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Software: Softwaret e Sistemit dhe ato Aplikativ

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1 Software: Softwaret e Sistemit dhe ato Aplikativ
Kapitulli 4 Software po shenojne nje rritje proporcionale ne kostot totale te sistemeve te informacionit; ato perbejne me shume se 75% te ketyre kostove. Kjo ka ardhur per shkak te deshtimit te uljes se kostove te softuereve me po ate shpejtesi si ato te kostove te harduereve; per shkak te faktit qe softueret jane me kompleks dhe kerkojne nje pune mjaft intensive per tu zhvilluar se sa hardueret; si dhe per shkak kohes se zhvilluesve te softuereve ju kerkohen keto softuere ne nje kohe mjaft te shkurte, qe çon ne rroga te larta per ta duke qene se kerkesa per ta rritet gjithnje e me shumes. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

2 Principe dhe Objektiva
Kur zgjedhim nje sitem operativ, duhet te marrim ne konsuderate nevojat e tanishme dhe ne te ardhmen per softueret aplikativ ne menyre qe te permbushe nevojat e organizates. Per me teper, zgjedhja per nje sistem operativ te veçante duhet te perputhet me zgjedhjen e hardware. Identifikimi & pershkrimi si dhe funksionet e 2 llojeve baze te software. Nenvizimi i rolit te sistemit operativ & identifikimi i karakteristikave te sistemeve operativ dhe te disa sistemeve te tjere operativ me popullor Kur zgjedhim nje sitem operativ eshte e rendesishme te marrim ne konsiderate nevojat e tanishme dhe ne te ardhmen per softueret aplikativ te organizates. Nderkohe, eshte e rendesishme te kuptohen dy llojet e softuereve. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

3 Principe dhe Objektiva
Nuk duhen ndertuar softuere aplikativ “proprietary” derisa kjo gje nuk eshte e detyruar nga biznesi ne menyre qe ajo te perbeje nje avantazh konkurence. Diskutimi se si softueret aplikative mbeshtesin objektivat e biznesit te personave, te grupeve te punes dhe te ndermarrjes. Identifikimi i 3 metodave baze per zhvillimin e softuereve aplikativ si dhe diskutimi pro dhe kundra per secilen prej tyre. Softueret aplikativ mund te perdoren per te mbeshtetur individet, grupet ose organizatat. Software mund te zhvillohen brenda organizates ose te blihen nga burime jashte saj. Eshte shume e rendesishme te kuptohen karakteristikat e llojeve te ndryshme te softuereve aplikativ, po ashtu se kur duhet te zhvillohet vete ky softuer apo te blihet. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

4 Principe dhe Objektiva
Zgjedhja e nje gjuhe programimi qe ka karakteristikat funksionale ne perputhje me detyrat, duke marre ne konsiderate eksperiencen dhe aftesite e stafit programues. Evolucioni i gjuheve te programimit. Industria e softuereve vazhdon te ndryshoje ne menyre konstante; perdoruesit duhet te jene te ndergjegjshem per tendencat e se kaluares dhe si ato te jene efektive ne biznesin dhe ne jeten e tyre personale. Dallimi midis pese gjeneratave te gjuheve te programimit. Software krijohet duke shkruajturinstruksionet, duke perdorur gjuhet e programimit. Gjuhet e programimit jane zhvilluar qe para 60 vjetesh dhe deri ne ditet e sotme. Eshte e rendesishme te kuptohen karakteristikat e gjuheve te ndryshme te programimit, po ashtu zgjedhjen e nje gjuhe te veçante per nje projekt te dhene. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

5 Nje veshtrim mbi Software
Computer program – sekuenca e instruksioneve per kompjuterin Documentation – pershkruan funksionet e programit Systems software - koordinon aktivitetet e hardware & programeve Applications software – ndihmon perdoruesit te zgjidhin probleme te veçanta Nje program kompjuteri eshte nje sekuence instruksionesh qe i tregon kompjuterit çfare te bej. Programet shkruhen ne gjuhe programimim, te cilat konsistojne ne nje teresi simbolesh te kombinuara ne perputhje me nje sintakse. Documentimi, i cili mund te shfaqet ne ekranin e kompjuterit ose mund te jete i shktuajtur ne dokumenta, tregon perdoruesit si te punoje me kompjuterin. Ka dy tipe kryesore te softuereve. Systems software konsiston ne programe qe koordinojne aktivitetet e e harduerit dhe te programeve ne nje kompjuter. Softueri i sistemit dizenjohet per nje CPU specifike dhe per nje klase te caktuar hardueresh. Kombinimi i nje kombinimi hardueri te veçante dhe nje sistemi operativ quhet nje platforme kompjuteri. Applications software perfshin programet e dizenjuar per te ndihmuar perdoruesit te zgjidhin probleme te caktuara duke perdorur kompjuterin ose per te kryer detyra specifike. Softueri aplikativ ka nje ndikim te madh ne proçeset me vlere te shtuar dhe duhet te perdoret ne menyre strategjike. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

