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Powered by National Court Reporters Foundation Powered by National Court Reporters Foundation Presented by YOUR NAME HERE YOUR PHOTO HERE.

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Presentation on theme: "Powered by National Court Reporters Foundation Powered by National Court Reporters Foundation Presented by YOUR NAME HERE YOUR PHOTO HERE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Powered by National Court Reporters Foundation Powered by National Court Reporters Foundation Presented by YOUR NAME HERE YOUR PHOTO HERE

2 The attorneys job is to make the record. The court reporters job is to preserve it. Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

3 Court Reporters: Are Independent Officers of the Court. Serve all parties and have no interest in the outcome of the proceedings. Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

4 Think of our system of justice as a three-legged stool… Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

5 Points to remember… Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

6 Do you have a Notice? Estimated duration? Special reporting needs? Special technology needs? Making the best deposition record starts at scheduling! Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

7 When do you need the transcript? What transcript formats do you prefer? Advise ASAP if the depo cancels! More things to consider when scheduling! Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

8 Before asking your first question in a deposition… Consider room layout and acoustics. Any exhibits to pre-mark? Provide your business card. Inform your witness of reporters role. Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

9 In a courtroom… Microphones are often utilized. The judge determines all other protocols. Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

10 Enunciate clearly. Speak at a well-modulated pace. Dont interrupt. Ever. Dont speak while reporter is marking exhibits. The Goal: To capture every word! Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

11 Be very mindful when reading. Be precise when using numbers. Spell case-specific proper nouns for the court reporter. Please spell slowly! And Some More Best Practices Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

12 Reporters write what is being said, not what is being done. Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

13 Clarify uh-huhs, uh-uhs, mm-hms and mm-mms. Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

14 Did you say B? C? D? V or 3..? A or The…? Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

15 Things to avoid: Uttering Okay, I see & All right Double negatives The use of vague pronouns Creating distractions such as clicking pens Going for long periods without stopping for a break Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

16 As to when youre going on or off the record. As to when a quote begins and ends. What is and isnt confidential or Attorneys Eyes Only. To use vernacular that is tailored to the witness. To clarify thick accents. Using directions such as east & west. Be very careful… Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

17 At the end of the deposition: If applicable, ascertain whether the witness would like to read and sign. Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

18 To obtain your transcript : Be clear as to your transcript order. Be responsive when the reporter contacts you for clarifications, as this could impact your delivery time. Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

19 As with attorneys, court reporters have different levels of experience and expertise. Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

20 To get the most out of your court reporter, get to know the services he/she can offer! Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

21 Freelance reporters can offer assistance in trial presentation. Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

22 Realtime transcript feed display Advantages of Realtime Technology Live feed from court reporter Your case issues Auto tagging of key words Issue highlights Quick marks for later review Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

23 Additional services available: Videotaping of depositions Synchronizing video to transcripts Paperless exhibits Exhibits linked within electronic transcript Mobile videoconferencing Trial technologies CART for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Interpreter services Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation Making the Best Record

24 Using Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) in the Judicial Setting Assess the needs of the person requiring the service. Give adequate notice to court administration that CART will be needed. Provide detailed information to the reporter to prepare. Allow adequate time for the person to read the screen. Making the Best Record Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation

25 This presentation can be downloaded at: Making the Best Record Powered by the National Court Reporters Foundation

26 YOUR NAME HERE Your email address here This presentation is Powered by: National Court Reporters Foundation This presentation is Powered by: National Court Reporters Foundation Questions? Making the Best Record

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