physics – Nona (Newman) Next generation flavor physics at SuperB (Hitlin, Porter) CMS and future upgrades (Newman, Spiropulu) A future lepton collider The next few hours will provide a whirlwind tour of our activities David Hitlin DOE Annual Program Review July 10, 2008

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