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R4BP 3.10 and SPC editor key users testing

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Presentation on theme: "R4BP 3.10 and SPC editor key users testing"— Presentation transcript:

1 R4BP 3.10 and SPC editor key users testing
Introduction to the new features 25 September 2017 Roberto Gilioli European Chemicals Agency

2 Overview Agenda of the day Objectives and scope of the testing
Perform the testing and report feedback Items for implementation in 2018

3 Agenda of the day 1

4 Introduction to the testing exercise
Agenda 25 September 2017 09:30 – 10:30 Introduction to the testing exercise 10:30 – 10:45 Coffee break 10:45 – 13:00 Testing of R4BP 3.10 beta 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break 14:00 – 15:30 15:30 – 15:45 15:45 – 17:00 New features for 2018 and wrap up 17:00 END After-hour plans 18:00 - … Informal get-together Now you can transfer only assets

5 Objectives and scope of the testing

6 Objectives Get familiar with the new features of R4BP 3.10
Test the usability Provide early feedback Discuss the scope of R4BP 3 development in 2018 Now you can transfer only assets

7 Main features in R4BP 3.10 User interface improvements
Communication improvements Mutual recognition of same biocidal products Synchronisation of NA-APP and NA-MRP Redefinition of active substance Submission of information post approval of active substance Now you can transfer only assets

8 User interface improvements

9 Relation diagram

10 More features of the diagram
Clicking on any rectangle or circle will open in a new tab the corresponding case or asset details. The case type is reported in each rectangle Circle's border is dotted: the asset is a family member Label of a circle not bold: the current user cannot access the asset details No case type number in the circle: it is migrated!

11 Enhanced case and assets details export
Fields exported in worksheet: Dossier UUID Evaluating authority Submission date Case status Completed on Target Asset number Implementing regulation decision Decision date Case owner name Asset owner name Case number Product/Substance name Trade name(s) Active substances Product type(s) BAS number EC number CAS number IUPAC name Case type

12 Search cases/assets also by company name

13 New filter criteria Assets generated from NA-MRS, NA-MRP, NA-BBP and NA-BBS

14 More multi-select fields
For cases and assets

15 Calendar selection for reply by date
No more counting of days…

16 Additional improvements
Possible to select multiple PTs per single use in the SPC editor Improved message for SPC format error Fixed the Invalid XML SPC error when pasting text with special characters in the editor No more automatic message sent to applicant when a case is resumed by ECHA

17 Improved communication

18 Better search and… archive!

19 Case owners can initiate a communication with evaluating CAs

20 Process flow enhancements

21 Mutual recognition of SBP
professional & public uses professional & public uses public uses (25 ppm) MR MR SBP public uses (25 ppm) professional & public uses public uses (25 ppm) MAC MR

22 Mutual recognition of SBP
professional & public uses professional & public uses public uses (25 ppm) MR NOW PERMITTED! MR SBP public uses (25 ppm) professional & public uses public uses (25 ppm) MAC MR

23 One LE can hold more than one NA (SBP) per product per market area
As a consequence are allowed: Multiple Mutual recognitions of SBP in the same market where the reference product already holds a Mutual recognition Multiple NA (SA, UA) in the same market for the same product Multiple MR having the same reference NA Multiple SA or UA (or both) for the same product

24 Synchronisation of NA-APP and NA-MRP
Agreement scenario

25 Synchronisation of NA-APP and NA-MRP
Disagreement scenario

26 Synchronisation of NA-APP and NA-MRP
New task items

27 Synchronisation features
"Evaluate and draft PAR & SPC(s)“ (EVP) by rMS has to be concluded within 365 days. "Agree on SPC" (ASP) must be concluded within 90 days. If cMS does not respond in 90 days, silent agreement is assumed! rMS should grant authorisation first!

28 Streamlined notifications (SN-NOT)
Notify one or more members of a family in one wizard Notify one or more single products in one wizard

29 New SPC “component” for upload

30 Select assets 2 1 3

31 Redefinition of an active substance

32 Within the Review Programme
Supported: One substance redefined in another one One substance redefined in more than one substances Many substances redefined in one substance

33 Change (correct) Active substance

34 Additional features Scientific data update after active substance is approved (AS-UPD), (AN-UPD) – To Be Completed The evaluation timer for CAs in SA-APP after provision of further documentation by the applicant is restarted and set to 90 days Automation of ECHA processes Increased capability for data corrections

35 How to perform the testing and report feedback

36 Testing environment (Trasys)
Trasys testing environment will be used today Instructions on how to access are available in your laptop Customised data are available for testing Now you can transfer only assets Feedback form to be filled in!

37 Plans for 2018

38 Features to be implemented in 2018
New case types Article 95 list amendments Active Substance cancellations Grouped NA-MIC and NA-MAC process synchronisation Workflow enhancements Support amendments or cancellations of markets where Union Authorisations are applicable Union Authorisation in EEA countries Enhancement of efficiency of internal ECHA processing of dossiers

39 Features to be implemented in 2018
User interface improvements: Further enhancement of the search functionality, (remember filter, search for reference MR, etc.) More information on the case available on process steps details (i.e. AS already applied for) Allow amendments of actions done by mistake Communication enhancements: further flexibility to the messaging system (cc feature) Improvements to the SPC editor “compare” feature “Find and replace” text in the SPC editor

40 Features to be implemented in 2018
Performance improvements Preparations for Brexit: Possibility to transfer reference case responsibility from one MS to another. Content check in applications (e.g. flag applications for Annex I of Active substances not eligible) Further improve error messages and alerts from the system

41 Thank you!

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