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Dual-Readout Calorimeter: DREAM

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Presentation on theme: "Dual-Readout Calorimeter: DREAM"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dual-Readout Calorimeter: DREAM
Richard Wigmans, Nural Akchurin, Heejong Kim, Hans Paar, John Hauptman CERN H2 beam – summer 2003

2 “Dual Readout” - Cerenkov+Scintillation in same event
Fluctuations in pi-zero content of hadronic showers limits energy resolution, introduces a constant term, and results in a non-linear calorimeter response Cerenkov light is largely generated by electrons from photons from pi-zeros, and therefore measures the pi-zero content event-by-event Scintillation light measures all charged tracks

3 Basic unit: 4mm x 4mm Cu tube

4 Beam view of module: hexagons define geometric channels
Module is 2 meters deep in beam direction

5 Rear of module: Cerenkov and Scintillation fibers go to separate R725 Hamamatsu PMTs
Bright light shining through 2 meters of Cu

6 H2 Beam at CERN: not quite to scale

7 Pre-Shower Detector: clean IDs

8 Cerenkov and Scintillation pulse height distributions

9 Cerenkov vs. Scintillation

10 EM shower fraction distribution

11 (Q+S)/E

12 S corrected by Cerenkov-measured EM fraction

13 Before & After EM fraction correction

14 Pion Energy Resolution

15 Distributions of “center-of-light”

16 Before & After Cerenkov-measured EM fraction

17 Energy resolution of “interaction jets”

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