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Egyptian Society and Lifestyle

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1 Egyptian Society and Lifestyle
Chapter 5 Section 2

2 Egyptians Early Rulers
Old Kingdom lasted 2600 BC to 2200 BC Government was unified under both political and religious issues known as a THEOCRACY Leader called a Pharaoh All people strongly loyal to the Pharaoh due to the thought that he was a god on earth and must be obeyed.

3 Bureaucrats of Egypt In charge of caring out all orders of the pharaohs. From constructing dams, irrigations, canals, brick work, grain harvest and storing. Pharaohs owned all the land

4 Religion in Egypt Influenced everyday life Polytheistic
Believed in many gods Believe all God were all powerful and controlled all natural forces and human activities.

5 God of Egypt Re- God of Sun Hapi- God of the River
Osiris and Isis- Ruler of the world of the dead Thoth- God of Learning

6 The Afterlife The Process of Embalming occurred to protect bodies
Process of Mummification Removal of Organs Bodies covered in natron salt to dry all moisture The bodies are covered in spices and wrapped.

7 Pyramid Tombs Pyramids were built to house the Pharaohs in the afterlife. Most tombs covered several city blocks Protects the bodies of the Pharaohs Buried with all personal belongings

8 Daily Life in Egypt At the height of the empire 5 million people lived in Egypt Most people lived in the Delta or the Nile River Valley. (which makes up only 3% of Egypt's land.)

9 Social Structure of Egypt

10 Lifestyle of each social class
Upper Class- Lived in Elegant homes, had large estate homes along the Nile river, Very fashionable and had servants Middle Class- Lived in smaller homes, owned business, held skilled jobs, dressed simpler. Lower Class – Farmers who rented land from the Pharaoh, lived in one room house and had very simple diets. Unskilled Laborers- Manual Labor lived in very crowed city neighborhoods.

11 Egyptian Families Father was the head of the house
Women had legal rights (could own property, buy and sell goods, and could obtain divorce) Children learned form mothers and fathers. (NO formal education) Teenagers were expected to marry.

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