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High Efficiency Dehumidification System (HEDS)
Real World, Persistent Energy Savings and Humidity Control for Your Facility February International Colloquium on Environmentally Preferred Advanced Power Generation (ICEPAG)
Efficiency/Savings vs. Larger Generation/Storage
Based on cost figures we have seen, it seems to be less expensive to save energy thru energy efficient design and operation of facilities, than it is to build larger power generation and energy storage systems to provide energy to a wasteful facility. Proper selection of the energy efficiency strategies can yield comfort and productivity benefits, as well as energy consumption reductions. Depending upon the size of the system being deployed and the site there may be many very cost effective energy efficiency solutions that can be deployed. System designs that include the High Efficiency Dehumidification System (HEDS), Variable Speed Everything (VSE) and the Load Based Optimization System (LOBOS) may be cost effectively implemented.
High Efficiency Dehumidification System (HEDS)
Billions of dollars in damage occurs each year due to biological growth caused by high RH in facilities. Each year, hundreds of millions of dollars in energy costs is wasted due to inadequately designed or operated dehumidification systems. High RH can be caused by the desire to save energy by reducing the dehumidification and re-heat load on the system, or by systems that are not designed to provide non-saturated cooling supply air to the conditioned spaces. Typically installed dehumidification systems can either be very costly to purchase and install and maintenance intensive, or very costly to operate properly. 11/9/2018 Scot M. Duncan, P.E. Proprietary & Confidential. Not for Distribution.
High Efficiency Dehumidification System (HEDS)
The Patent-Pending HEDS system addresses all of these issues. The High Efficiency Dehumidification System can reduce peak day energy consumption by 28% (high loads, DOAS, tropical areas) to 70% (low loads, VAV, humid areas), while dramatically improving chiller plant and boiler plant efficiency on an annual basis. Combining Variable Speed Everything (VSE) design strategies with Load Based Optimization System (LOBOS) Controls, and HEDS can reduce facility energy consumption far beyond typical design and operation strategies, while reducing the RH to reduce the potential for biological damage to occur. 11/9/2018 Scot M. Duncan, P.E. Proprietary & Confidential. Not for Distribution.
High Efficiency Dehumidification System (HEDS)
The HEDS equipment and operational design was invented partially in response to a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers request to help them solve biological, construction cost, maintenance cost and energy cost problems that plague many of their facilities. The HEDS inventor is a Registered Professional Engineer and a “Subject Matter Expert” (SME) for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on fourteen different energy efficiency, Net Zero Energy and biological control topics and has provided training to Engineers from around the world on these topics. 11/9/2018 Scot M. Duncan, P.E. Proprietary & Confidential. Not for Distribution.
High Efficiency Dehumidification System (HEDS)
The HEDS dehumidification/reheat equipment can operate with two-pipe or four-pipe systems, and with chilled water supply temperatures to the units as high as 52°F, while still providing 55°F dew point supply air temperatures with 65°F to 68°F dry bulb temperatures. Standard sizes of 200 CFM to over 100,000 CFM can be provided. Larger and smaller units can be built as required. Colder air temperatures and lesser or greater reheat capabilities are also inherent in the HEDS design. 11/9/2018 Scot M. Duncan, P.E. Proprietary & Confidential. Not for Distribution. 6
HEDS Rough Order of Magnitude Savings Chip Fab
We performed a top level evaluation of a Chip Fabrication facility (300 mm wafers) and the following results were found. The comparison is between the current design and operation and the design and operation of the system if it used the High Efficiency Dehumidification System (HEDS) for dehumidification and reheat, the Load Based Optimization System for chiller plant optimization, and Variable Speed Everything for the chiller plant designs. For reference, the facility uses approximately 1,000,000 CFM of make up air, 24/7/365. We used an effective average electric cost of $0.10 in this example, and $0.60 per therm of natural gas, along with an assumed effective boiler system efficiency of 80%.
HEDS Rough Order of Magnitude Savings Chip Fab
The natural gas savings associated with the use of the HEDS system is calculated to be 745,000 Therms per year, equal to $447,000 per year at the $0.60 per Therm rate. The electrical savings associated with the use of the HEDS system is calculated to be 4,781,000 kWh per year, equal to $478,000 per year at the $0.10 per kWh rate. Total savings for the use of the HEDS system is calculated to be $925,000 per year for this site. On a new construction basis, integrating the HEDS system into the design would most likely result in a construction cost wash, as there are cost offsets that would cover the cost of the HEDS system.
LOBOS/VSE Rough Order of Magnitude Savings Chip Fab
The electrical savings associated with the use of the Load Based Optimization System (LOBOS) and Variable Speed Everything (VSE) design strategies system is calculated to be 27,367,000 kWh per year, equal to $2,736,700 per year at the $0.10 per kWh rate. On a new construction basis, integrating the LOBOS and VSE system into the design would most likely result in a simple payback period of less than six months, as there are cost offsets that would cover the cost of the LOBOS/VSE systems. On a retrofit basis, the simple payback periods typically range from 3 to 5 years, although on a project of this magnitude and 24/7 operation, it is expected that the simple payback period would be in the 1-3 year range. Cost estimates have not yet been developed for the retrofit project.
