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Thinking About the Future

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1 Thinking About the Future
The High School Student and the Job Search 11/9/2018 CTAP 295

2 Today’s Job Market Many companies want to hire persons who have earned their high school diploma. Many companies want to hire persons who have gained some specific work experience or training. In some cases the company will consider any applicants. 11/9/2018 Dolores P. Perez CTAP 295

3 Education: It Pays for the Rest of Your Life
11/9/2018 Dolores P. Perez CTAP 295

4 Education Makes A Difference
For many employers, a diploma is a basic requirement for any job applicant. High School graduates receive more training than non-graduates and so are more likely to get higher-paying jobs. High School graduates have shown the ability to work steadily and complete a project. 11/9/2018 Dolores P. Perez CTAP 295

5 Education Makes A Difference
Technical schools, community colleges require that one be a high school graduate. High School graduates are likely to get jobs with more responsibility than non-graduates. 11/9/2018 Dolores P. Perez CTAP 295

6 Starting Pay for Jobs Requiring High School Graduation But No Experience
11/9/2018 Dolores P. Perez CTAP 295

7 Work Experience and/or Training
Regional Occupational Program prepares student to enter specific career areas including Business, Computer, and Health Careers. Acquiring skills can set an individual apart from other potential candidates who may be vying for a similar position. The armed services provide training for many kinds of jobs. 11/9/2018 Dolores P. Perez CTAP 295

8 Unskilled/Less-educated Workers
Benefits dwindle for the unskilled along with wages. Mandated improvements in work conditions would likely be paid for by wage cuts. In some cases, employers have turned to temporary and contract workers whose pay packages do not include time off and other benefits. 11/9/2018 Dolores P. Perez CTAP 295

9 Contemporary Reality for the Unskilled Laborer
Contractors had no trouble getting Asbestos Removal workers to do the job without respirators. A few years ago a nursing assistant cared for seven patients. Today, it could be as many as 16. As the economy slows down the worker who has little or no training will be the one most threatened. 11/9/2018 Dolores P. Perez CTAP 295

10 It’s Your Decision The world is changing rapidly, especially in the ways people work. To find a job that is right for you, you must keep alert to trends in society and to the ways in which businesses respond to these trends. Every worker counts. Whatever your job, you can be an asset to your employer, to consumers, and to the entire economy. 11/9/2018 Dolores P. Perez CTAP 295

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