6 Rendesia e softuereve ne Bizneset

7 Suportimi i qellimeve te Individeve, Grupeve dhe Organizatave
Software Personal Workgroup Ndërmarrje Software sistemi Sisteme operativ për PC dhe workstation Sisteme operativ për rrjeta Sisteme operativë për kompjutera mesatarë dhe mainframe Software aplikativë Përpunim teksti, fletë elektronike, baza të dhënsh, grafikë , skedulim grupi, ndarje punësh Libri i madh, hyrje porosish, pagesa e burimeve njerëzore. Klasifikimi i softuerëve sipas tipit dhe sferës së influencës

8 Operating Systems Nje operating system eshte nje bashkesi programesh qe kontrollon harduerin kompjuterik dhe koordinon softueret aplikative. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

9 Sistemet Operative Kryen funksionet e pergjitheshme te harduereve
Ofron nje ‘user interface’ Ofron nje pavaresi harduerike Manaxhon memorien e sistemt Manaxhon perpunimin Kontrollon aksesin e burimeve te sistemit Manaxhon file-t Operating systems perform many key activities, listed on this slide and the next. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

10 Roli i Sistemit Operativ
Softuerë aplikativë Softuerë sistemi dhe operativë Roli i Sistemit Operativ dhe softuereve te tjere te sistemit eshte si nje nderfaqes ose buffer midis softuerit aplikativ dhe harduerit

11 Funksionet e pergjitheshme te Harduereve
Pranon input-et e tastjeres Ruan data ne disqe Dergon data ne pajisjet e output Sistemi operativ kryen funksionet e pergjitheshme te hardware-t siç eshte pranimi i inputeve nga tastjera, ruajtja e te dhenave ne disqe ose dergimi i te dhenave ne pajisjet dalese. Perpara zhvillimit te sistemeve operativ, keto instruksione te pergjitheshme duhet shkruhen ne secilin prej programeve te veçate aplikativ. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

12 User Interface Command-based interfaces
Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) An operating system provides a user interface, that is, the user’s point of contact with the overall computer system. A user interface allows the user to access and control the computer system. The first user interfaces were command-based. Command-based means that a user had to know and enter particular text commands to get the computer to do specific tasks. Increasingly, user interfaces are becoming graphical, using icons, windows, and pull down menus to provide an easy and more intuitive way for users to interact with computer systems. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

13 Independenca e Hardware-ve
Softueri aplikativ Sistemi operativ Hardueri i kompjuterit Ndërfaqësi i programit aplikativ Nderfaqesi i programit aplikativ lidh Softuerin Aplikativ me Sistemin Operativ

14 Manaxhimi i Memories Shembulli i Sistemit Operativ qe kontrollon aksesin fizik te te dhenave Perdoruesi perdor nje softueri aplikativ per te dhena specifike. Sistemi Operativ perkthen kete softuere ne instruksione per harduerin, i cili gjen te dhenat qe kerkon perdoruesi. Pasi te kete perfunduar me sukses kete detyre, Ssistemi Operativ i kthen te dhenat perdoruesit nepermjet softuerit aplikativ.

15 Perpunimi i detyrave Multitasking – me shume se nje program mund te egzekutohet ne nje kohe duke perdorur nje proçesore Time-sharing – shume perdorues mund te perdorin ne menyre simultane ( ne te njejten kohe) burimete nje proçesori te vetem Scalability – adaptimi i thjeshte i shume perdoruesve ose shume detyrave Operating systems manage processing tasks. This allows more than one program or person to use the resources of a single processor at the same time. Task management allocates computer processing resources to different programs or users simultaneously. When more than one program uses a single processor concurrently, it is called multitasking. The use of a processor by more than one user is referred to as time sharing. The operating system accomplishes time sharing by dividing processor time into “timeslices” which are very brief time slots. During the first time slot some tasks for one user are done; some tasks for the next user are done during the next time slot, and so on. Operating systems determine a platform’s “scalability”. When a computer system is “scalable”, it can smoothly accommodate an increasing number of concurrent users or tasks. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

16 Aksesi i burimeve te sistemit
Mbrojtje kundrejt aksesit te paautorizuar Login-e dhe password-e Operating systems provide security against unauthorized access to data and programs. Operating systems establish a logon procedure and normally require passwords. Operating systems may also enforce password policies, such as requiring the user to change their password or whether or not they can repeat the same password. More and more operating systems also provide networking capability; that is, the ability to connect to other computers. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

