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Modernity and Imperialism ( )

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1 Modernity and Imperialism (1894-1914)
Chapter 24 Modernity and Imperialism ( )

2 The more we know the less we understand
People were beginning to put their faith more in science and less in religion but new developments demonstrated we had a lot to learn Marie and Pierre Curie-- discover that radium gives off radiation Max Planck– develops quantom theory disrupts belief of Newtonian Physics “energy is radiated discontinuously in irregular packets of quanta” ?!

3 Science stuff Albert Einstein:
Theory of Relativity- claimed that space and time are not absolute but relative to the observer in a four dimensional universe E=MC2 particle of matter equals its mass times the square of velocity of light

4 Irrationality Friedrich Nietzsch: Henri Bergson: Georges Sorel:
“slave morality” of Christianity quote pg 733 Superman Henri Bergson: Claimed that reality could not be understood in parts but needed to be viewed as a whole Georges Sorel: Revolutionary socialism General strike sparks violent heroes Government of a small elite

5 Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud
“Interpretation of Dreams” sets forth idea of psychoanalysis Said that the unconscious played an important role in life Id, Ego and Superego Repression of bad experiences still change you! Oedipus or Electra Complex. . . Little weird.

6 Darwin’s impact Social Darwinism: Application of survival of the fittest and natural selection to society Herbert Spencer: Claimed that people were in a constant struggle with their environment and that the fit should survive while the weak die out Quote 735 Growing racism Houston Chamberlain (Brit turned German) wrote on Volkish thought and Aryans.

7 Attack on the church and response
Separation of church and state in many countries Anticlericalism Ernst Renan and the Life of Jesus Pope Pious IX writes Syllabus of Errors Modernists Leo XIII compromises with evolution Claimed that some socialism is actually Christian!?!

8 More isms Modernisms three babies
Naturalism: A continuation of realism but with a pessimistic twist. Their characters were often overwhelmed with social problems Emile Zola and Tolstoy (War and Peace) Symbolism: reaction to realists claimed that reality could not be understood but was a collection of symbols Impressionism: Reaction to realism and defined lines Claude Monet and Camille Pissarro

9 art Impressionists were soon replaced by post-impressionist who also emphasized color and light but added more structure (Van Gogh & Paul Cezzane)

10 Silly art Cubism Pablo Picasso Abstract Art Wassily Kandinsky

11 Suffragettes Emmeline Pankhurst: radical group of suffragists
Bertha von Suttner: Advocated peace not war movements and a breakdown of “traditional” women’s roles Maria Montessori: gained a doctorate and developed a new schooling method with student driven curriculum The “new woman” being unwed and with a professional career

12 Zionism and anti-Semitism
Anti-Semitism: Anti Jewish reforms or feelings Pg 746 Persecution in Eastern Europe: Pogroms in Europe led to mass emigration of Jews. Many moved to the US and others to Palestine Zionist movement Theodor Herzl claimed that Jews needed a Jewish state to survive and so they moved to their traditional origin. . . Palestine

13 politics Great Britain: “new unionism” and Fabian Socialists form the Labour Party advocating democratic socialism David Lloyd George (a liberal) abandoned laissez-faire ideals to push social reform Italy: Giovanni Giolitti and transformismo France: Third Republic struggles. . . What else is new Dreyfus Affair Radical republicans come in and purge the govt. of traditional rulers (Catholics and army)

14 More politics Germany: William II pushed expansionism to divert attention from democratic reforms Austria-Hungary: growing racial tensions in the dual monarchy Russia: Industrialized  social reform  Marxists rally Defeat to the Japanese frustrated Russians “Bloody Sunday” October Manifesto created the Duma Nicholas II cuts the rights of the Duma

15 Causes Imperialism Economic: Racism/Social Darwinism: Religious:
Natural resources to fuel a small geographic country Racism/Social Darwinism: “the path of progress is strewn with the wrecks of nations; traces are everywhere to be seen of the slaughtered remains of inferior races. . . Yet these dead people are, in truth, the stepping stones on which mankind has arisen to the higher intellectual and deeper emotional life of today.” Religious: White Man’s Burden Look for converts to save the heathens! (?) Pg 754

16 Scramble for africa Review individual works in class

17 Response to imperialism
Africa: group of westernized Africans liked it at first but grew frustrated at lack of rights for Africans Things Fall Apart China: 1900 Boxer Rebellion with empress Xixi and the League of Harmonious Fists leads to downfall Japan: Mutsuhito and the Meiji Restoration helped westernize Japan and improve military India: stable under Britain but poor /3 impoverished and 90 illiterate

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