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Maps by David P. Barrett used by permission

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1 Maps by David P. Barrett used by permission
World Civilizations Egypt © John Stevenson, 2017 Maps by David P. Barrett used by permission


3 THE NILE Agricultural Nation Land Values Transportation


5 KMT Black Land Red Land






11 Mesopotamia Egypt Flooding irregular & destructive
Flooding predictable & beneficial No natural borders against enemies Natural borders of sea & desert Rulers of different nationalities Mostly a dynastic succession Pessimistic Optimistic Gods cold & cruel & not to be trusted Gods good & benevolent

12 Problems in Studying Egyptian Chronology
Lack of a fixed system of reckoning years Lack of any objective Egyptian Historians Astronomical Dating Methods Translating the Hieroglyphs

13 1st Intermediate Period 2nd Intermediate Period
Egyptian History Old Kingdom Middle Kingdom New Kingdom Dynasties 3-6 Dynasties 11-12 Dynasties 18-20 Archaic Period 1st Intermediate Period 2nd Intermediate Period 3rd Intermediate Period 2686 – 2181 Pyramid era Era of the biblical patriarchs Era of Moses and the Exodus

14 Pre-Dynastic Period Prior to 3000 B.C. Climate change & the Sahara
Migrations Architecture Mud brick structures Silos for grain Cattle compounds






20 Lower Egypt Red Crown Upper Egypt White Crown

21 S E W Upper Egypt N Lower Egypt

22 Narmer Pallet also known as Pharaoh Menes 3000 B.C.
Unification of Egypt

23 Narmer Pallet also known as Pharaoh Menes 3000 B.C.
Unification of Egypt

24 Narmer Rameses IV Pallette 1150 B.C. 3000 B.C.

25 Archaic Period 3000 - 2600 B.C. Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt
Capital eventually at Memphis Civil and Religious institutions and ceremonies assume form they will maintain throughout entire Dynastic Period Wooden & brick temples & palaces

26 Egyptian Mythology Geb (Earth) Nut (Sky)

27 Egyptian Mythology Geb Nut Seth Isis Osiris Osiris Seth Isis (Earth)
(Sky) Seth Isis Osiris Osiris Seth Isis

28 Egyptian Mythology Geb Nut Seth Isis Osiris Horus Seth Horus (Earth)
(Sky) Seth Isis Osiris Horus Seth Horus

29 Egyptian Mythology Isis & Osiris bring civilization
Seth tricks Osiris into a coffin Seth

30 Egyptian Mythology Isis & Osiris bring civilization
Seth tricks Osiris into a coffin Isis resurrects Osiris Osiris becomes god of the dead Isis gives birth to Horus Horus defeats Seth Seth

31 Heb-Sed Festival Normally held on 30th year of rule
Pharaoh would show physical ability Rejuvenation ceremony

32 Old Kingdom B.C.

33 Mastaba

34 Mastaba

35 Step Pyramid of Djoser

36 Step Pyramid of Djoser



39 Snefru Founder of 4th Dynasty First true pyramid builder
Around 2600 B.C. Founder of 4th Dynasty First true pyramid builder

40 Snefru & the Meidum Pyramid

41 Bent Pyramid of Snefru

42 Red Pyramid Bent Pyramid

43 Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops)







50 Robber’s Tunnel Caliph al-Ma’mum (820 A.D.)

51 Pyramid of Khafre




55 Pyramids Served as tombs More than a hundred in Egypt
All on the west bank of the Nile

56 Egyptian Calendar 12 months with 30 days each 360 day cycle + 5 days
No leap year It would take 1460 years for calendar to make full cycle This was called the apocatastasis (the re-establishment)

57 Nemes Headdress

58 First Intermediate Period 2181 - 1991 B.C.
Entrance of Bedouins Advent of Pessimistic Literature “Seventy kings in seventy days” (Manetho)

59 Middle Kingdom B.C.


61 11th Dynasty

62 Amenemhet III Irrigation Canal to the Faiyum Depression
Record height of Nile

63 Beni Hasan Tomb

64 Goshen

65 Suspicions against Israelites
Foreigners Shepherds Goshen Religious differences

66 Maps provided by David P. Barrett Used by Permission

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