17 Disa nga Sistemet Operativ me te njohur

18 Personal Computer Operating Systems
MS-DOS DOS me WINDOWS Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows NT Workstation Windows 2000 Windows XP Unix Linux MAC OS 9 MAC OS X Solaris

19 Workgroup Operating Systems
Netware Windows NT Server 4.0 Windows 2000 Server Unix Red Hat Linux Mac OS X Server Operating systems that run servers for groups of individuals are more powerful than are those that support only a single user. The dominant workgroup operating systems are provided by Microsoft and Novell. NETWARE is a network operating system sold by Novell which has almost a quarter of the total server market share. Although Windows 2000 server is Microsoft’s newest entry into the server operating system market, its predecessor, Windows NT server 4.0 continues to have a larger installed base. Windows 2000 is more stable than NT 4.0, and is specifically designed for web site requirements. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

20 Enterprise Operating Systems
IBM’s OS/390 HP’s MPE/iX (Multiprogramming Executive with integrated POSIX) IBM’s z/OS Linux Just as workgroup operating systems have more demanding requirements than do personal operating systems, operating systems designed to manage the computing needs of the entire enterprise have even more requirements. These are operating systems than run on large computers such as mainframe computers. Although workgroup operating systems such as Windows 2000, SOLARIS, or NETWARE support the demands of powerful network servers and enterprise computing needs, where mainframes are needed, different operating systems are required to support the large number of simultaneous users. IBM’s OS/390 is the most recent evolution of IBM’s old MVS operating system, designed to run on powerful parallel servers on IBM S/390 mainframe computers. OS/390 includes a full implementation of the Unix operating system so Unix applications are easily ported to the IBM operating system. Hewlett Packard’s multi- programming executive is an intranet enabled operating system for Hewlett Packard’s RISC computers. This operating system is designed to handle online transaction processing as well as web applications. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

21 Consumer Appliance Operating Systems
Windows CE.NET Mobil Linux Windows XP Embedded Handheld PC Pocket PC Palm OS Since network devices designed to interact with the Internet are becoming popular, new operating systems have been designed to operate them. For example, Microsoft Pocket PC, formerly Windows CE, or compact edition,is installed in ROM on such devices as embedded PCs, hand-held PCs, and digital TV set top devices. it provides a graphical user interface familiar to Windows users. Mobil Linux is an operating system that runs on Internet browsing devices called “webpads”, as well as special cell phones. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

22 Nokia 7650 Nokia 7650 eshte jo vetem nje celular, por edhe nje pajisje integruese imazhesh. Shenjon, ka ekran me ngjyra, fotografon. Imazhet mund te ruhen ne nje pajisje dhe t’i dergohen nje miku.

23 Shembuj programesh utiliteti
Programet ‘Utility’ Shembuj programesh utiliteti

24 Tipet dhe Funksionet e Applications Software
Softueret aplikativ jane programe qe jane zhvilluar per t’u adresuar perdoruesve specifik nper detyra me nje permbajtje te veçante. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

25 Burimet e Software-ve Softerët aplikative “Proprietary software”
“Off-the-shelf software” Të ndërtuar vetë Me kontrakt Paketa të personalizuara Paketa standarte Të personalizuara vetë Të personalizuara me kontrakt Burimet e softuereve: “Proprietary” dhe “Off-the-Shelf” Disa prej softuereve “Off-the-Shelf” mund te modifikohen dhe te personalizohen

26 Krahasimi i Softwareve “Proprietary” dhe “Off-the-Shelf”

27 Personal Application Software
There are numerous application programs for individual use. Personal application software includes general purpose programs and tools that can meet a variety of needs. For example, a spreadsheet program can be used by a teacher to calculate student grades or by a financial executive to test possible investment outcomes. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

28 Personal and Application Software

29 Personal and Application Software

30 TurboTax Turbo Tax Programet e pregatitjes se Tax shkurton shume kohe dhe te mbrojtura nga gabimet (krahasuar me dore) Programet kontrollojne per probleme te mundeshme dhe ndihmojne te gjeni se çfare keni harruar.

