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Presentation on theme: "ACUTE PANCREATITIS PANCREATIC DISEASE"— Presentation transcript:

The pancreas secretes 1.5 liters of enzyme-rich fluid every day for the digestion of fats, starch, and protein. Normal pancreatic juice is clear, colorless, isotonic, and alkaline. A large volume of alkaline, enzyme-rich fluid enters the duodenum to neutralize gastric chyme for optimal digestion.

2 Facts of Exocrine Pancreas
1.5 liters of enzyme-rich fluid every day: digests of fats, starch, and protein. Normal pancreatic juice is clear, colorless, isotonic, and alkaline. Neutralizes acidic gastric contents in duodenum 11/9/2018

Abrupt onset of deep epigastric pain Often with radiation to the back. History of previous episodes, often related to alcohol intake. Nausea, vomiting, sweating, weakness. Abdominal tenderness and distention and fever. Leukocytosis Elevated serum amylase Elevated serum lipase. 11/9/2018

4 Etiology Reflux of bile into pancreatic duct
Injury to pancreatic gland cells Hypercalcemia Hyperlipidemias Drugs- Chemo/ HIV Infections- Mumps/ CMV Cystic fibrosis 11/9/2018

5 Pain characteristics:
Abrupt epigastric/ upper abdo. pain (dull and boring) Radiates to the back Worse on recline & walking Better when sitting and leaning forward Weakness, sweating, and anxiety present Preceded by alcohol intake 11/9/2018

6 Symptoms and Signs Tender distended upper abdomen
Bowel sounds absent (ileus) Fever (38-39◦C) Tachycardia/ Shock/ Pallor 11/9/2018

7 Severe Pancreatitis >55 yrs WBC >16,000
Blood glucose >200 mg/dL Serum LDH >350 u/L AST >250 u/L 11/9/2018

8 Lab Workup Serum amylase and lipase > 3 x normal
Urine- protein +, casts +, glycosuria + AXR 11/9/2018

9 CT: Acute Pancreatitis

10 CT: Pseudocyst 11/9/2018

11 Pancreatic Pseudocyst: Draining into Stomach

12 Therapy ICU Pain relief Fluid Volume control Prevent complications
Fatal- 5-20% 11/9/2018


14 Essentials Chronic or intermittent epigastric pain Steatorrhea
Weight loss Abnormal pancreatic imaging. 11/9/2018

15 Predisposing Factors Toxic-metabolic- Alcoholic (80%)/ Tobacco
Idiopathic (20%) Genetic- chr.7 Autoimmune Recurrent and severe acute pancreatitis or Obstructive 11/9/2018

16 Steatorrhea: bulky, foul, fatty stools

17 Signs & Symptoms Episodic epigastric and left upper quadrant pain radiating to the upper left lumbar region are typical Anorexia Nausea, vomiting, constipation, flatulence, and Weight loss 11/9/2018

18 Lab Workup Serum amylase and lipase + / - ALP and Bili may be elevated
Excess fecal fat – pancreatic insufficiency AXR- calcification ERCP 11/9/2018

19 ERCP 11/9/2018

20 Therapy Correct strictures Low fat diet Forbid alcohol Avoid narcotics
Pancreatic enzyme supplements Raniitidine, Omeprazole suppress acid- help pancreatic enzymes 11/9/2018

21 Coated Uncoated Enteric-coated microspheres 5,000 10,000 20,000
Commonly Available Pancreatic Enzyme Preparations Preparation Form Enzyme Content (USP Units) Lipase Protease Amylase Uncoated Cotazym Capsule 8,000 30,000 Pancreatin Tablet 12,000 60,000 Viokase Coated Creon 5/10/20 Enteric-coated microspheres 5,000 10,000 20,000 18,750 37,500 75,000 16,600 33,200 66,400 Pancrease MT 4/10/16/20 Enteric-coated microtablets 4,000 10,000 16,000 20,000 12,000 30,000 48,000 44,000 12,000 30,000 48,000 56,000 Ultrase MT 6/12/16/20 6,000 12,000 18,000 20,000 19,500 39,000 58,500 65,000 11/9/2018

22 COMPLICATIONS Opioid addiction DM Pseudocyst / Abscess
Steatorrhea / Malnutrition Pancreatic cancer (4% after 20 yrs) 11/9/2018

23 Treatment of Steatorrhea

24 Prognosis Leads to chronic disability 11/9/2018


26 Essentials Obstructive jaundice (may be painless).
Enlarged gallbladder (may be painful). Late Manifestations: Upper abdominal pain with radiation to back Weight loss and Thrombophlebitis 11/9/2018

27 Cancer Pancreas Location: 75% in the head of pancreas
25% in the body & tail Ampulla of Vater / CBD / Head of Pancreas have similar presentation 90% of these are due to Cancer head of Pancreas 11/9/2018

28 Risk Factors Age Obesity Tobacco use Chronic pancreatitis
Prior abdominal radiation and Family history ‘New Diabetic’ after 50 yrs of age (suspect) 11/9/2018

29 Symptoms and Signs Vague, diffuse epigastric / LUQ pain (70%)
Pain indicates tumor spread beyond pancreas Maldigestion / diarrhea are early signs Weight loss a late sign Painless jaundice obstructive Sister Joseph's (Umbilical nodule) 11/9/2018

30 Diagnostic Test Multiphase thin-cut spiral CT scanning (80%) FNAC
PET scanning Endoscopic US scanning 11/9/2018

31 Therapy Explorative surgery (30%) / Laparoscopy
If localized - Radical pancreaticoduodenal (Whipple) resection Adjuvant chemo: Gemcitabine (Gemzar®) Fluorouracil, 5-FU (Adrucil®) Stenting of the duct 11/9/2018

32 Prognosis Body & Tail – poor (<2-5% 5 year survival)
Ampulla better (20-40%) Jaundice and lymph node involvement –poor Palliative care are essential 11/9/2018


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