HEDS/LOBOS/VSE Summary for a Chip Fab
For the previously described chip fab, the savings are pretty substantial, and the simple payback periods are very short, especially if the systems are integrated into the design from the beginning.
HEDS for Turbine Air Inlet Cooling (TIC)
The High Efficiency Dehumidification System can play a pivotal role in improving the heat rate and power output of gas turbine generators on peak load days. Depending upon ambient conditions, the heat rates can be improved by 5% to 10%, and the overall power output can be improved by 20% to near 30% if proper inlet air conditions are provided to the turbine. Many TIC systems are not equipped with any form of reheat, so they must run the air temperatures higher than would be required if there were a cost effective source of reheat energy to eliminate potential problems associated with cold, saturated air at the turbine inlet.
HEDS for Turbine Air Inlet Cooling (TIC)
Running the air into a turbine at saturated conditions can have disastrous consequences, if the air temperature is dropped too low. The air pressure can drop as much as 4” WC at the air inlet on some turbines, creating the potential for ice crystals to develop that can damage the turbine blades. Providing a stable source of inlet air at 40°F to 45°F and 85% RH (or colder with some system types) can produce very impressive performance gains. HEDS and Variable Speed Everything (VSE) design strategies can cut the energy required to provide 45°F, 85% RH air streams into a turbine by over 40%.
HEDS for Turbine Air Inlet Cooling (TIC)
If Thermal Energy Storage is used to reduce on-peak parasitic electrical loads, the TES system capacity can be increased by approximately 25%, while the energy consumed in the cooling generation process, can be trimmed by over 40%, utilizing HEDS, VSE and TES with the Load Based Optimization System (LOBOSD) chiller plant optimization strategy.. Because there is minimal reheat required to get the 40°F air to be 85% RH vs. 100% saturated, the HEDS system only reduces cooling loads by approximately 4% or less.
High Efficiency Dehumidification System (HEDS)
Design Entering Air Conditions 10,000 CFM 78 F Dry bulb 65 F Wet bulb High Efficiency Dehumidification System (HEDS) Design Leaving Air Conditions 10,000 CFM 65 F Dry bulb 55 F Dew point Supply air temperature is 10°F above the dew point temperature, recirculating VAV system shown. For DOAS-HEDS, the supply air dry bulb temperature can be 20°F above the dew point temperature. Supplying non-saturated air to a space, properly distributed, can reduce the potential for biological growth. 11/9/2018 Scot M. Duncan, P.E. Proprietary & Confidential. Not for Distribution.
High Efficiency Dehumidification System (HEDS)
Variable Volume System Performance Comparison "Normal HVAC" vs. "HEDS" Entering Conditions Leaving Conditions % Design CFM DB WB Dew point 100% 78 65 65.1 55 75% 77 64.5 65.7 50% 76 64 67.2 25% 75 63 68.1 Normal AHU System Chiller Plant Load + Reheat Energy (BTUH) High Efficiency Dehumidification System (HEDS) Chiller Plant Load + Reheat Energy (BTUH) HEDS % Energy Savings 460013 219240 52% 340795 148330 56% 227500 81250 64% 108160 30400 72% 11/9/2018 Scot M. Duncan, P.E. Proprietary & Confidential. Not for Distribution.
High Efficiency Dehumidification System (HEDS)
DOAS Performance Comparison – Tropical Conditions "Normal DOAS" vs. "HEDS-DOAS“ Entering Conditions Leaving Conditions CHWS Temperature at Unit DB WB Dew point 45°F 98 82 65 45 Normal DOAS System Chiller Plant Load + DX Sub-cooling + Reheat Energy (BTUH) High Efficiency Dehumidification System (HEDS-DOAS) Chiller Plant Load + DX Sub-cooling + Reheat Energy (BTUH) HEDS % Energy Savings 28% 11/9/2018 Scot M. Duncan, P.E. Proprietary & Confidential. Not for Distribution.
High Efficiency Dehumidification System (HEDS)
High Efficiency Dehumidification System Energy Savings vs. Design 100% reheat to 65F/68F Savings in comparison to a typical VAV-reheat system, using natural gas fired hot water heaters as the re-heat energy source. 11/9/2018 Scot M. Duncan, P.E. Proprietary & Confidential. Not for Distribution.
High Efficiency Dehumidification System (HEDS)
HEDS can be readily applied to the following facility types: Commercial Office Space, Retail Space Hospitals Barracks, DFACs, Other Military Facilities Aircraft Hangars Detention Facilities Other Government Facilities Data Centers Labs Clean Rooms Manufacturing University Campuses, K-12 Facilities, Community Colleges Libraries Museums Chip Fabrication Facilities HVAC Systems Using Dedicated Outdoor Air Systems HVAC Systems Using Under-Floor Air Distribution Systems Chilled-Beam Systems Radiantly-Cooled Facilities Casinos Convention Centers, Hotels Churches, Religious Meeting Places Ships/Naval Vessels Most Facilities Requiring Non-saturated Supply Air to Reduce Potential For Biological Growth, or for Space Relative Humidity Control Turbine Air Inlet Cooling 11/9/2018 Scot M. Duncan, P.E. Proprietary & Confidential. Not for Distribution.
Scot M. Duncan, P.E. Retrofit Originality Incorporated Office: (949) Fax: (949)
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