31 Quicken Quicken Programe menaxhimi financiar “off-the-shelf” mjaft te perdorshem per pagesat e faturave dhe ruajtjen e shpenzimeve

32 Perpunuesit e tekstit Programet e perpunimit te tekstit “Word Processing” Aplikimet e peprpunimit te tekstit perdoren per te shkruajtur letra, per te hartuar raporte, per te shkruajtur artikuj, etj

33 Spreadsheet-et Programet Spreadsheet
Programet e fleteve elektronike (spreadsheet) perdoren kur nevojiten llogaritje

34 Aplikimet e Database Programi i Bazave te te Dhenave
Me futjen e te dhenave ne aplikimin e BDH, informacioni mund te manipulohet dhe perdoret per te perodhuar raporte dhe dokumenta

35 Programet Grafike Programet Grafike
Programet grafike ndihmojne ne berjen e prezantimeve te ndryshme, si broshura, ilustrime, vizatime apo harta.

36 Sistemet e Informacioneve On-Line
Sherbimet On-line Sherbimet On-line ofrojne aksesim te informacionit ne çast. Çmimet e makinave, te udhetimeve, informacione ne lidhje me kompanite, te dhena mbi bursen, etj jane aksesueshme nga keto sherbime on-line.

37 Paketat e Softwar-ve Paketat e softuereve
Nje pakete softueresh, si psh Corel WordPerfect Office 2002, ofron nje teresi programesh, duke perfshire perpunim teksti, fletet elektronike, bazat e te dhenave, grafiket dhe programe te tjera. Programet jane dizenjuar te punojne sebashku. Per me teper, komandat, ikonat dhe procedurat jane te njejta per te gjitha programet ne pakete.

38 Disa nga paketat me te njohura te softuereve

39 Softwaret Aplikativ te Workgroup
Groupware Collaborative computing software Groupware, or collaborative computing software, helps groups work together toward a common goal. Groupware allows individuals to share ideas and coordinate work, thus improving group productivity. Collaborative software ranges from simple software such as scheduling and programs to software such as web boards and chat rooms. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

40 Skedulimi Grupi

41 Shembuj te Softwareve Aplikativ te Enterprise

42 Software Aplikativ i Enterprise

43 Shitesit e softuereve te Enterprise

44 Gjuhet e Programimit Komanda dhe instruksione te kombinuara ne perputhje me nje sintakse te caktuar Gjuhe te ndryshme kane karakteristika te ndryshme Programming languages are collections of commands and words that are combined using a particular syntax, or rules, to write both systems and application software. This results in meaningful instructions to the CPU. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

45 Gjuhet e Programimit Atributet e gjuhëve të programimit

46 Gjuhet e gjenerates se pare
Gjuha Makine ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)

47 Gjuhet e gjenerates se dyte
Assembly languages Assemblers Gjuhet simbolike Second generation languages were called assembly languages. Assembly languages used symbols and codes instead of binary digits to represent program instructions. The resulting programs still directly instructed the computer hardware. For example, an assembly language instruction might move a piece of data stored at a particular location in RAM into a particular specific on the CPU. Therefore, like their first generation counterparts, second generation programs were not easily portable. Assembly languages were designed to run in a small amount of RAM (remember from chapter three at first generation computers had only a few kilobytes of RAM available). Furthermore, they are low level languages; that is the instructions directly manipulate the hardware. Therefore, programs written in assembly language execute efficiently and quickly. As a result,much systems software is still written using assembly languages. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

48 Gjuhet e gjenerates se trete
Si punon nje kompilator Nje kompilator perkthen nje program komplet ne nje bashkesi komplet instruksionesh binare (faza 1). Pasi eshte bere kjo, CPU egzekuton programin e konvertuar (faza 2)

49 Gjuhet e gjenerates se katert
Shkurtimisht: 4GLs Programet ju tregojne CPU rezultatin e desheruar, jo si ta arrijne ate Shembuj: SQL, SAS Fourth generation languages are even easier to use, and more English-like, than are third generation languages. Fourth generation languages are sometimes referred to as “non-procedural”, since programs tell the computer what it needs to accomplish, but do not provide detailed instructions as to how it should accomplish it. Since fourth generation languages concentrate on the output, not procedural details, they are more easily used by people who are not IS specialists, that is, by end users. Many of the first fourth generation languages were connected with particular database management systems. These languages were called query languages since they allow people to retrieve information from databases. Structured query language, SQL, is a current fourth generation language used to access many databases. You may be familiar with some statistical fourth generation languages, such as SAS or SPSS. Some fourth generation languages, such as Visual C++, Visual Basic, or PowerBuilder are targeted to more knowledgeable users, since they are more complex to use. Visual programming languages, such as visual basic, use windows, icons,and pull down menus to make programming easier and more intuitive. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

50 Gjuhet e gjenerates se peste
5GLs Perdorin nje nderfaqes zhvillimi vizual ose grafike per te gjuhen burim Shembuj: Visual Basic, PC COBOL, si dhe Visual C++

