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Winter 2018 CISC101 11/9/2018 CISC101 Reminders Prof’s office hours set to Thursdays 1:45 to 2:30 in GOO More times will be added, if needed. Quiz 1 next week. More info on next few slides. Assn 1 due Friday, next week. Exercise 2 is fair game now – work on console input and output techniques. Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod Prof. Alan McLeod
Quiz 1 Topics Everything up to and including Thursday’s lecture.
Exercises 1 and 2 are fair game. Emphasis on: Computing background history tidbits. How a computer works. Digital systems logic. Controlling the CPU. Python history and features. Python types, variables, expressions and console I/O. Python coding – simple linear programs. Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Quiz 1 Format Electronic – in onQ. About 45 minutes.
T/F and short answer. Short answer could be a code segment or possibly a complete program. Code writing will be towards the end of the quiz – leave yourself enough time!!! You will need to be able to write a simple Python program. Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Quiz 1 Format, Cont. The quiz will start out showing that it is open only for the Monday lab between 6:30 and 9:30pm. When this lab is over the quiz will be re-opened for the Tuesday lab. If you start the quiz after 8:50pm on Monday, for example, you will not get the full available time to write – the quiz will close on you at 9:30pm regardless. The quiz can only be opened in JEFF155 – it is IP address restricted to only the lab machines. Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Quiz 1 Format, Cont. When typing code directly into a multi-line answer box avoid using the <tab> key. This key will not give you a tabbed space but will just move the cursor out of the box, which is really annoying. Use just the spacebar for spacing, say 3 or 4 spaces per indent. Style is not critical, but nice looking code is easier to read and grade by an old guy like me… Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Quiz 1 Rules You will use onQ, but no other programs can be used on any device. No other aids. The TA must be able to see your screen. No talking to other students when writing. If you have written, please keep the noise down until all other students have finished writing the quiz. Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Quiz 1 Rules, Cont. Do not discuss the quiz with students who have not written it. Do not provide quiz answers to students who have not written it. The TAs will note the names of any “violators” and their quizzes will become zero! The rest of the lab time is available for assignment help. Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Preparing for Quiz 1 A “sample” version of this quiz is linked at the bottom of the “Grading” page. It will give you an idea of the type and quantity of questions on the quiz, including samples of coding questions. Do exercises 1 and 2. Start working on Assignment 1. Go over lecture notes, and videos if you need to. Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Today Review what we saw during the “Hello World” ritual.
Start Python Expressions. Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Aside - The Python Prompt
An open “pipeline” to the Python interpreter. You can always experiment using this prompt by writing small pieces of code. The prompt is never far away when you are using IDLE to build a Python program. Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
The Python Prompt, Cont. You first save, and then run any program you have written in IDLE. (Shortcut – press the <F5> function key when in IDLE to run your program – you will be prompted to save if you have not done so.) Anything stored in memory from a previous program that you have run is first deleted. (The “RESTART…” thing.) Then your program it is fed directly to the same Python Prompt, one line at a time. Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Python Expressions A program is a series of expressions, one per line.
An expression is built from one or many of the following pieces: Literal values Variables Keywords Function and method calls Punctuation “Syntax” supplies the rules about how these pieces go together so the interpreter can understand our commands. Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Numeric Types in Python
CISC101 Numeric Types in Python In Exercise 1 you (have or will?) discovered that literal values can be of different types. What numeric types did you find? int float complex Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod Prof. Alan McLeod
Numeric Types, Cont. Each type’s literal value is characterized by the way it is typed into a program. Do you remember the characteristics of each type? How does the interpreter tell them apart? Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Numeric Types, Cont. The int type is an integer (no decimal or exponent) and there is no limit to its size. The float type is characterized by a decimal place and/or an exponent. It is limited to about 17 digits. (We won’t use the complex type much!) Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
float Type For example to code the real number:
You would write: 2.43E-4 or 2.43e-4 exponent decimal Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Other Bases Normally we view numbers in base 10, or in a “radix” of 10. That’s the default in Python. Use the prefixes: 0b, 0o or 0x on literals to create literals in base 2, base 8 or base 16. Use the BIFs: bin(), oct() and hex() for conversions. Note that these BIFs provide a string representation of the numeric literal. Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Aside – What’s a “BIF”? (Not a Canadian Singer!) “Built-In Function”.
Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Other Types What other types did you find? bool str
How about the collections? bool str list tuple dict set We’ll talk more about these later… Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
String Literals Characters enclosed in quotes. You can use: ' "
""" or ''' The opening quote must match the closing quote. Examples: 'hello' "hello" """hello""" Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
String Literals, Cont. Triple quoted strings can span multiple lines. (Really long strings - often used for documentation.) Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Python Types, Cont. Python determines the type of a literal value by examination. When the value is assigned to a variable, the variable is typed to match the type of the value. Python is a dynamically typed language. Which means that a variable can change types. Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
From Exercise 1 – Literal Types
What are the types of the following literals? 45.237 3.4e-7 45e10 123 0b100101 0x45cde 'Hello!' "Again" """line1 Line2""" True [4, 6, 7.9, "Dingdong"] (4, 5, True) {'first':'Alan', 'last':'McLeod'} {3, 4, 7, 10} "H" 3.4E10 Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
From Exercise 1 – Types, Cont.
How can you discover the type of a variable? How can you change a literal of one type to another? Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Variables What is a variable anyways?
CISC101 Variables What is a variable anyways? A reference to a specific location in RAM. In Python, variables are created by an assignment statement (or in function parameter lists). A variable takes the type of the value being assigned to it when the program runs. A variable’s value can change any time, as can its type. Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod Prof. Alan McLeod
Assigning/Creating a Variable
In code: myVal = 20 Now myVal refers to some location in RAM that stores the int type value 20. We don’t have to worry about what the actual memory address is. Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Variable Naming Syntax Rules
Variable names are case sensitive. You can’t use a Python keyword for a variable name. No spaces! Start with a letter (use lower case, by convention), or an underscore _. The rest of the name can contain numbers, letters or the underscore (no spaces – oops I said that already!) Why no spaces, anyways? Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Variable Naming Style Rules
Use descriptive names. Capitalize successive words in a name using camelCase. No limit to the length of a variable name, but don’t write an essay!! Don’t use single letter variable names, except if you need a loop counter that has no intrinsic meaning, then you can use i, j or k. Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Aside – The Worst Variable Name!
My favourite bad variable name: l1 Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Arithmetic Operators As listed in Exercise 1: + addition
Winter 2013 CISC101 Arithmetic Operators As listed in Exercise 1: + addition - subtraction (and unary negation) * multiplication / division // "floor" division % modulo or "remainder" ** exponentiation or "to the power of" The first three make sense, how do the last four work? Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod Prof. Alan McLeod
/ or Division For example, what is the value of 1 / 3 ?
In previous versions of Python the result of int divided by int would be an int. Not any more! Now the result is a float. BTW, good thing there is a limit to the size of a float! Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
// or Integer or “Floor” Division
What is the value of 1 // 3? The result is always truncated, not rounded. So, 99 // 100 is also zero. You still get the truncated value, even if one or the other numbers are floats. So, 1.0 // 3.0 is still 0.0 Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
% or “Modulo” Always gives the remainder after division.
For example 20 % 3 is 2 Also works with floats. Result is a float. Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
** or “To the Power Of” Example 5 ** 2 is 25
If both numbers are ints, the result is an int. You can generate some pretty large int values this way! For example 5 ** 100 is: If at least one number is a float, the answer is a float. So, 5.0 ** 100 is: e+69 Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
Mixed Numeric Types If you have an expression like: aVal = 4 + 5 – 2.0
the result will always be a float in this case. So, if you get any float values in an expression that has integers the result will always be a float. So something like / 5 gives 6.0 Winter 2018 CISC101 - Prof. McLeod
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