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Study Skills Vocabulary – Unit 2

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1 Study Skills Vocabulary – Unit 2

2 Atone Ah-tone Verb Definition: to make amends Maggie is trying to atone for her bad behavior last night by acting like an angel today.

3 Devoid Di- void Adjective Definition: entirely without; lacking The island was devoid of drinking water.

4 Replete Ri-pleet Adjective Definition: full or supplied to the utmost amount The students love the novel because it was replete with adventures.

5 Mammoth Mam-uth Adjective Definition: Huge; gigantic The mammoth storm caused many accidents and loss of power for many towns.

6 Baleful Bayl-ful Adjective Definition: threatening or hurtful The sky was balefully thick with clouds.

7 Diminution Di-muh-nyoo-shun Noun Definition: the act or process or diminishing; reduction There was an obvious diminution of the temperature as the sun began to set.

8 Purblind Per-blind Adjective Definition: having poor vision; nearly blind The purblind man was undergoing surgery to restore his sight.

9 Lackadaisical Lak-ah-day-zi-kul Adjective Definition: showing lack of interest He just stood there lackadaisically staring into space.

10 Bland Bland Adjective Definition: lacking flavor; dull
The pudding was smooth but bland.

11 Ethereal E-thi-reel Adjective Definition: Very light An ethereal mist covered the hill in the morning.

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