51 Gjuhet e Programimit me Objekte
Objektet – te dhena dhe veprime qe duhet te kryhen mbi te dhenat Encapsulation – grup i items ne nje objekt Polymorphism - nje procedure mund te punoje me shume objekte Inheritance – nje objekt ne nje klase te veçante merr atributet e kesaj klase First, second, third and fourth generation programming languages were used to construct programs that contained procedures to perform operations, such as draw or display, on data elements defined in a file. Object oriented programs consist of objects, such as a time card, that include descriptions of the data relevant to the object, as well as the operations that can be done on that data. For example, included in the time card object, would be descriptions of such data an is employee name, hourly rate,start time, end time,and so on. The time card object would also contain descriptions of such operations as calculate total hours worked or calculate total pay. You should be familiar with several common terms associated with object oriented programming. “Encapsulation” is the process of grouping data, instructions, and procedures together in an object. With encapsulation, all functions, tasks, and the data elements are grouped together inside the of object, protected from changes to the rest of the program. “Polymorphism” means that a programmer can write a set of activities or a procedure that is able to operate on different objects. For example, a programmer might write a procedure telling the timecard object how to calculate total hours worked. This same procedure might also be able to be used by a student transcript object to calculate total class hours taken. Or there could be a “print” function that would work on time card and invoice. Inheritance means that objects of a certain type or group received the characteristics of that group. For example, an object or class called pets, might include such characteristics as friendly and domesticated. The programmer could then create a cat object and a dog object that would belong to the pet class and inherit these characteristics. The programmer could then an a specific characteristics to the cat object, such as purrs, and to the dog object, such as barks and wags tail. Some examples of object oriented programming languages include Smalltalk and Java. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

52 Gjuhet e programimit me Objekte
Kodet e riperdoreshme ne OOP Duke kombinuar objektet egzistuese te nje programi me objekte te reja, programuesit mund te zhvillojne lehtesisht dhe ne menyre efiçente programe me objekte, per te permbushur objektivat e organizates. Shenojme qe keto objekte mund te jene komerciale apo te dizenjohen brenda.

53 Çeshtje & Tendenca te Software
Demtimet (Software bugs) Open source software Liçensimi i Softwareve Permiresimi i Softwareve (upgrades) Suporti global i softwareve Antitrustet per software A software bug is any program that prevents a program from performing as expected. Some bugs are obvious; others are not. It is estimated that there are an average of five to fifteen bugs in every 1,000 lines of code. Most bugs are due to inadequate testing. Some are just be inconvenient; others cost companies money. Open source software is software that is freely available to anyone and can be easily modified. The use of open source software has increased dramatically due to the world wide web. Users can download the source code from web sites. Open source software is often more reliable than commercial software because there are many users collaborating to fix problems. The biggest problem with open source software is the lack of formal technical support. This is being addressed by some companies that package open source software with various add-ons and sell it with support. An example of this is Red Hat Linux. Software is protected by copyright law and vendors who spend time and resources developing commercial software try to protect their software from being pirated. One such method is for the purchaser to buy software licenses for a certain number of installations of a particular program. One way software companies earn money is by revising their programs and selling upgrades or new versions. It’s usually wise not to purchase the newest version of any software, since it typically has a lot of bugs. For example, unless there is a compelling reason to do so, avoid version 4.0 or 5.0 of a software package; wait for release or 5.1, since many of the problems will have been corrected. Although software companies sell licenses to global companies with locations all over the world, it is more difficult for them to provide adequate support to software in some remote locations. An increasingly popular approach is to outsource global support to a third party. Kozeta Sevrani - Sistemet e Informacionit

54 Si te perballemi me demtimet
Regjistroni të gjithë softuerët, në mënyrë që njoftoheni për dëmtimet e ndryshme. Kontrolloni manualet apo skedarët “Read-me”. Aksesoni Web sitet e prodhuesve për suport nga ana e tyre. Përpara se të raportoni defektin, mundohuni të kuptoni kushtet që çuan në të. Nëse defekti përsëritet njoftoni prodhuesit për suport teknik. Mos blini softuerët më të fundit pa kaluar një farë kohe derisa të jenë zbuluar dhe korrigjuar defektet.

55 Permbledhje Software – konsiston ne programe qe vene ne pune hardueret kompjuterik Operating system – nje bashkesi programesh qe kontrollojne hardueret kompjuterik Application - software qe aplikon aftesite enje kompjuteri per te zgjidhur problemet dhe per te kryer detyra specifike Programming languages – perbejne instruksionet qe i jepen nje kompjuteri per te kryer disa aktivitete perpunimi

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