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The Legislative Branch

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1 The Legislative Branch

2 Legislative Branch 535 Members
Covered through the 1st Article of the Constitution Elected by the constituents Bicameral institution Representative Body Legislative Branch Law Making Body 535 Members

3 US House of Representatives
CONGRESS (Great Compromise) US Senate US House of Representatives New Jersey Plan Virginia Plan

4 Goals of the Legislative Branch
Get Elected Gain influence Make good public policy

5 House and Senate in Session (at work)
Work Schedule House and Senate in Session (at work) Senate in session No one works (Federal Holiday)

6 Where do congressmen work?
Each congressman or woman is assigned to at least one committee. There are 4 types of committees. Standing Committee – permanent committee where Representatives or Senators work to research different bills Subcommittee – committee within the Standing committee to provide in - depth research and details about a bill. Select/Special Committee – committees created to do special tasks that the standing committees cannot do. Joint Committee – committees created for both the Senators and Representatives to work together on specific topics Conference Committee – committee created for the Senators and Representatives to work together to solve disagreements about certain bills.

7 Powers of the Legislative Branch (Found in Article 1 Section 8)
X P R S D O W Collect taxes Borrow $$ Regulate trade Make laws about naturalization Regulate US mail Declare war Coin money Create and maintain a military Necessary and Proper Clause

8 US House of Representatives
Specific Powers US House of Representatives US Senate Any bill dealing with money must originate in the House Write impeachment charges Approves all Presidential appointments and treaties Act as the jury in an impeachment trial

9 The Legislative Branch
US Senate US House of Representatives Minimum Age 30 years old 25 years old US Citizenship At least 9 years At least 7 years Length of term 6 years 2 years Number per state 2 per state Based on population (1: 650,000) Representation State People Members 100 members 435 members Leader US Vice President Speaker of the House


11 Election of Congress

12 Georgia US Senators

13 Georgia’s Congressional Districts

14 Georgia US Representatives
District Representative Political Party 1 Buddy Carter Republican 2 Sanford Bishop Jr. Democrat 3 Lynn Westmoreland 4 Hank Johnson 5 John Lewis 6 Tom Price 7 Robert Woodall 8 Austin Scott 9 Doug Collins 10 Jody Hice 11 Barry Loudermilk 12 Rick Allen 13 David Scott 14 Tom Graves

15 Leadership in Congress
Senate Leader: Vice President House Leader: Speaker of the House Paul Ryan - R

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