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October 5 & 6, 2016 OBJECTIVES Describe trends in marketing

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Presentation on theme: "October 5 & 6, 2016 OBJECTIVES Describe trends in marketing"— Presentation transcript:

1 October 5 & 6, 2016 OBJECTIVES Describe trends in marketing Explain the functions involved in marketing goods and services HOMEWORK None Sept. Wage and Hour sheet due 10/5 TODAY’S AGENDA Marketing Functions- identify the 7 types Functions Activity Demonstrate understanding with WS CLOSURE Answer the following ?’s: How does each function affect a business? Which of the functions focus on the consumer?

2 The 7 Marketing Functions
Marketing Co-Op

3 Financing Pricing Selling Promotion Distribution
Marketing Information Management Pricing Selling Promotion Product/Service Planning Distribution

4 Financing Getting the money needed to finance the operation of a business Decisions regarding payment options for customers

5 Marketing Information Management
Process of getting and analyzing the marketing information needed to make good decisions Information Collected Customer’s trends Habits Attitudes Where they live

6 Pricing The decisions that dictate how much to charge for goods and services in order to make a profit Usually based on Costs What competitors are charging How much customers are willing to pay

7 Product/Service Management
Obtaining, developing, maintaining, and improving a product or product mix in response to market opportunities

8 Promotion Any form of communication used to informing, persuading or reminding potential customers about a business’s products or services Examples Advertising – Radio and TV Publicity – Improving public image (recycling, going green, etc.)

9 Selling Providing customers with goods and services they want to buy
Types of selling Retail Business to Business Personal

10 Distribution Making decisions about where to sell the product and how it will get into the customer’s hands

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